Myers Briggs® Test: Type and EQ Emotional Intelligence Type Book (Level 3)
- Get 2 page MBTI® Personality Type Profile Chart Report
- Get the best MBTI® EQ book on how to develop emotional intelligence.
- Discover how Personality Type and Emotional Intelligence are linked together
- Understand your personality type and its strengths and challenges for developing EQ.
- Learn how to develop emotional intelligence EQ a critical skill for influencing people, building rapport, and understanding others
- Learn how to develop emotional intelligence for your personality type
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
$89.89 Add to cart

Personality Development Toolkit: (MBTI® Test – 4 Personality Growth Books (Level 5)
- Receive a 2 page MBTI® Personality Type Profile Chart Report – the foundation for personality development based on personality type
- Get 4 of the best MBTI® Personality Development books to help you achieve self development and personal growth goals
- Introduction to Type® – the most popular of the MBTI® books – helps you understand type concepts and integrate them into your self improving personal growth purposes
- Introduction to Type® and the Eight Jungian Functions is the best of the MBTI® books Myers Briggs® Strengths and Myers Briggs® Weaknesses
- Achieve self development and personal growth goals by applying your strengths and assets in the ares of career choice, communication, problem solving, leadership development, and change and conflict management
- Introduction to Type®and Dynamics and Development is the best of the MBTI® books on MBTI® Type Development or Personality Development
- Explores the key aspects of personality development :dynamics of type, interactions of extroversion and introversion on functions, personality development through the life cycle, the most likely path of your personality development and the personality development of other personality types
- In The Grip is the best of the MBTI® books on MBTI® Stress Management and Personal Mastery by learning to avoid what triggers it to express your inferior function (weaknesses) and learning how to avoid it and recover from its snares to achieve personal growth and self-development goals.
$189.89 Add to cart

FIRO® Test Business Chart (Level 1)
- Gain information about your interpersonal needs and behaviors in three areas that affect your business interactions
- Receive percentile score charts for Expressed Involvement, Influence, Connection, and Total Expressed Needs with explanations of your interpersonal behaviors in business interaction situations
- Receive percentile score charts for Wanted Involvement, Influence, Connection, and Total Wanted Needs with explanations of your interpersonal behaviors in business interaction situations
- Receive total score charts for Involvement, Influence, and Connection, and your Overall score with explanations of your interpersonal behaviors in business interaction situations
- Discover differences between Expressed and Wanted needs in business interactions
- Recommend purchasing combined FIRO® Business Interaction Test + Business Test for Leadership Style Potential for more thorough explanation, interpretation and application of scores
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$39.99 Add to cart

Myers Briggs® Test: MBTI® Communications Report (Level 2)
- MBTI® Personality Type Chart of Preferences and Orientations
- Summary of Your Myers Briggs® Communication Test Results
- How Your Extraversion and Introversion Affect Communications
- How Your Sensing and Intuition in Communication
- How Your Thinking and Feeling in Communication
- How Your Judging and Perceiving in Communication
- Communication Style and Strengths of Your Myers Briggs® Communication Type
- Communication Tips for Your Myers Briggs® Communication Type
- Consider the combined Communications and Decision -Making Report at discounted price
- Consider Myers Briggs® book on Introduction To Type® and Communication for more information
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$59.99 Add to cart

Myers Briggs® Test: Personality or Work Styles Comparison (2 persons) (Level 3.5)
- Learn about the 4 scale MBTI® Test Dichotomies Discover your personality type and the personality type of your partner or colleague
- Learn about each partner’s MBTI® Type at Work including description, motivators, work style, values, and difference in handling change and potential problems
- Learn about each partner’s communication Style, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to improve communications
- Learn about each partner’s Information Gathering Approach, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to remedy information gathering problems
- Learn about each partner’s Decision Making Approach, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to remedy Decision Making problems
- Learn about each partner’s Project or Life Management Style, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to remedy information gathering problems
- Receive Next Steps Discussion Sheet and Further Reading suggestion to moving forward
- Highly recommended MBTI® books: Introduction To Type® and Communication as well as the Introduction To Type® and Emotional Intelligence
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$149.99 Add to cart

Professional Development Toolkit: Myers Briggs® Test – 3 Growth Books (Level 5)
- Get 2 page MBTI® Personality Type Profile Chart Report
- Get the 3 best MBTI® books for developing skills critical for influencing people at work and influencing others in your life
- Discover how Personality Type plays a role in your emotional intelligence, communication style, and conflict resolution styles
- Read about your Personality Type from 3 different MBTI® books
- Understand your personality type and its strengths and challenges for developing EQ, communicating and resolving conflict effectively
- Learn how to develop emotional intelligence EQ a critical skill for influencing people
- Learn how to develop communication skills for different personality types necessary for influencing others effectively
- Learn how to develop effective conflict resolution skills for different personality types important to influence people at work
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
$164.89 Add to cart

TKI Conflict Management Inventory (Level 3)
- Reveals your personal Conflict Handling Pattern
- Learn to determine when one conflict behavior is productive and when choosing another style would be more effective.
- Understand the Uses and Misuses of a particular conflict-handling style
- Identifies your score on each of the Five Conflict-Handling Modes: CompetingCollaborating Compromising AvoidingAccommodating
- Gain Specific Suggestions for considering and using alternative approaches to resolve conflict.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$39.99 Add to cart
Interpersonal Skills
Effective interpersonal skills are the bedrock for success in all types of relationships, and most especially in business and work. Interpersonal skills encompass those traits and behaviors you exhibit when interacting with others which includes verbal, listening, written and non-verbal cues.
Key interpersonal skills sought most by employers include the following:
- Emotional Intelligence – composure, calm and control of emotions
- Empathy – understanding how other’s feel, aka sensitivity
- Team player – ability to work cooperatively with others
- Clarity – able to articulate complex ideas effectively to others
- Positivity – demonstrate cheerful attitude towards others
- Courage – ability to exhibit assertiveness in social situations
- Negotiations – discuss issues to come to shared agreement
- Feedback – open to receiving feedback from others and use it to grow
- Leadership – ability to influence and motivate others to perform toward achieve goals; choose bundle for best results

Key Interpersonal Skills for success in work relationships and for leadership
Interpersonal skill are beneficial in building strong effective relationships as couples/pairs, leaders, or professionals. Take a test now to enhance or improve the interpersonal skill you desire most now.

Interpersonal Skills test used to improve and enhance effective work communications for success as a professional, employee or leader. Click on linked words or picture to take you to most appropriate workplace interpersonal skills test to begin your journey to success through effective interpersonal skills with others.
Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication is the means through which people exchange messages be they information, emotions, or meaning, through both verbal and non-verbal messages.
Interpersonal communication is a ‘life skill’ which enables you to:
- Connect with others easily
- Maintain healthy relationships
- Provide clear and clean messages
- Express personal needs in an effective way
- Give and receive emotional support through empathy
- Offer reassurance and guidance as needed
- Give and receive task instructions
- Intuitively understand how decisions affect others
- Know how to ‘read a room’ and individuals in it
- Be true to your best self
All communications involves 6 elements best understood in this visual:

Interpersonal Communication Elements for Effective Interpersonal Skills
Cut the noise from this communication by clicking on the word you want use to enhance your interpersonal communications for more success at work and at home. Linked words take you to appropriate tests. Request list of free interpersonal tests here.