Complete Career Test

Complete Career Test
Complete Career Test is our superior career test level with 4 stars for finding your right career, righting work relationships, right leadership strategies and approaches just for you, for finding right profession or right career roles for your personality.
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Featured Complete Career Test
MBTI Myers Briggs - Personality Type Test
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Reports for persons in C-suite, management, supervision, business owners and leadership
Reports describing interpersonal needs, wants, behaviors and strategies for improvements

Leadership Interpersonal Style Test :FIRO®- Myers Briggs® Step 2 Reports (Level 6)

Advanced Leaders Test for Leader Style, Leader Behavior, Leader Traits and Leader Personality is produced by FIRO-B® and MBTI® Step II. Receive advanced 20 factor scale MBTI® Personality and Style information along with FIRO-B® / MBTI® Leaders Test about impact of your leader style, leader behavior, leader personality and leader traits on others, in organization and over culture.
33 + 32 Pgs in 6 in 2 Reports From 2 Tests plus 2 Consults and 2 AddOns
  • MBTI® Personality Type of Natural Preferences and Orientations in Clarity of Preferences Chart
  • Summary of Your Standard MBTI® Test Results
  • PLUS
  • Your Advanced Personality Style results from the MBTI® Step II™ Test
  • Clarity of Preferences for each of your Advanced Personality Style Test Factors
  • Along with an explanation of each of your Advanced Personality Style Test Factors
  • Detailed Applications of your Advanced Personality Style factors to communications, decision making, managing change and handling conflict and suggestion for how to improve them
  • Suggestions for Ways to Enhance your communications, decision-making, change and conflict management based on specific advanced personality style factors
  • Understanding How Your Parts of Your Personality Work Together
  • Integrating Standard MBTI® Step I™ with Advanced Personality Type MBTI® Step II™ Test Information
  • Using Type to Gain Understanding of Yourself, Others and Gain Perspective on Situations
  • Overview of Your Advanced Personality Type Test Results
  • PLUS
  • Snapshot explanation of your leadership style and behavior from your combined MBTI® and FIRO-B® Test results
  • Scores and basic interpretation of your FIRO-B® Assessment results along with scores on potential leadership roles
  • PLUS
  • Preferences and basic interpretation of your Myers Briggs® Style Test results along with effects in work settings and unique leadership role you will potentially play
  • Scores for and clarity of preferences from your Myers Briggs® Style Test and brief explanation of your personality in separate report
  • PLUS
  • Examination of Interpersonal Relations specifically your leader style and potential leader role
  • Examination of Working with Groups and Other Leaders as a result of your leader style and leader behavior test
  • Examination of your bases of power and influence in work setting based on test results from your leader personality and leader traits
  • Examination of how you deal with change resulting from your combined tests for leaders style and leader behavior
  • Action plan suggestion to improve the impact of your leader traits and leader style
  • PLUS
  • Receive two career workbooks to explain nuances, verify your test results, and gain additional information from interest and personality tests for careers
  • Two Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$199.89 Add to cart



MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report
Leadership Report Using the FIRO-B® and MBTI® Instruments
MBTI Verification Workbook
PPT Head Talking Points
PPT Head Stress Points
Popular Complete Career Test

Myers Briggs® 2.0 Test: 20-Scale Expanded Report ProGroup (Level 4)

MBTI® Step II™ Test offers an expanded  report based on a 20-factor scale personality profile (verus 4 point scale).  The Myers Briggs® Step II™ Test produces 17 pages of information on personality type  as well as how to apply it.  It covers communication, decision-making, managing change, managing conflict, your work style, your unique profile type, and more.  Excellent for leaders, professionals and anyone who has previously completed the 4 scale MBTI® test and wants a more specific definition of their unique type.
17 Pgs in 3 in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
  • MBTI® Personality Type of Natural Preferences and Orientations in Clarity of Preferences Chart
  • Summary of Your Standard MBTI® Test Results
  • PLUS
  • Your Advanced Personality Type results from the MBTI® Step II™ Test
  • Clarity of Preferences for each of your Advanced Personality Type Test Factors
  • Along with an explanation of each of your Advanced Personality Type Test Factors
  • Detailed Applications of your Advanced Personality Type factors to communications, decision making, managing change and handling conflict and suggestion for how to improve them
  • Suggestions for Ways to Enhance your communications, decision-making, change and conflict management based on specific advanced personality factors
  • Understanding How Your Parts of Your Personality Work Together
  • Integrating Standard MBTI Step I™ with Advanced Personality Type MBTI® Step II™ Test Information
  • Using Type to Gain Understanding of Yourself, Others and Gain Perspective on Situations
  • Overview of Your Advanced Personality Type Test Results
  • PLUS
  • One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$109.99 Add to cart



MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report
Recommended Complete Career Test
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Myers Briggs® 2.0 Test: 20-Scale Expanded Report (Level 4)

MBTI® Step II™ Test offers an expanded  report based on a 20-factor scale personality profile (verus 4 point scale).  The Myers Briggs® Step II™ Test produces 17 pages of information on personality type  as well as how to apply it.  It covers communication, decision-making, managing change, managing conflict, your work style, your unique profile type, and more.  Excellent for leaders, professionals and anyone who has previously completed the 4 scale MBTI® test and wants a more specific definition of their unique type.
17 Pgs in 3 in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
  • MBTI® Personality Type of Natural Preferences and Orientations in Clarity of Preferences Chart
  • Summary of Your Standard MBTI® Test Results
  • PLUS
  • Your Advanced Personality Type results from the MBTI® Step II™ Test
  • Clarity of Preferences for each of your Advanced Personality Type Test Factors
  • Along with an explanation of each of your Advanced Personality Type Test Factors
  • Detailed Applications of your Advanced Personality Type factors to communications, decision making, managing change and handling conflict and suggestion for how to improve them
  • Suggestions for Ways to Enhance your communications, decision-making, change and conflict management based on specific advanced personality factors
  • Understanding How Your Parts of Your Personality Work Together
  • Integrating Standard MBTI Step I™ with Advanced Personality Type MBTI® Step II™ Test Information
  • Using Type to Gain Understanding of Yourself, Others and Gain Perspective on Situations
  • Overview of Your Advanced Personality Type Test Results
  • PLUS
  • One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$109.99 Add to cart



MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report

Superior Career Scope – Perfect Career Tests

What constitutes an Superior Career Scope – Career Test?

PERFECT Career Tests, designated with 4 Stars, provide:
(1) Readability – quick and easy to read
(2) Career Descriptions – specific career information with explanations
(3) Career Charts – graphical display of career information
(4) Career Matches – specific matches to your career interests
(5) Specific Career Applications such as college, entrepreneurship, and skills
(6) Multiple Career Tests – results from at least 2 career tests
(7) Multiple Views – different types of career tests provided increased relevance.

PERFECT Career Test to learn ‘how to find the perfect career’ or ‘how to choose the perfect career’ or ‘how to pick the perfect career’. Sometimes searched for just ‘find the perfect career for you’, or ‘find the perfect job for you’, or ‘find out what is my perfect job’. PERFECT Career Tests are sometimes referred to as what is my perfect job quiz, discover your perfect career quiz, perfect job questionnaire, find your perfect career quiz, perfect job for you quiz, or find my perfect job quiz.

Superior Career Tests are the best career assessments. A step above advanced these career tests provide you with best results and the path to your career.

“Originally I didn’t think the tests would tell me THAT much.  But they did.  And the follow-up questions [in the consult process] gave me some important “ahhas”.”

Lydia B, IT Manager, Fortune 500 Insurance Company

SCOPE DEFINED for Career Tests

All career testing tools are quality career tests provided by respected career test publishers
and all career test assessments possess
scientifically sound reliability and validity scores.
However, the career test results are supplied to you in career test reports differ in the amount of data provided and, therefore reports vary in scope. Scope refers to the amount of data provided in career test reports.

PRICING DEFINED: (varies accordingly with scope of reported data)

BASIC scope (easy career test and short career test) reports – under $50
MODERATE scope (right career test) reports -between $40 to $100.
ADVANCED scope (good career test) reports – between $50 and $150.
SUPERIOR scope (perfect career test) reports – between $150 to $600.
COMPREHENSIVE scope (ideal career test) reports – between $75 and $500.
BEST COMBO scope (ultimate career test) reports) – between $300 to $1300.

EXCEPTION: The entire section of MBTI® Superior Scope Career Test reports is priced between $99 and $130.

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