SDS Career Test for Hobby Rec Retirement and Guide (Level 1)
- Assesses your career interests, hobby interests as weill as interests in several other categories
- Tally up your scores to determine your top career codes
- Review leisure, recreation and hobby interest for your top 3 career codes
- Choose your leisure, recreation and hobbies from list of options
- Hundreds of recreation and hobbies to choose from in the Leisure Activities Finder Booklet
Get suggestions about next steps in this special Hollands Self Directed Search SDS set of booklets
- PAPER ONLY – Mailed
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SDS Career Test for Hobby Rec Retirement and Guide (Level 1)
- Assesses your career interests, hobby interests as weill as interests in several other categories
- Tally up your scores to determine your top career codes
- Review leisure, recreation and hobby interest for your top 3 career codes
- Choose your leisure, recreation and hobbies from list of options
- Hundreds of recreation and hobbies to choose from in the Leisure Activities Finder Booklet
Get suggestions about next steps in this special Hollands Self Directed Search SDS set of booklets
- PAPER ONLY – Mailed
$19.99 Add to cart

SDS Career Test for Hobby Rec Retirement and Guide (Level 1)
- Assesses your career interests, hobby interests as weill as interests in several other categories
- Tally up your scores to determine your top career codes
- Review leisure, recreation and hobby interest for your top 3 career codes
- Choose your leisure, recreation and hobbies from list of options
- Hundreds of recreation and hobbies to choose from in the Leisure Activities Finder Booklet
Get suggestions about next steps in this special Hollands Self Directed Search SDS set of booklets
- PAPER ONLY – Mailed
$19.99 Add to cart
Recreation Tests
Recreation Tests measures what activities of leisure bring you enjoyment and satisfaction.
All people need to do something to experience a positive sense of worth, and some people have different activities that help them find that sense of worth. When a person finds something that meets both their interests and values, they gain a sense of well-being. This is the type of well-being measured by happiness quotients done globally every few years.
You can find a meaningful recreational activity here with our Recreation Tests.
Two of our main tests are the Self-Directed Search Tests and SII. The former provides the most options for activities you will enjoy. The Strong Interest Inventory®, a very reputable test, provides a short list of ideas.
SII Reports
I was part of one of your groups while I was in the Carrier Division here in Minneapolis a couple of years back. I have successfully escaped and moved to Small Business, where I can sleep at night, I am making considerably more money, much happier, have a window seat, and am about 2 years away from retirement at age 50! I also wanted to say thanks again for your help getting me through a very difficult time in my career. I hope that your are doing well, both career wise and with your life outside.
Jeff, Service Manager
Retirement Tests
Retirement Tests measure activities available for people in or preparing for retirement. When your employment stops completely and you have left the work force permanently, you are retired – what next?
Most people choose to retire when they are eligible for private or public pension benefits, although some are forced to retire when physical conditions don’t allow the person to work any more. A person may also choose a semi-retirement option by reducing work hours. All of these situations make you eligible for a retirement test.
You have extra time on your hands, but that doesn’t mean you have to waste the rest of your life away. Retirement tests help you stay active, sharp, fulfilled, and happy in your non-working years.
Use our Retirement Tests to find retirement interests or a retirement career. Self-Directed Search Tests provide some retirement career ideas, while Strong Interest Inventory® provides the best list of activities. Also consider the MBTI® Test.
OTHER Reports