Myers Briggs® Test: MBTI® Desion-Making Style Report (Level 2)
- Myers Briggs® Personality Type Chart of Natural Preferences and Orientations
Receive a Summary of Your Myers Briggs® Decision Test Results
- Learn how Your Personality Type Preferences impact your Decision Making
- Discover the Strengths and Challenges of Your Decision-Making Style
- Understand How the Personality Type Dynamics influence your Decision Making
- Learn about Decision Making Through Four Personality Type Lenses
- Obtain Decision Making Tips and Action Steps
- Consider the combined Communications and Decision -making Report at discounted price
- Consider Myers Briggs® book on Introduction To Type® and Decision Making for more information
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

Myers Briggs® Test: Profile with 3 College-Careers Type Books (Level 4)
- MBTI Profile Report of your personality type which includes your preferences, description of your personality type, and your unique preference pattern
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Three MBTI® books:
- Introduction to Type® in College (Myers Briggs® Book on MBTI® College and MBTI® College Majors) -32 page MBTI® booklet featuring choosing majors and careers, learning styles, college environment, student tasks and dealing with stress for each MBTI® personality type.
- Introduction to Type® and Careers (Myers Briggs® Book – best way to find MBTI® careers or MBTI® Career Choice for your MBTI® type) – lists most popular careers for your type, along with job search strategies for your MBTI® career type.
- Introduction to Type® and Learning (Myers Briggs® Book on MBTI® Learning Styles or Myers Briggs® Learning Styles or MBTI® Learning) – 58 page MBTI® booklet featuring the top ten learning strategies, how each personality type characteristic learns best, and description of each of the eight learning styles
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.

FIRO-B® Test Work&Personal Interactions Report (Level 2)
- Discover your tested Relationship Orientations, People Skills Behaviors and Interpersonal Wants for Inclusion Control and Affection
- Receive scores chart for Expressed and Wanted Involvement, Influence, Connection, and Totals with brief caption of your interpersonal behaviors and relationship needs
- Receive a detailed interpretation of your FIRO-B® Assessment results of your individual and overall interpersonal needs, total expressed and wanted interpersonal behaviors, and your total relationship needs
- Discover your relationship behavior patterns for fulfilling your interpersonal need for Inclusion, Control and Affection
- Learn how your tested interpersonal needs can help you evaluate career opportunities
- Learn how your tested interpersonal needs can help you improve your effectiveness on a team
- Learn how your highest expressed interpersonal need shapes the relationship foundations of your leadership style
- Suggest purchasing combined discounted FIRO-B® Behavioral Interpersonal Relationship Test Charts + Interpersonal Relationship Test at Work for more detailed scores chart with interpretation and application of results
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

Strong Career College Test Report (Level 2)
- Strong Test for Adult Career Test Charts
- Specifically detailed explanations of General Career Theme
- Explanation of your Top best work areas or Interest Areas
- Explanation of skills, activities, and related jobs for your Top 10 Career Matches
- Description of your 5 Personal Work Styles categories
- Interpretive Summary of Career Test Charts
- Your two career motivators based on unique combination of your top two career interests
- Your most suitable career fields based on overall career code themes
- The typical activities for each of your 5 work interest areas
- The skills, activities, knowledge and abilities for each of your top 10 career matches
- Specific work environment suggestions for your 5 personal styles
- Action steps for each sections and resources to research more information about specific careers
- List of typical college majors for each of your top career interest themes
- List of Organization activities, internship, job and college course suggestion for each work interest area
- Degree required, college course needed and related careers for each of your top 10 career matches
- Free access to the Strong Interest Inventory® College Student Worksheet for Choosing College Majors
- An Interactive Feedback of your choice with video option. Required by the Official test publishing company
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

Myers Briggs® Test: MBTI® Org – Work Success Report (Level 3)
- MBTI® Type Chart of Natural Preferences and Orientations
- Explanation of your Communication andProblem-Solving styles
- How your Dominant Functioncontributes to the organization
- Handling Stress at work
- And 6 key features of your Work Style including Leadership and Learning style
- Suggestions for Development
- Consider Introduction To Type® in Organizations booklet for more information
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

Work Success: Myers Briggs® Personality+THAB Aptitude + Books/Consults (Level 7)
- Receive Two TOP-of-the-LINE working tests
- The THAB work ability test combined with the MBTI® work type test!
- With the MBTI®® Working Test in Organizations you receive:
- Description of your 6 key features of Work Type Style and Preferences of your Type at Work
- Explanation of your Communication and Problem-Solving styles
- How your Work Strengths contribute to the organization
- How your Work Type deals with stress at work
- Describes your Leadership and Learning styles at work
- Offers Suggestions for Development
- The THAB Work Ability Test which uses cutting edge technology based on 50 years of research to objectively measure your abilities
- Provides an extensive explanation of your results on each of the 19 work ability test modules
- Describes 4 key factors of your personal Work Ability Style
- Discover DRIVING Abilities that unconsciously demand expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success, career advancement and career growth
- Presents rank order of 35 specific transferable work skill areas resulting from combination of the 19 abilities)
- Discover How you learn most efficiently in a work or training setting
- Discover the critical components of your ideal working environment
- Discover your problem-solving and decision making style based on your work abilities
- Receive an explanation of your communication style based on your work abilities
- Discover the Audience, Customer or Client type you work best with
- ALL from an objective assessment of your HARD-WIRED ABILITIES!!
- PLUS Two Career Workbooks to clarify each career test results
- Receive 2 Career Test CompreConsults to apply your career test results to your unique situation
- Receive your best career roles and occupational options for each based on your career talents and career capabilities in the Customized Career Role Report
- Receive one SyntheConsult to review customized career role report from your unique ability pattern
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

Leadership Strengths Assessment w/ 2 Books/Consults (Level 6)
- Graphical Chart of Your Leader Ability Assessment Profile
- Extensive Explanation of Each Ability usually one page in length
- Descriptions of your 5 Personal Style factors
- Identifies and explains each of your Driving Abilities which Unconsciously Demand Expression
- Driving abilities are the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge about your leadership abilities
- Extensive descriptions of the each of the Specialized Abilities and how they impact your leadership abilities
- Discover specific combinations of leadership abilities that articulate your leadership style behaviors in two key areas
- Specific leadership applications and your personal leader style or type
- Discover the Audience or Client type you work best with
- Explanations of the key role that vocabulary in leadership success
- ALL this from an OBJECTIVE Analysis of your HARD-WIRED ABILITIES!!
- Leader Work Right Right Work workbook which explain the nuances of labels used in reports and provide additional information that will further expand your understanding of your leader test results
- Two Comprehensive Consults to address every concern, question and misinterpretations you might have to accurately understand and apply the results to your leadership role
School and College GroupsTeacher WorkshopsMinistry WorkshopsLawyers and Legal Pro WorkshopsNursing and Medical Pro Workshop
Group Career Testing is used for individual members within a group of people such as students, colleagues, workers, associates, professionals or leaders. Often as part of a training or workshop or class providing personal and professional insights impacting career decisions or professional development.
With Group Career or Work Testing, each individual completes the chosen test and receives their own report. Individual members of a group will receive an introduction to the test and testing process. In addition, a debrief of test results is required upon completion of tests. Debriefs can be conducted individually or as a group via our videos, our consultants or by the professional in charge of the group. See detailed explanation in other sidebar.
Group Career or Work Testing is different from Team Testing. With team testing, a ‘team report’ is generated for the team from the results of its members. Team testing is used to understand the composition of the team as a whole and to enhance team cohesion and productivity. See Team Testing if this is what you seek.
Group Career and Work Testing gives access to state-of-the-art tests to professionals working with groups of people who are affiliated with each other but may or may not be part of the same team. Below are examples of professionals using Group Testing.
Group Testing using Career Tests are most often chosen by professionals such as:
- Teachers
- Career Counselors
- Life Coaches
- Trainers and Facilitators
- Guidance Counselors
For students, clients, workshops, and participants of their training.
Group Testing using Work Tests are most chosen by professionals such as:
- HR Managers
- Outplacement Managers
- Psychologists
- Organizational Development Consultants
- Mentors
For employees, professional clients, trainees, new hires and workshop attendees.
How to Use Group Testing for either students or working professionals.
It is easy and simple to incorporate our career and work tests into your training, workshop or classroom. We have automated much of the process. Here is an overview of what steps you will need to complete when using our tests for you educational purpose.
Step 1: Choose Test
Step 2: Choose Debrief Training Modules
Step 3: Choose Testing Professional (maybe you)
Step 4: Participants and Setting
Step 5: Delivery
Step 6: Make payment or Receive Unique Code
Request Consultation
Before you walk through these steps, you might want to discuss your education or training situation with one of our experts. Click here to get your questions and concerns addressed now.
Testing Process Step Details
Step 1: Choose Test … Review the list of tests most suitable for group purposes. There are different reports available for each test. Select both the test and report you’d like for your participants. Once you have done so, please remember that an introduction to the test and testing process must conducted before individual testing begins. This ensures that your participants receive clear instructions so that all are prepared when your training continues. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us.
Step 2: Choose Introduction/ Debrief … Before testing begins, individuals in the group need to know about the test and how to complete the testing process. The introduction can be done (1) individually via email and link or (2) as a group with all workshop participants or (3) including parents when students are the participants.
… Following the completion of tests, an interactive debrief of results is required. Participants must understand their results. There are a number of debrief options. It can be conducted (1) as a group during the training (2) individually or (3) combination of group and individual. The later is most useful for complex test reports or career decision-making.
Step 3: Choose Professional … The person to conduct the introduction and/or debrief can be the same person or different people or one of our videos. Furthermore, the professional can be one of our own consultants or yourself or your own testing professional. Or you can choose to employ the use of our videos to provide the debrief again to the entire group or individually outside of the training time. Professors and therapists typically choose the later option.
Step 4: Participants and Settings …
Step 5: Delivery … If you wish participants of the group to complete the testing and debrief on their own time individually, you will simply receive a code. The code is for their convenience, and completion tracking should you wish to do so. …. If participants complete testing individually but receive test result feedback (debrief) as a group, more