Career Transition WorkshopsMyers Briggs® Type WorkshopsWork/ Leader DevelopmentSelf-Improvment WorkshopsInterpersonal Workshops
School and College GroupsTeacher WorkshopsMinistry WorkshopsLawyers and Legal Pro WorkshopsNursing and Medical Pro Workshop
School and College GroupsTeacher WorkshopsMinistry WorkshopsLawyers and Legal Pro WorkshopsNursing and Medical Pro Workshop
Work/ Leader Development
- Discover your Internal Motivators and Intrinsic Reward Needs
- Learn what Drives you to work and work hard
- Measures the four intrinsic rewards that influence engagement: meaningfulness choice competence and progress
- Receive a Personalized Interpretation with appealing graphics
- Includes building blocks and an Action Plan worksheet
- Offers important Discussion Points for employee and manager
- Identifies options to help increase engagement in the work
- For companies that want to build intrinsic reward systems
- For individuals who want to better understand the internal factors that provide job satisfaction.
- Myers Briggs® Personality Type Chart of Natural Preferences and Orientations
- Learn how Your Personality Type Preferences impact your Decision Making
- Discover the Strengths and Challenges of Your Decision-Making Style
- Understand How the Personality Type Dynamics influence your Decision Making
- Learn about Decision Making Through Four Personality Type Lenses
- Obtain Decision Making Tips and Action Steps
- Consider the combined Communications and Decision -making Report at discounted price
- Consider Myers Briggs® book on Introduction To Type® and Decision Making for more information
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- Receive summary of your MBTI® personality type
- Discover your natural personality type response characteristics when not under stress
- Discover your unique stress style, stress response and stress behaviors based on your personality
- Learn how your stress responses and behaviors are triggered based on your stress personality style
- Learn steps for handling your stress response and get steps to reduce your stress
- Discover specific ways others help you reduce stress and facilitate more effective stress responses from you based on your stress personality style
- Highly recommended to purchase these two MBTI® books: Introduction To Type® as well as In The Grip (an Introduction To Type® on Stress)
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- MBTI® Type Chart of Natural Preferences and Orientations
- Explanation of your Communication andProblem-Solving styles
- How your Dominant Functioncontributes to the organization
- Handling Stress at work
- And 6 key features of your Work Style including Leadership and Learning style
- Suggestions for Development
- Consider Introduction To Type® in Organizations booklet for more information
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- Identify your single Career Anchor – unique combination of career motivators and career values
- Detailed explanation of your Career Anchor (career values motivator)
- Paperless report printed almost immediately which intuitively easy to understand
- Career Anchors workbook with exercises to augment your career values discoveries
- Use Career Anchors workbook for career development, career history analysis and future career planning
- Get 2 page MBTI® Project Manager Personality Type Profile Chart Report
- Get the best MBTI® book on being an effective project manager
- Understand project management and personality type and how they intersect to provide strategies for becoming one of the successful project managers
- Read about your project manager personality type and your project manager characteristics
- Read about the strengths and blindshots of your project manager traits
- Obtain suggestions and action steps to become a successful project manager
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Myers Briggs® Type Chart of Natural Preferences and Orientations
- Learn about your Myers Briggs® Communication Style Strengths and Weaknesses
- Discover your natural Myers Briggs® approach to communicating with others
- Receive Tips for Improving your Communication Style with all other Myers Briggs® Types
- Obtain full description of your Myers Briggs® Decision Making Personality
- How your decision style works through the decision making dynamics and four lens
- Receive Tips and action steps for Improving decision style and communication style outcomes with others.
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Consider Myers Briggs® book: Introduction To Type® and Decision Making and/or Communication booklets for more information
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- Get 2 page MBTI® Personality Type Profile Chart Report
- Get the 3 best MBTI® books for developing skills critical for influencing people at work and influencing others in your life
- Discover how Personality Type plays a role in your emotional intelligence, communication style, and conflict resolution styles
- Read about your Personality Type from 3 different MBTI® books
- Understand your personality type and its strengths and challenges for developing EQ, communicating and resolving conflict effectively
- Learn how to develop emotional intelligence EQ a critical skill for influencing people
- Learn how to develop communication skills for different personality types necessary for influencing others effectively
- Learn how to develop effective conflict resolution skills for different personality types important to influence people at work
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.

Work Engagement Test: Profile – Interpretive Report (Level2)
Work Engagement Interpretive Profile is a Worker Satisfaction Survey or Employee Job Satisfaction Survey and could be used as a personal Job Satisfaction Quiz to determine personal job satisfaction or employee engagement with their job.
15 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 0 Consult and 0 AddOns

Myers Briggs® Test: MBTI® Desion-Making Style Report (Level 2)
Myers Briggs® Decision Test Decision Making Style Test used as d decision making test to improve decision making and decisions. Produces a 9 pg Myers Briggs® Decision Report with summary of your Myers Briggs® personality type and its impact on decision making plus description of your decision making style and tips for improving decision making.
9 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
Receive a Summary of Your Myers Briggs® Decision Test Results

Myers Briggs® Test for Stress Management Style and Report (Level 2)
Take Stress Test for assessing your stress response, stress behavior and stress style - This MBTI® Stress Assessment is a stress questionnaire that measures personality stress and provides steps to reduce stress specifically for your stress style.
9 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns

Myers Briggs® Test: MBTI® Org – Work Success Report (Level 3)
The MBTI® Test for Work Types and Types at Work is a extensive jungian personality test for types at work in organization. It produces a detailed 10 page MBTI® results report of Your MBTI® Work Style Snapshot, Work Style Chart, Preferences at Work Chart, Communication Style Chart
& Problem-Solving Approach.
10 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns

Work/Career Values Test: Career Anchors and Guide book (Level 3)
Career Anchors is a Career Values Assessment, Career Values Scale or Work Values Test for identifying Career Role, Career Motivator and understanding impact of career values on your work
6 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 0 Consult and 1 AddOns

Myers Briggs® Test: Type and Project Management by Type Book (Level 3)
Desire being an effective project manager? Want to be one of the successful project managers? Take this project manager personality type test with MBTI® book to discover your project manager traits and develop the key project manager characteristics that will make you one of the effective project managers.
2 + 52 Pages in 1 Report and 1 Booklet from 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 1 AddOns

Myers Briggs® Personality Test: Decision and Communications (Level 3)
Take 1 Myers Briggs® to get Communications test plus decision test - the combined communication style assessment & decision making test produces summary of your MBTI® personality type and it effect on your communications and decision making, description of your communication style, decision making style and tips for improvements in both areas. USEFUL for leaders, managers, and ambitious professionals.
18 Pgs in 2 Reports From 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns

Professional Development Toolkit: Myers Briggs® Test – 3 Growth Books (Level 5)
Discover how to positively influence others so you can achieve your goals at work and in life. Learn how you naturally operate in the world, and how you can improve in three crucial areas related to success: communication, conflict resolution, and emotional intelligence EQ. Receive basic MBTI Profile report with 3 MBTI booklet. Receive PDF of each booklet containing information for all MBTI types. This enables you to understand yourself and others at work and in your life. (Booklets samples unavailable.)
2 + 156 Pages in 1 Report and 3 Booklets from 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 3 AddOns