Hear from some of our clients!

Keith - Forecasting Manager
Excellent Seminar!! I’ve been recommending it to many individuals. When I first registered to take this group of sessions, I was not thrilled. I was just satisfying my boss who recommended I take them. I’ve taken Strong Interest Inventory and Myers-Briggs® career assessment tests in the past and found no value since there was no accompanying assistance. After reviewing the results with you I very much buy into the results. Thanks. I really appreciated your professional, pleasant manner. You are very knowledgeable. Thanks.
Joanne York - USWC PR Manager
The Path is a tool for employees who want to sharpen and improve their leadership skills. This class helps people deal with issues that can get in the way of personal effectiveness. What I came away with is the opportunity to use my personal values in a way that absolutely supports principle-centered leadership. . . . the follow-up career coaching, improves the people skills and understand the power of personal leadership.
Kevin - Telecommunication Engineer
This is the best resume class ever. I learned so much more in 3 hours than I ever have in the all day resume course I took as part of my separation package. This was outstanding.
Peter - Manager of Occupational Employees
This is the best, most knowledgeable, most comprehensive course in career planning I’ve been exposed to. Your intuitive ability is what sets your course apart, I think.
Scott - Training Manager
I don’t often give such high scores for workshops, but yours gets straight “A’s”. You know your material so well you can teach it to a wide range of us students. You took time for everyone.
Jan Rogers - Business Analyst, Dish Network
I couldn't have done it without you!
TC - Media One (went from front-line manager to VP in New York)
I truly enjoy working with you - Thanks for all your support and encouragement.
Jaye Stroud -
I value the time I spent with you [last year], and I appreciate your professional and very human style at performing your good work. Thank you for tapping into me and getting me going. Lots has happened to me since we last met. . . I hope you enjoyed the work I've sent your way. I've heard nothing but positive feedback about you. NO Surprise. Thanks for all your great work, Marjorie!*
Natalie Jenkins - COO, PREPinc.com
I have grown a lot as a result of your career coaching and am very pleased.
Joanne York - USWC PR Manager
I came in to update my resume. I ended up redefining my relationship to work and leadership, and driving up productivity. The overall result is that I'm a better employee and person.
Siri -
Thanks so much for your help. Hope to continue our relationship in 1999 with your career coaching. I'm sure I will be a "winner" soon.
Andy Fish - Qwest Telecommunications
As I reflect on the past year, I look back in amazement because I took the risk and landed a job that I hand picked and more than doubled my salary. Again, thank you.
Lisa -
I wanted to "thank you" for your time and your great inspiration to me the last few months. I understand by working with you why you are such a tremendous success in what you do and your great ability to help people.
Cere Turchin Dussault - Cost Accountant, Ball Aerospace and Technologies
In just 39 months I have advanced from a Technical Clerk at US West to a Payroll Analyst at Ball Corporation to an Accountant at Ball Aerospace. My career has been continually advancing even though our country is in economical hard times.
Mike Pero - US West Communications
I want to take this opportunity to this opportunity to say THANKS or everything you gave me. You have made a difference in my life and I will not forget. I have [also] thoroughly enjoyed the relationship [in consulting and career coaching] we had together.
Susan - US WEST Communications
Marjorie has the ability to cut through the noise and get to the heart of an individual - the place were decisions begin. I appreciate your guidance, "career coaching" and friendship! One of the biggest blessings in my "career" change.
Dave Vigil -
I appreciate your support in getting me started on my goal. You have influenced me even though we have not visited regularly - in my heart I felt that you believed in me and I did not want to let you down. Thank you for the positive influence.
Jan R - Business Analyst to Funded Independent Movie Writer / Prod
Things are really rockin' and rollin' on this end - thanks in large part to your help! We're off to LA next week - things are happening so fast!! It's all wonderfully exiting. If you saw me today you probably wouldn't even recognize me. The stress completely gone and I'm having a blast with my new life. Stay tuned....
Jeff - Service Manager
When I took this test my senior year of college I thought it was a big waste of my time and wanted to get it done with as fast as possible. Now that I am a junior in college I have noticed that the things that were revealed in the test were actually correct. It said my number one thing was law enforcement and after switching my major three times I have finally realized that law enforcement is what I want to do. I would like to thank Marjorie Hofer for her test and helping me find my true calling in life.
Tom Lenderink - Junior College Student - Dart College
I was part of one of your groups while I was in the Carrier Division here in Minneapolis a couple of years back. I have successfully escaped and moved to Small Business, where I can sleep at night, I am making considerably more money, much happier, have a window seat, and am about 2 years away from retirement at age 50! I also wanted to say thanks again for your help getting me through a very difficult time in my career. I hope that your are doing well, both career wise and with your life outside.
Susan Turner - MediaOne Market Manager
Marjorie Wall Hofer has helped me sift through static, identify problem areas, and to develop "tactics" to approach work more positively.
Janelle Brinks - Director, Business Integrity, US West International, Inc
I've been working with Marjorie off and on for 2 years now and she has been instrumental in helping me evaluate my skills and career interests. One important point I learned from her career coaching is that you have to be true to yourself in pursuing job opportunities and promotions . . . And IT WORKS!
Pam - Senior Account Manager
You may remember me – I took a few other sessions from you when “my company” was “reengineering”. Well, with some thanks to you, I’m in a job I absolutely love.
James S - Manager
[My coach's] astute questioning . . . led me down an entirely different path [than I was on]. Thanks to her career coaching, I am now doing what I want and love. I have achieved a greater level of job satisfaction and more importantly, I know where I want to go.
Lynn - Paralegal
I was on the fast track, doing well, making money, but I wasn’t happy. Working with Marjorie has been a win/win situation. Instead of the fast track, I’m on the right track and I’m a lot happier. I believe a talented, dedicated person like Marjorie cannot go unrecognized because it is so seldom one encounters individuals of this caliber in any field. It is also just as seldom that I would write a letter of this nature.
Gail - MediaOne Marketing Manager
Marjorie [my coach] has the unique ability to identify the unresolved core issues in your life and to challenge you to address them. She asks the hard questions. . . I love talking with you and wish we lived closer.
Susan Turner - MediaOne
Thank you again for your assistance yesterday. I think I am getting "it". Pat [VP] thinks that I have achieved quite a bit in six months. . . . Oh, I even inserted a "plug" for you, my fabulous Leadership Coach!
Cheri Tilton -
You are so creative and resourceful! The things that make you such a great coach. I miss you and am interested in getting myself back 'online' with you.
Keith Leonard -
Thanks to you and Kathy (d 12.19.10) for being "there" to help me uncover and begin to realize my mission. You both are true "constellations" in this adventure of discovery!! My gratitude always.
C King - after initial appointment
I just called to give you a heartfelt "thank you". For once I feel like I just might get somewhere. So once again thank you.
Neal Ogburn -
It's been great working with you and THANK YOU!
Rodney Cross -
Thank you so very much for all your help and encouragement. I finally did it; I have enrolled [in college] in their Engineering Technology/Computer Aided Manufacturing and Automated Systems program. I am really enjoying the classes. Thanks again!!!
Richard Osada -
Thank you. Thank you for the understanding. Thank you for the tools. Thank you, most of all, for the assistance and direction.When I [started], I was quite lost. As I said the first [time], I had done about 40 different things in my life, [ and yet] I felt like a failure. . . . [Then] imagine my feeling of hopeless ness when the test results came back and told me nothing more than what I already knew. I'm not sure exactly what made things started to turn around for me. Reading and evaluating the test results. Interacting with people in the class. Reading the [recommended resources]. Sitting face-to-face with [people in jobs I thought I'd like] and asking them hard, searching questions. Most of all being supported by you. You told me it would be hard to do this evaluation right. You told me I was at a stage where I would be confused. Every time you told me I would need time to think, you knocked out a stone from the wall of self-doubt. Without your direction the tools [career assessment tests and resources] might very well have been useless. Thank you for showing us how to use those tools and believe in ourselves while using them. If I can help in any way, if I can share my experience with any others, please let me know.
Deb Place - Qwest Contractor
This year, after sorting through years of school, career plans, and researching job opportunities, Marjorie helped me find what I was looking for! Her sincere interest and passion for helping others has left me empowered for life!
Janelle Brinks - Director, Business Integrity, US West International, Inc
I've been working with Marjorie off and on for 2 years now and she has been instrumental in helping me evaluate my skills and career interests. One important point I learned from her career coaching is that you have to be true to yourself in pursuing job opportunities and promotions . . . And IT WORKS!
Mike Pero - US West Communications
I want to take this opportunity to this opportunity to say THANKS or everything you gave me. You have made a difference in my life and I will not forget. I have [also] thoroughly enjoyed the relationship [in consulting and career coaching] we had together.
Carolee Laughton - US West Communications
I have recommended you to many people, as you did a lot for me. I thank you sincerely for the expertise you've acquired, and doubly thank you for the side of you that shares that knowledge with others. You truly have a gift.
Andy Fish - US West Communications
I came to [get consulting services] because I wanted control of my career. Through her career coaching, Marjorie Wall Hofer has given me the skills and knowledge to take control and stay in the drivers seat. Her expertise has helped me understand what it takes to compete in the job market."
Jackie Evans - Clerk, Qwest
THANK YOU! For all your help in career directions and answered questions during the past years. I am sure many employees have been as grateful [as I]. I can move on now!
Gerry Rinn - Qwest Communications
Thanks for all the information, Marjorie. I definitely feel like you put me in the right direction. I am excited to follow up on all the information you provided me. It was a pleasure meeting you, and I will be in touch with you soon.
Johnathan Dunn - Wild at Heart
I just want to thank you for all your insight and help! I have contacted [people] about career opportunities. Thanks for your honesty, candor and guidance.
Debbie Marsh - Re-entry to Job Market -- now Fully employed Journalist
The interest test [SII], the personality test [MBTI®] and the Highlands Ability Battery [that I took] all indicated one area where I would flourish: writing. . . .[and] each test confirmed and clarified [that] direction. . . Looking at all my abilities in combination, Marjorie further defined my strengths. “Your profile indicates you should consider writing that communicates a message for an organization, or teaches others about it,” she told me.[After my first semester in journalism at college, I noticed]. . . a local company was looking for a writer for its online disability site, a major player in the national market. I was hired at my first interview. . . Last week, my boss asked me to stay in the conference room after our team meeting. I prepared myself for the worst, as our company has had several rounds of layoffs. [Instead . . ] she said, “I want to offer you a formal [fulltime] job.”
Deborah Irvin - Investment Specialist, CWA
I have been very happy to have the help from the consultant. I am pleased about the help I've had.
Teri Pfenneberger -
Expertise evident! Always recommends solutions to everyone's issues. It been a success for me!
Dave Vigil - CWA Union 7777 Representative
I am going to miss you, out of all the [consultants] I have had the pleasure of working with. Not only did your smile light up the room, but your knowledge and willingness to help others make their career lives right.
Brian Curtiss - Finance Director, National Company
Career development and leadership training can be very subjective. I find working with subjective information unsettling and ultimately not effective. The testing (THAB, MBIT, SII) provided the basis (and the facts) from which we were able to begin working on my career development. While the career assessment tests themselves were very creative, insightful and helpful, it was Marjorie’s ability to bring meaning to the results that sets her apart from all other career coaches I have worked with. She is able to see beyond the numbers and descriptors to bring deeper insight to the results.
Lydia B - IT Manager, Fortune 500 Insurance Company
"Originally I didn’t think the career assessment tests [THAB &MBTI®] would tell me THAT much. But they did. And the follow-up questions [in the consult process] gave me some important “ahhas”."
Kathabelle -
Thank you so much for all the time and effort. Life has turned around 180 degrees, is still changing and I will always remember how you took the extra time to see me . . . and the extras that you do for others too.
Lisa Parkinson -
I want to thank you for the time we spent together and the positive influence and strength you've given me. You are terrific.
Cecilia Travis - US West Communications
Thank you so much for your time and guidance. It was very helpful and I am delighted to have your suggestions . . . getting back so quickly while your ideas are still fresh in my mind.
Leann Vogel - Data Specialist, Qwest Communications
I was helped to discover my career path through a battery of career assessment tests and assessments. Now, I am enrolled in a bachelor's degree. I do believe that my education will help me re-enter the job market. I am finding that the minimum requirement for employment with most companies is a bachelor's degree.
Keith Leonard - US West
Exciting, exhilarating, and dynamic - The Path [Creating your Mission and Vision Statements] moved me from trying to figure out my career to LIVING my passion/mission.
Robert Flanders - Investment Specialist
My initial experience was to do a personality test to see where I want to be in my career path and what degree would best help me succeed in the business world. The test reinforced the idea of finance and that a degree in that field would be my best course of action. These career assessment tests help me to better understand myself and realize why I do some of the things that I do. It also showed that I was able to go back to school. It encouraged me, and kept me going class after class.
Brian Curtiss - Finance Director, National Company
The Highlands and Myers-Briggs® in combination have been most useful in the growth and development of my career and myself as an individual.
Carolee Laughton - Writing, Editing, Graphic Design & Media Services
The reason I took the THAB test in November and went through the process is to determine WHAT career would be best with my abilities, and I told you that entrepreneur was my choice and I was beginning to work toward that goal. My business name below is registered with the state, I have opened up a business bank account, and the accountant comes to set up my books next week. . . . Thank you for your help in being catalysts toward that goal, and thank you for continuing to help me learn to grow my business correctly.
Brian Curtiss - Finance Director, National Company
The career assessment tests have allowed to me know myself better. Not only my strengths and weaknesses, but desires and needs. By knowing myself, I have been able to make the changes I needed (and constantly need) to focus on what is important, which has allowed me to be more successful than I thought possible prior to meeting Marjorie.
Timberli Graham - Marketing Director
The career assessment tests administered by Marjorie, including the Myers-Briggs®, Strong Interest Inventory, and Highlands Battery Test were very useful in gaining greater insight into the fields and work environments which would potentially lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding career. These career assessment tests along with Marjorie’s guidance have given me the clarity and confidence to move forward without doubt or fear. Marjorie is both professional and an expert in her field as well as a pleasure to work with. I would highly recommend working with her to anybody.
Debbie Marsh - Re-entry to Job Market -- now Fully employed Journalist
The interest test [SII], the personality test [MBTI®] and the Highlands Ability Battery [that I took] all indicated one area where I would flourish: writing. . . .[and] each test confirmed and clarified [that] direction. . . Looking at all my abilities in combination, Marjorie further defined my strengths. “Your profile indicates you should consider writing that communicates a message for an organization, or teaches others about it,” she told me. [After my first semester in journalism at college, I noticed]. . . a local company was looking for a writer for its online disability site, a major player in the national market. I was hired at my first interview. . . Last week, my boss asked me to stay in the conference room after our team meeting. I prepared myself for the worst, as our company has had several rounds of layoffs. [Instead . . ] she said, “I want to offer you a formal [fulltime] job.”
Jan R. - Business Analyst, Former Dish Network
After spending 33 miserable years in a career that didn’t suit me, I was finally in a position to leap to something more fulfilling. But I had no idea what that was. A friend suggested that I consult with Marjorie Wal Hofer to help me find my way. The battery of career assessment tests explained why my career was so unsatisfying and validated my need to make a change. We explored several options, and I’m now living life with passion and joy in my new career. I can’t begin to thank her enough for guiding me on my journey.