Personality Profile Test

Personality Profile Test

Used to Verify
Myers Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI®)
for the past 25 Years

Valid for:
Your Career Personality
Excellent Career Test
Conflict and Communication Test
College and Careers Test
Career Happiness Test
Career Fit Test
Work Engagement Test
Leadership Style Test



Fast and Easy

Takes 7 to 10 Minutes.

Be Yourself

Answer honestly, even if you don't like the answer.

Complete it all

We made this part easy! Just choose one in each column and we will calculate your results for you.

This test takes 7-10 min and only 4 pages.

I acknowledge that all parts of this test are copyrighted, and accept all financial responsibility of compensation for unauthorized use, copies, duplications, renderings, and images of it.

Personality Descriptors Scale 1

Choose one word or phrase from each row pair in either Column 1 or 2 - the one that best describes you (see instructions).

Personality Descriptors Scale 2

Choose one word or phrase from each row pair in either Column 1 or 2 - the one that best describes you (see instructions).

Personality Descriptors Scale 3

Choose one word or phrase from each row pair in either Column 1 or 2 - the one that best describes you (see instructions).

Personality Descriptors Scale 4

Choose one word or phrase from each row pair in either Column 1 or 2 - the one that best describes you (see instructions).
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Check your email for an access code to access your results and enter your code here.