Manager Leader Test

Manager Leader Test
Manager Test includes assessments for management skills, people skills, and leadership style. You can also discover your natural managerial aptitudes and natural abilities contributing to your management performance and style.
More Options
Featured Manager Leader Test
FIRO® and FIRO-B® tests for relationships,organizations and leadership tests. Bundled with Myers Briggs® or the premiere Highlands Ability Test for broader work success
Reports describing interpersonal needs, wants, behaviors and strategies for improvements
Reports for persons in C-suite, management, supervision, business owners and leadership

Leaders Success: FIRO® and THAB Leader Reports (Level 6)

Discover your leadership traits and leadership abilities to be a more successful leader with this leader test combo pack includes HighlandsLeadership Ability Battery and FIRO-B Leadership test
58 + 32 Pgs in 8 in 2 Reports From 2 Tests plus 3 Consult and 3 AddOns
  • FIRO® Business™ Profile Report with graphical charts
  • PLUS
  • FIRO® Business™ Leader Test Report with detailed explanation of the
  • Descriptions of your leadership traits in Relating to Your Coworkers
  • Descriptions of your leadership traits in Relating to Your Manager
  • Descriptions of your leadership traits in Relating to Your Direct Reports
  • Descriptions of your leadership traits in Handling Negotiation and Conflict
  • Descriptions of your leadership traits in Making Decisions and Setting Priorities
  • Growth and Development Tips to learn how to be a more successful leader
  • PLUS
  • Leader Test Report from the THAB Ability Test
  • Graphical Chart of Your Leader Ability Profile
  • Extensive Explanation of Each Ability
  • Descriptions of your 5 Personal Style factors
  • Identifies and explains each of your Driving Abilities which Unconsciously Demand Expression
  • Driving abilities are the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge about your leadership abilities
  • Extensive descriptions of the each of the Specialized Abilities and how they impact your leadership abilities
  • Discover specific combinations of leadership abilities that articulate your leadership style behaviors in two key areas
  • Discover the Audience or Client type you work best with
  • Explanations of the key role that vocabulary in leadership success
  • ALL this from an OBJECTIVE Analysis of your HARD-WIRED ABILITIES!!
  • PLUS
  • Two career workbooks that explain the nuances of labels used in reports and provide additional information that will further expand your understanding of your leader test results
  • PLUS
  • Two Comprehensive Consults to address every concern, question and misinterpretations you might have to accurately understand and apply the results to your leadership role
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$689.99 Add to cart



FIRO Business® Leadership Report
THAB LAWYER Abilities Report
CompreConsult (3)
THAB Clarification Workbook
FIRO-B Clarification Workbook
Client Intake
THAB REASONabilities™ Workbook
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness

Myers Briggs® Test: Type and EQ Emotional Intelligence Type Book (Level 3)

This MBTI® Emotional Intelligence EQ Test Quiz comes with the best MBTI® EQ book on how to develop emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence EQ is critical skill for influencing people, building rapport, and understanding others. People with high EQ tend to be more successful than those without it.
2 + 54 Pages in 1 Report and 1 Booklet from 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 1 AddOns
  • Get 2 page MBTI® Personality Type Profile Chart Report
  • Get the best MBTI® EQ book on how to develop emotional intelligence.
  • Discover how Personality Type and Emotional Intelligence are linked together
  • Understand your personality type and its strengths and challenges for developing EQ.
  • Learn how to develop emotional intelligence EQ a critical skill for influencing people, building rapport, and understanding others
  • Learn how to develop emotional intelligence for your personality type
  • One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.

$89.89 Add to cart



PDF MBTI Type Booklet
MBTI® Profile Report
MBTI Myers Briggs - Personality Type TestFIRO® and FIRO-B® tests for relationships,organizations and leadership tests. Bundled with Myers Briggs® or the premiere Highlands Ability Test for broader work success
Reports based on natural inherent abilities, aptitudes, drives, needs for happiness and success!
Reports describing learning styles, channels, and a variety of intelligences not iq
Reports describing interpersonal needs, wants, behaviors and strategies for improvements
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Reports for persons in C-suite, management, supervision, business owners and leadership
Reports for persons working in companies, corporations, government, and institutions
Includes coaching / consulting /counseling with certified career or corporate professional
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Leadership Success Test: Premiere Bundle (Level 8)

Best the best leader you can be... land results and be remembered well.  Discover your leadership traits and leadership style, your leadership communication behaviors and most revealing, your leader abilities from 3 tests: The combination of MBTI® leadership + FIRO B® leadership + THAB leadership provides the most pertinent aspect of leadership empowering you to maneuver outcomes to achieve successes.  Best of all results reviews include leadership coaching at no additional.  A TestEts Exclusive.
66 + 101 Pgs in 10 in 3 Reports From 3 Tests plus 4 Consults and 5 AddOns
  • Myers Briggs® Test in Organizations with Leadership Style includes . . .
  • Chart display of Myers Briggs® Natural Preferences and Orientations
  • Summary Description of Your Myers Briggs® Test Results
  • Your Work Style Snapshot Chart with brief explanation
  • Detailed explanation of your Work Style contributions, leadership style, preferred work environments, preferred learning style, and potential pitfalls
  • Detailed explanation of your Myers Briggs® Test Work Type Preferences and its effect on your Work Style
  • Detailed explanation of your Myers Briggs® Test Work Type and its effect on your Communication Style
  • Explanation of your Work Style strengths and challenges under stress resulting from the order of your preferences
  • Your Myers Briggs® Test Work Type and its effect on your Problem-Solving Approach
  • Suggestions for improving your Problem-Solving Style
  • PLUS
  • Combined MBTI® Leadership and FIRO-B® Leadership Test Report includes . . .
  • Snapshot explanation of your leadership style and leadership traits
  • Scores and basic interpretation of your FIRO-B® Assessment results along with scores on leadership style and key leadership traits
  • Preferences and basic interpretation of your Myers Briggs® Test results along with effects in work settings and unique leadership role you will potentially play
  • Scores for and clarity of preferences from your Myers Briggs® Test and brief explanation of your personality in separate report
  • Examination of Interpersonal Relations specifically your leadership style and potential leadership role
  • Examination of Working with Groups and Other Leaders as a result of your leadership style and leadership type test
  • Examination of your bases of power and influence in work setting based on test results from your leadership style and leadership type behavior
  • Examination of how you deal with change resulting from your combined tests for leadership style and leadership potential
  • Action plan suggestion to improve your leadership type behaviors and leadership style
  • PLUS
  • THAB Leader Ability Test includes . . .
  • Graphical Chart of Your Leader Ability Assessment Profile
  • Extensive Explanation of Each Ability usually one page in length
  • Descriptions of your 5 Personal Leadership Style factors
  • Identifies and explains each of your Driving Abilities which Unconsciously Demand Expression
  • Driving abilities are the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge about your leader abilities
  • Extensive descriptions of the each of the Specialized Abilities and how they impact your leader abilities
  • Discover specific combinations of leader abilities that articulate your leadership style behaviors in two key areas
  • Specific leadership applications and your personal leader style or type
  • Discover the Audience or Client type you work best with as a leader
  • Explanations of the key role that vocabulary in leadership success
  • ALL this from an OBJECTIVE Analysis of your HARD-WIRED ABILITIES!!
  • PLUS
  • Leader Ability Workbook which explain the nuances of labels used in reports and provide additional information that will further expand your understanding of your leader test results
  • Two other Career Test Workbooks to facilitate your understanding of the other two leadership tests
  • PLUS
  • Three Comprehensive Consults to address every concern, question and misinterpretations you might have to accurately understand and apply the results to your leadership role
  • One SyntheConsult to summarize results from each of the leadership test components to apply to your specific situation.
  • Highly Recommend Leader Success Coaching package to incorporate the personal leadership knowledge you gained into active practice in your organization.
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$899.99 Add to cart



MBTI® Interpretive Report for Organizations
Leadership Report Using the FIRO-B® and MBTI® Instruments
THAB ADULT Work Types Report
THAB ADULT Four Key Work for Success Report
PDF MBTI Type Booklet
MBTI Verification Workbook
THAB Clarification Workbook
Client Intake
THAB REASONabilities™ Workbook
PPT Head Talking Points
PPT Head Stress Points
FIRO-B Clarification Workbook
CompreConsult (4)
Popular Manager Leader Test
Reports describing interpersonal needs, wants, behaviors and strategies for improvements
Reports for persons in C-suite, management, supervision, business owners and leadership
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

FIRO® Test Business Leadership Report (Level 2)

FIRO® Tests - Business Interaction Test with Test for Leadership Style and Leadership Potential produces 18 pg leadership potential and leadership style report with FIRO® Business Interaction Test Charts. Describes your interpersonal behaviors and needs for business setting including how you Relate to Your Coworkers, Manager & Direct Reports as well as how you Handle Negotiation and Conflict, Making Decisions and Setting Priorities.
18 Pgs in 2 in 1 Report From 2 Tests plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
  • Gain DETAILED and INTEPRTED information about your interpersonal needs and behaviors in three areas that effect your business interactions
  • Receive percentile score charts for Expressed Involvement, Influence, Connection, and Total Expressed Needs with explanations of your interpersonal behaviors in business interaction situations
  • Receive percentile score charts for Wanted Involvement, Influence, Connection, and Total Wanted Needs with explanations of your interpersonal behaviors in business interaction situations
  • Receive total score charts for Involvement, Influence, and Connection, and your Overall score with explanations of your interpersonal behaviors in business interaction situations
  • Receive your interpretative results of FIRO ® Test for Business Interaction Test Charts (not included) for specific business interaction applications in clean format
  • Discover the impact of your interpersonal needs for inclusion, control and affection and how these impact your business interactions, and communication and leadership style
  • Learn about your interpersonal interest for interactions, with and associated strengths, challenges and developmental stretches in Relating to Coworkers
  • Learn about your interpersonal needs for interactions with, and associated strengths, challenges and developmental stretches in Relating to Your Manager
  • Learn about your interpersonal needs for interactions with, and associated strengths, challenges and developmental stretches in Relating to Your Direct Reports
  • Learn about your interpersonal preferences for interactions involving, and associated strengths, challenges and developmental stretches in Handling Negotiations and Conflict
  • Learn about your interpersonal preferences for interactions involving, and associated strengths, challenges and developmental stretches in Making Decisions and Setting Priorities
  • Receive several additional leadership style and potential development suggestion in Next Steps
  • Recommend purchasing combined FIRO ® Business Interaction Test + Business Test for Leadership Style Potential for more thorough understanding with Scores Charts
  • One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$87.99 Add to cart



FIRO Business® Leadership Report + FIRO Business® Profile Report
MBTI Myers Briggs - Personality Type TestFIRO® and FIRO-B® tests for relationships,organizations and leadership tests. Bundled with Myers Briggs® or the premiere Highlands Ability Test for broader work success
Reports describing interpersonal needs, wants, behaviors and strategies for improvements
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness

Leadership Style Test: FIRO® Interpersonal with Myers Briggs® Personality (Level 3)

FIRO® Assessment + MBTI® Test for Leadership Style & Leadership Potential combines behavioral interpersonal test with personality test to produce 16 pg leadership style with leadership potential development report. FIRO® Assessment is both interpersonal test and behavioral test - MBTI® Test is personality type test.
18 Pgs in 4in1 Report From 2 Tests plus 2 Consult and 0 AddOns
  • Snapshot explanation of your leadership style and behavior from your combined MBTI® and FIRO-B® results
  • Scores and basic interpretation of your FIRO-B® Assessment results along with scores on potential leadership roles
  • Preferences and basic interpretation of your MBTI® Test results along with effects in work settings and unique leadership role you will potentially play
  • Scores for and clarity of preferences from your MBTI® Test and brief explanation of your personality in separate report
  • Examination of Interpersonal Relations specifically your leadership style and potential leadership role
  • Examination of Working with Groups and Other Leaders as a result of your leadership style and leadership potential test
  • Examination of your bases of power and influence in work setting based on test results from your leadership style and leadership behavior
  • Examination of how you deal with change resulting from your combined tests for leadership style and leadership potential
  • Action plan suggestion to improve your leadership potential and leadership style
  • Two Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$119.89 Add to cart



MBTI® Profile Report
Leadership Report Using the FIRO-B® and MBTI® Instruments
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Myers Briggs® 2.0 Test: 20-Scale Expanded Report (Level 4)

MBTI® Step II™ Test offers an expanded  report based on a 20-factor scale personality profile (verus 4 point scale).  The Myers Briggs® Step II™ Test produces 17 pages of information on personality type  as well as how to apply it.  It covers communication, decision-making, managing change, managing conflict, your work style, your unique profile type, and more.  Excellent for leaders, professionals and anyone who has previously completed the 4 scale MBTI® test and wants a more specific definition of their unique type.
17 Pgs in 3 in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
  • MBTI® Personality Type of Natural Preferences and Orientations in Clarity of Preferences Chart
  • Summary of Your Standard MBTI® Test Results
  • PLUS
  • Your Advanced Personality Type results from the MBTI® Step II™ Test
  • Clarity of Preferences for each of your Advanced Personality Type Test Factors
  • Along with an explanation of each of your Advanced Personality Type Test Factors
  • Detailed Applications of your Advanced Personality Type factors to communications, decision making, managing change and handling conflict and suggestion for how to improve them
  • Suggestions for Ways to Enhance your communications, decision-making, change and conflict management based on specific advanced personality factors
  • Understanding How Your Parts of Your Personality Work Together
  • Integrating Standard MBTI Step I™ with Advanced Personality Type MBTI® Step II™ Test Information
  • Using Type to Gain Understanding of Yourself, Others and Gain Perspective on Situations
  • Overview of Your Advanced Personality Type Test Results
  • PLUS
  • One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$109.99 Add to cart



MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report
Recommended Manager Leader Test
MBTI Myers Briggs - Personality Type Test
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Reports for persons in C-suite, management, supervision, business owners and leadership
Reports describing interpersonal needs, wants, behaviors and strategies for improvements

Leadership Interpersonal Style Test :FIRO®- Myers Briggs® Step 2 Reports (Level 6)

Advanced Leaders Test for Leader Style, Leader Behavior, Leader Traits and Leader Personality is produced by FIRO-B® and MBTI® Step II. Receive advanced 20 factor scale MBTI® Personality and Style information along with FIRO-B® / MBTI® Leaders Test about impact of your leader style, leader behavior, leader personality and leader traits on others, in organization and over culture.
33 + 32 Pgs in 6 in 2 Reports From 2 Tests plus 2 Consults and 2 AddOns
  • MBTI® Personality Type of Natural Preferences and Orientations in Clarity of Preferences Chart
  • Summary of Your Standard MBTI® Test Results
  • PLUS
  • Your Advanced Personality Style results from the MBTI® Step II™ Test
  • Clarity of Preferences for each of your Advanced Personality Style Test Factors
  • Along with an explanation of each of your Advanced Personality Style Test Factors
  • Detailed Applications of your Advanced Personality Style factors to communications, decision making, managing change and handling conflict and suggestion for how to improve them
  • Suggestions for Ways to Enhance your communications, decision-making, change and conflict management based on specific advanced personality style factors
  • Understanding How Your Parts of Your Personality Work Together
  • Integrating Standard MBTI® Step I™ with Advanced Personality Type MBTI® Step II™ Test Information
  • Using Type to Gain Understanding of Yourself, Others and Gain Perspective on Situations
  • Overview of Your Advanced Personality Type Test Results
  • PLUS
  • Snapshot explanation of your leadership style and behavior from your combined MBTI® and FIRO-B® Test results
  • Scores and basic interpretation of your FIRO-B® Assessment results along with scores on potential leadership roles
  • PLUS
  • Preferences and basic interpretation of your Myers Briggs® Style Test results along with effects in work settings and unique leadership role you will potentially play
  • Scores for and clarity of preferences from your Myers Briggs® Style Test and brief explanation of your personality in separate report
  • PLUS
  • Examination of Interpersonal Relations specifically your leader style and potential leader role
  • Examination of Working with Groups and Other Leaders as a result of your leader style and leader behavior test
  • Examination of your bases of power and influence in work setting based on test results from your leader personality and leader traits
  • Examination of how you deal with change resulting from your combined tests for leaders style and leader behavior
  • Action plan suggestion to improve the impact of your leader traits and leader style
  • PLUS
  • Receive two career workbooks to explain nuances, verify your test results, and gain additional information from interest and personality tests for careers
  • Two Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$199.89 Add to cart



MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report
Leadership Report Using the FIRO-B® and MBTI® Instruments
MBTI Verification Workbook
PPT Head Talking Points
PPT Head Stress Points
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness

Myers Briggs® Test: Type with Leadership Style by Type Book (Level 3)

Discover your leadership personality and leader style with the Myers Briggs® leader test and leadership book featuring leadership personality assets and challenges including setting direction, inspiring others, mobilizing to accomplish goals, broadening your leader style with development strategies for your leadership personality type.
2 + 58 Pages in 1 Report and 1 Booklet from 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 1 AddOns
  • Discover natural Personality Type preferences and description
  • MBTI® books – Introduction to Type® and Leadership (Myers Briggs® Book on MBTI® Leadership)
  • 58 page MBTI® booklet featuring description of leadership style, assets and challenges for each leadership personality
  • Receive the leader style label, percentage of population and leaders, and typical leader comment for each leadership personality
  • Understand your leadership personality assets and challenges in terms of setting direction, inspiring others, mobilizing to accomplish goals,
  • broadening your leader style by implement development strategies for your natural leadership personality
  • Obtain information on your personal leadership personality as well as the 15 other different personality types and leader styles
  • One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications

$89.89 Add to cart



PDF MBTI Type Booklet
MBTI® Profile Report
Reports based on natural inherent abilities, aptitudes, drives, needs for happiness and success!
Reports describing learning styles, channels, and a variety of intelligences not iq
Reports for persons in C-suite, management, supervision, business owners and leadership
Includes coaching / consulting /counseling with certified career or corporate professional
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Leadership Strengths Assessment w/ 2 Books/Consults (Level 6)

The Leader Test for Leadership Ability Test - a leader test assessing leadership ability and leadership style and leadership role. Produces 40 pg leadership ability report describing 19 leadership abilities, personal leadership style, systems structural leadership abilities, learning leadership abilities, level of leadership potential, and with consultation, best leadership role.
40 Pgs in 6 in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 2 Consult and 1 AddOns
  • Graphical Chart of Your Leader Ability Assessment Profile
  • Extensive Explanation of Each Ability usually one page in length
  • Descriptions of your 5 Personal Style factors
  • Identifies and explains each of your Driving Abilities which Unconsciously Demand Expression
  • Driving abilities are the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge about your leadership abilities
  • Extensive descriptions of the each of the Specialized Abilities and how they impact your leadership abilities
  • Discover specific combinations of leadership abilities that articulate your leadership style behaviors in two key areas
  • Specific leadership applications and your personal leader style or type
  • Discover the Audience or Client type you work best with
  • Explanations of the key role that vocabulary in leadership success
  • ALL this from an OBJECTIVE Analysis of your HARD-WIRED ABILITIES!!
  • PLUS
  • Leader Work Right Right Work workbook which explain the nuances of labels used in reports and provide additional information that will further expand your understanding of your leader test results
  • PLUS
  • Two Comprehensive Consults to address every concern, question and misinterpretations you might have to accurately understand and apply the results to your leadership role

$429.99 Add to cart



CompreConsult (2)
THAB Clarification Workbook
Client Intake
THAB REASONabilities™ Workbook

Natural Abilities as Manager/Leader

Manager assessments related to natural abilities are the single most important tool at your disposal.  Discover your management style with the leader test.  It uses revolutionary technology that produces profound results.

People Skills for Manager/Leader

People skills are the key ingredient to leadership success.  Discover your relational abilities with the Interpretive FIRO-B report.  Add the Myers Briggs for customized report to augment insights, strategies and tips for success with a wide range of corporate connections.

Manager test for effective managment practices

Use a manager test to identify your effectiveness and challenges, and learn strategies to improve your management skills. Shelly B … click here for the one I recommend.  Add coaching to build the new skills faster.

Management Skills for Managers

The management skills section provides a variety of assessments covering essential managerial competencies.  Find professional tests for decision-making, communications, stress management including assessments with resources in these and other skill sets.

Leadership Assessments

Leadership applies managerial skills with wisdom.  Discover the missing ingredients that sets you in the leadership category.  We recommend the Leadership Toolkit Bundle which comes with multiple consults with a Professional Certified Coach certified by Corporate Coach University.

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