Adult Test: Career ChangeAdult Career Test: Manager ExecAdult Career Test: Pros /AdminAdult Career Test: Trades /ServiceTest for Adults in RelationshipsAdult Career Test: Partners
Adult Career Test: Trades /Service
- Identify your top 3 job interest areas
- Receive descriptions, skills and education for each job interest area
- Choose from list of 50 or so job match options or occupation match options for each job interest area
- Read about the specific skills need for each job interest area
- Learn about college and vocational training required by some of the jobs listed in the job interest area
- Link to detailed information for each occupation you wish to research
- Through the links to research alternative occupations, salary, on-the-job training, occupational forecasts, and so much more
- Complete Extensive Timed Objective Test and Score Results
- Identify your top 3 career ability areas
- Receive descriptions, skills and education for each career ability area
- Choose from list of 50 or so career options or occupation match options for each job interest area
- Read about the specific skills need for each career ability area
- Learn about college and vocational training required by some of the jobs listed in the job interest area
- Through the links to research alternative occupations, salary, on-the-job training, occupational forecasts, and so much more
- Complete Extensive Timed Objective Test and Score Results
- Identify your top 3 career values
- Identify your top careers fields
- Receive descriptions, skills and education for each career ability area
- Choose from list of 50 or so careers from each careers field
- Learn about college and vocational training required by some of the jobs listed in the job interest area
- Through the links to research alternative occupations, salary, on-the-job training, occupational forecasts, and so much more
- Discover your Internal Motivators and Intrinsic Reward Needs
- Learn what Drives you to work and work hard
- Measures the four intrinsic rewards that influence engagement: meaningfulness choice competence and progress
- Receive a Personalized Interpretation with appealing graphics
- Includes building blocks and an Action Plan worksheet
- Offers important Discussion Points for employee and manager
- Identifies options to help increase engagement in the work
- For companies that want to build intrinsic reward systems
- For individuals who want to better understand the internal factors that provide job satisfaction.
- Complete Extensive Timed Objective Test and Score Results
- Identify your top 3 career values, career abilities, career interests or career preference
- Identify your top careers fields
- Receive descriptions, skills and education for each careers field
- Choose from list of 50 or so careers from each careers field
- Learn about college and vocational training required by some of the jobs listed in the job interest area
- Through the links to research alternative occupations, salary, on-the-job training, occupational forecasts, and so much more
- Receive summary of your MBTI® personality type
- Discover your natural personality type response characteristics when not under stress
- Discover your unique stress style, stress response and stress behaviors based on your personality
- Learn how your stress responses and behaviors are triggered based on your stress personality style
- Learn steps for handling your stress response and get steps to reduce your stress
- Discover specific ways others help you reduce stress and facilitate more effective stress responses from you based on your stress personality style
- Highly recommended to purchase these two MBTI® books: Introduction To Type® as well as In The Grip (an Introduction To Type® on Stress)
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- Receive a 2 page MBTI® Personality Type Profile Chart Report to understand what’s stressful for you
- Get 3 of the best MBTI® books to help you manage and overcome the 3 common stressors at work
- With the 50 page “In The Grip” MBTI® Stress book:
- Discover what’s stressful for you and what your response to stress is from a personality type perspective
- Find ways for de-stressing and return to equilibrium from what’s stressful for your type
- In the 48 page “Introduction to Type® and Conflict” MBTI® book:
- Confirm and verify your personality type with additional exercises
- Learn about a model for managing change
- Discover how you positively contribute to resolving change
- Understand what are conflict generators for you and your response to stress
- Discover what you need from others to reduce stressors and conflicts
- Learn about your blind spots in relating to others and obtain development suggestions to improve relationship and reduce these people stressors at work
- In the 44 page “Introduction to Type® and Change” MBTI® book:
- Discover how different personality types response to stress of organizational change
- Understand how different leader personality types manage organizational change
- Learn about what’s stressful for you during organizational change
- Discover way of de-stressing during change and particularly de-stressing work stressors associated with organizational change
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.

CPS-COPS Career Interests Test : Chart with Online Career Library (Level 1)
Career Orientation Inventory for Career Preference Test is provide by Career Occupational Preference Systems and is like a Job Interest Survey to find Preferred Careers and Occupation Match Options and Job Match Options and links to lists of Careers and Careers Info
4 Pgs in 1 Report From 2 Tests plus 0 Consult and 0 AddOns
$29.99 Add to cart

CPS-CAPS Career Aptitude Test: Chart with Online Career Library (Level 1)
This Career Orientation Inventory for Career Ability Assessment is like a Test your Ability Quiz, Job Ability Test or Ability Questionnaire to find careers you CAN Do and Do Well and links to lists of Careers and Careers Info
4 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 0 Consult and 0 AddOns
$29.99 Add to cart

CPS-COPES Career Values Test: Chart with Online Career Library (Level 1)
With Career Orientation Inventory for Career Values Scale receive top 3 in List of Career Values Assessment as part of the Career Occupational Preferences Survey and links to Careers and Careers Information and links to lists of Careers and Careers Info
4 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 0 Consult and 0 AddOns
$29.99 Add to cart

Work Engagement Test: Profile – Interpretive Report (Level2)
Work Engagement Interpretive Profile is a Worker Satisfaction Survey or Employee Job Satisfaction Survey and could be used as a personal Job Satisfaction Quiz to determine personal job satisfaction or employee engagement with their job.
15 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 0 Consult and 0 AddOns
$39.99 Add to cart

CPS3 (COPS,CAPS, COPES) Test: Charts with Extensive Online Career Library (Level 3)
Three assessments measure values, interests, and natural abilities are part of the Career Occupational Preference System developed by industry leading assessment publisher. It includes 'career briefs' with access to extensive occupations database. The 'briefs' lists job titles matching your CPS3 career profile (now called COPSystem VIA). Links to explore salary information, educational level, future outlook, and other information about jobs enable you to choose right career path for you based on 3 most critical career decision factors. Each of these three can be taken separately. Companies use this tool as a screening aid for human capital investments.
6 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
$59.99 Add to cart

Myers Briggs® Test for Stress Management Style and Report (Level 2)
Take Stress Test for assessing your stress response, stress behavior and stress style - This MBTI® Stress Assessment is a stress questionnaire that measures personality stress and provides steps to reduce stress specifically for your stress style.
9 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
$69.99 Add to cart

Work Stress Toolkit: MBTI® Test Stress- Conflict- Change- Comm- Books (Level 5)
What's stressful for you may not be stressful for others. Your response to stress might not the same response to stress of others. This Personality Type Test for Stress, Conflict and Change - the 3 common stressors. Identify your personal stressor and work stressors identified with this stress personality test plus your specific ways for de-stressing by developing more effective responses to stress, conflict and change.
2 + 142 Pages in 1 Report and 3 Booklets from 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 3 AddOns
$199.89 Add to cart