Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction Test offers satisfaction in work via personality test, natural abilities, innate needs and values, and/or relationships. What is causing your job dissatisfaction? Find what makes a job satisfying for you with these assessments.
More Options
Featured Job Satisfaction
MBTI Myers Briggs - Personality Type Test
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Reports for persons working in companies, corporations, government, and institutions
Reports based on natural inherent abilities, aptitudes, drives, needs for happiness and success!
Reports describing learning styles, channels, and a variety of intelligences not iq
Includes coaching / consulting /counseling with certified career or corporate professional
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Work Success: Myers Briggs® Personality+THAB Aptitude + Books/Consults (Level 7)

This Working Test is a combined work ability test or job ability test with work type test and measures your working abilities and work personality type at an advanced level. Discover your driven abilities and 20 work personality type strengths.
44 + 49 Pgs in 6 in 2 Reports From 2 Tests plus 3 Consults and 4 AddOns
  • Receive Two TOP-of-the-LINE working tests
  • The THAB work ability test combined with the MBTI® work type test!
  • With the MBTI®® Working Test in Organizations you receive:
  • Description of your 6 key features of Work Type Style and Preferences of your Type at Work
  • Explanation of your Communication and Problem-Solving styles
  • How your Work Strengths contribute to the organization
  • How your Work Type deals with stress at work
  • Describes your Leadership and Learning styles at work
  • Offers Suggestions for Development
  • PLUS
  • The THAB Work Ability Test which uses cutting edge technology based on 50 years of research to objectively measure your abilities
  • Provides an extensive explanation of your results on each of the 19 work ability test modules
  • Describes 4 key factors of your personal Work Ability Style
  • Discover DRIVING Abilities that unconsciously demand expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success, career advancement and career growth
  • Presents rank order of 35 specific transferable work skill areas resulting from combination of the 19 abilities)
  • Discover How you learn most efficiently in a work or training setting
  • Discover the critical components of your ideal working environment
  • Discover your problem-solving and decision making style based on your work abilities
  • Receive an explanation of your communication style based on your work abilities
  • Discover the Audience, Customer or Client type you work best with
  • ALL from an objective assessment of your HARD-WIRED ABILITIES!!
  • PLUS Two Career Workbooks to clarify each career test results
  • Receive 2 Career Test CompreConsults to apply your career test results to your unique situation
  • Receive your best career roles and occupational options for each based on your career talents and career capabilities in the Customized Career Role Report
  • Receive one SyntheConsult to review customized career role report from your unique ability pattern
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$519.99 Add to cart



MBTI® Interpretive Report for Organizations
THAB ADULT Four Key Work for Success Report
THAB ADULT All Access Reports (15)
THAB CareerSupplement Report
CompreConsult (3)
THAB Clarification Workbook
MBTI Verification Workbook
Client Intake
PPT Head Talking Points
PPT Head Stress Points
THAB REASONabilities™ Workbook
Reports based on natural inherent abilities, aptitudes, drives, needs for happiness and success!
Reports describing learning styles, channels, and a variety of intelligences not iq
Includes coaching / consulting /counseling with certified career or corporate professional
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Adult Career Test: Highlands Ability Battery with Workbook / Video / Consult (Level 5)

Produces 34 pg career aptitudes report describing 19 career abilities, 4 work ability success keys, ranking 35 work ability tasks.  In-depth description of work success keys.  Additionally, receive 30 page career report describing your personal styles in work setting as well as your divergent, convergent and spatial reasoning for work roles. Discover your top 10 career roles with their key competencies and your scores, and as many as 50 careers in different industries associated with each career role. Gain understanding of each of your abilities from an online video and workbook. Finally, receive guidance from an expert career consultant with knowledge of all factors used to make ‘happy’ and ‘successful’ career decisions.
34 Pgs in 5 in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 2 Consult and 1 AddOns
  • Uses cutting edge technology based on 50 years of research to objectively measure your career abilities
  • Provides an extensive explanation of your results on each of the 19 career ability test modules
  • Describes your personal career ability behaviors 4 keys of career success
  • Discover DRIVING Abilities that unconsciously demand expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success, career advancement and career growth
  • Presents rank order of 35 specific transferable career ability areas resulting from combination of the 19 abilities)
  • Discover how you learn most efficiently in a work or career setting
  • Discover the critical components of your ideal career environment
  • Discover your problem-solving and decision making style based on your career abilities
  • Receive an explanation of your communication style based on your career abilities
  • Discover the Audience, Customer or Client type you work best with
  • ALL from an objective assessment of your HARD-WIRED Career ABILITIES!!
  • PLUS
  • One career test workbooks to better understand your ability
  • PLUS
  • 90 minute Career Test Consults to clarify and explain career ability test for better understanding of this complex work ability test
  • Consider purchasing SyntheConsult to receive Customized Career Match Report of best career roles

$349.99 Add to cart



THAB ADULT Ability Report w/ Four Work Keys Report
THAB ADULT Career Supplement Report
CompreConsult (1)
THAB Clarification Workbook
Client Intake
Popular Job Satisfaction
Reports based on likes, wants, desires and enjoyments for career happiness
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Strong Interest Inventory®: Career Report for Adult (Level 2)

Strong Test Expanded for Adults is considered the best interest assessment to find your career preferences - also known as Strong inventory, Strong interest, interest assessment, Strong assessment, adult career test. Produces 19 page report - charts PLUS interpretive explanation of career codes, personal styles, top work tasks, career motivators and matched career options.
19 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
    Strong Test for Adult Career Test Charts

  • PLUS
  • Specifically detailed explanations of General Career Theme
  • Explanation of your Top best work areas or Interest Areas
  • Explanation of skills, activities, and related jobs for your Top 10 Career Matches
  • Description of your 5 Personal Work Styles categories
  • PLUS
  • Interpretive Summary of Career Test Charts
  • Your two career motivators based on unique combination of your top two career interests
  • Your most suitable career fields based on overall career code themes
  • The typical activities for each of your 5 work interest areas
  • The skills, activities, knowledge and abilities for each of your top 10 career matches
  • Specific work environment suggestions for your 5 personal styles
  • Action steps for each sections and resources to research more information about specific careers
  • PLUS
  • An Interactive Feedback of your choice with video option. Required by the Official test publishing company
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$54.99 Add to cart



Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Myers Briggs® Career Test Report (Level 3)

This Myers Briggs® career type test produces 10 page report which includes your MBTI® personality type and its  most popular careers for your MBTI® Career Type.  In addition,find information for career exploration, career development and career search tips for success as well as career job families and career decision-making.
10 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
  • MBTI® Personality Type Chart of Preferences and Orientations
  • Summary of Your Myers Briggs® Career Type Test Results
  • PLUS
  • Learn your Career Types Work and Career Strengths and Challenges
  • Discover your Career Types Most Preferred Tasks and Work Environments
  • Learn How Your Career Type Affects Your Career Choice
  • Discover How Your Career Type Affects Your Career Exploration
  • Find out How Your Career Type Affects Your Career Development
  • Get List of Career Job Families and Occupations for Your Myers Briggs® Career Type
  • Receive Ranking of those Job Families or Occupations
  • Discover the Most Popular Occupations and Least Popular Occupations for your Career Type
  • Recommend MBTI® book on Introduction To Type® for more information
  • One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$49.99 Add to cart



MBTI® Career Report
Report providing job satisfaction, stress and burnout solutions

Work Engagement Test: Profile – Interpretive Report (Level2)

Work Engagement Interpretive Profile is a Worker Satisfaction Survey or Employee Job Satisfaction Survey and could be used as a personal Job Satisfaction Quiz to determine personal job satisfaction or employee engagement with their job.
15 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 0 Consult and 0 AddOns
  • Discover your Internal Motivators and Intrinsic Reward Needs
  • Learn what Drives you to work and work hard
  • Measures the four intrinsic rewards that influence engagement: meaningfulness choice competence and progress
  • Receive a Personalized Interpretation with appealing graphics
  • Includes building blocks and an Action Plan worksheet
  • Offers important Discussion Points for employee and manager
  • Identifies options to help increase engagement in the work
  • For companies that want to build intrinsic reward systems
  • For individuals who want to better understand the internal factors that provide job satisfaction.

$39.99 Add to cart



Work Engagement Profile Interpretive Report
Recommended Job Satisfaction
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness

Work Stress Toolkit: MBTI® Test Stress- Conflict- Change- Comm- Books (Level 5)

What's stressful for you may not be stressful for others. Your response to stress might not the same response to stress of others. This Personality Type Test for Stress, Conflict and Change - the 3 common stressors. Identify your personal stressor and work stressors identified with this stress personality test plus your specific ways for de-stressing by developing more effective responses to stress, conflict and change.
2 + 142 Pages in 1 Report and 3 Booklets from 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 3 AddOns
  • Receive a 2 page MBTI® Personality Type Profile Chart Report to understand what’s stressful for you
  • Get 3 of the best MBTI® books to help you manage and overcome the 3 common stressors at work
  • With the 50 page “In The Grip” MBTI® Stress book:
  • Discover what’s stressful for you and what your response to stress is from a personality type perspective
  • Find ways for de-stressing and return to equilibrium from what’s stressful for your type
  • In the 48 page “Introduction to Type® and Conflict” MBTI® book:
  • Confirm and verify your personality type with additional exercises
  • Learn about a model for managing change
  • Discover how you positively contribute to resolving change
  • Understand what are conflict generators for you and your response to stress
  • Discover what you need from others to reduce stressors and conflicts
  • Learn about your blind spots in relating to others and obtain development suggestions to improve relationship and reduce these people stressors at work
  • In the 44 page “Introduction to Type® and Change” MBTI® book:
  • Discover how different personality types response to stress of organizational change
  • Understand how different leader personality types manage organizational change
  • Learn about what’s stressful for you during organizational change
  • Discover way of de-stressing during change and particularly de-stressing work stressors associated with organizational change
  • One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.

$199.89 Add to cart



MBTI® Profile Report
PDF MBTI Type Booklet
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Reports based on natural inherent abilities, aptitudes, drives, needs for happiness and success!
Reports describing learning styles, channels, and a variety of intelligences not iq
Includes coaching / consulting /counseling with certified career or corporate professional
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Career Success 2.0 Bundle: Myers Briggs® 2 – THAB Reports ++Career Counsel (Level 7)

This is an advanced personality test with a best abilities test for career advancement and career performance produces info on your personality type, personality abilities, best abilities, driving abilities, communication abilities, problem solving abilities, etc.
51 + 62 Pgs in 8 in 2 Reports From 2 Tests plus 3 Consults and 4 AddOns
  • Combination advanced personality test with best abilities test
  • MBTI® Step II™ personality abilities test produces :
  • Information on 20 factor ( versus 4 factor) personality type and personality abilities!
  • INCLUDES detailed explanation of the following:
  • Communication style abilities or strengths and weaknesses
  • Decision-Making style abilities or strengths and weaknesses
  • Personality abilities or strengths and style for managing Change and Conflict
  • Best Team Role based on your personality abilities or strengths and
  • Best Working abilities and personality strengths
  • Offers suggestions for personal growth which can be applied to career growth and development
  • PLUS
  • THAB aptitude abilities test probably the best abilities test on the market today
  • Uses cutting edge technology based on 50 years of research to objectively measure your best abilities
  • Provides an extensive explanation of your results on each of the 19 abilities test modules
  • Describes 4 key factors of your personal working style
  • Discover DRIVING Abilities that unconsciously demand expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success, career advancement and career growth
  • Presents rank order of 35 specific transferable work abilities areas resulting from combination of the 19 abilities)
  • Discover how you learn most efficiently in a work or training setting
  • Discover the critical components of your ideal working environment
  • Discover your problem-solving and decision making style based on your best abilities
  • Receive an explanation of your communication style based on your best abilities
  • Discover the Audience, Customer or Client type you work best with
  • ALL from an objective assessment of your HARD-WIRED ABILITIES!!
  • PLUS
  • Two Career Test Workbooks to better understand your personality and abilities test results
  • Customized Career Role Report based on your unique career ability pattern describing your best career roles
  • Occupational and Educational Implications Workbook offering education and work options for each career abilities
  • PLUS
  • Two Comprehensive Test Consults for each test report for fuller understanding of your results and answering all your questions and concerns and rectifying your misunderstandings (always necessary)
  • One SyntheConsult to review customized career role report from ability test
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$639.99 Add to cart



MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report
THAB ADULT All Access Reports (15)
THAB CareerSupplement Report
CompreConsult (3)
THAB Clarification Workbook
Client Intake
MBTI Verification Workbook
PPT Head Talking Points
PPT Head Stress Points

Job Satisfaction and Work Values Tests

If you don’t have job satisfaction, you’ll know it! Job or career satisfaction is the pleasurable emotional state resulting from the work you do. It is both your emotional reaction to your job and your attitude toward your job. We form attitudes towards our jobs by taking into account through our feelings, beliefs, and our behaviors.

Job satisfaction tests measures your overall emotional assessment of your work situation.These tests can also determine your level of engagement with work. As you can probably tell, these tests are crucial in order to identify what you like about your job and what you do not. This might seem obvious, but it is actually very important to have a clear idea of this if you want to get a different job, progress in your career, or advance to a higher position.

Work values tests also play a role in job satisfaction, which is why they are included here. When your job reflects your values, your job satisfaction will be positively impacted. It’s important to have a fuller picture of both satisfaction and values if you want to be truly happy and successful in your job.


VALUES® Reports

Job dissatisfaction is associated with stress on the job, burn-out, lack of control at work, home/work conflicts, overwhelm or overload, other negative working conditions, and unfulfilled workplace values.

Burnout Test measures what is defined as the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest. Job Satisfaction Assessment can help!

After spending 33 miserable years in a career that didn’t suit me, I was finally in a position to leap to something more fulfilling.  But I had no idea what that was.  A friend suggested that I consult with Marjorie Wall Hofer to help me find my way.  The battery of tests explained why my career was so unsatisfying and validated my need to make a change.  We explored several options, and I’m now living life with passion and joy in my new career.  I can’t begin to thank her enough for guiding me on my journey.

Jan, Business Analyst, Formerly at Telecommunications Companies

Job Stress or Burnout Tests

Burnout tests measure long-term exhaustion and diminished interest. Research seems to indicate that people in medical and psychological jobs experience burn-out more than others. The most well-studied measurement of burnout in the literature is the Maslach Burnout Inventory. This indicator has become the standard tool for measuring burnout in research.

Job or work stress tests measure the consequence of the failure to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats, whether actual or imagined. [1] Stress is a prevalent and costly problem in today’s workplace. About one-third of workers report high levels of stress. [1] One-quarter of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives. [3] Three-quarters of employees believe the worker has more on-the-job stress than a generation ago. [4] Evidence also suggests that stress is the major cause of turnover. . .[1]Take Job Stress Tests are referred to as job stress inventory, work stress assessment, job stress survery, work stress inventory, work stress test.

STRESS Reports

Signs of stress include poor judgment, a general negative outlook, excessive worrying, moodiness, irritability, agitation, inability to relax, feeling lonely, isolated or depressed, aches and pains, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, dizziness, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, eating too much or not enough, sleeping too much or not enough, social withdrawal, procrastination or neglect of responsibilities, increased alcohol, nicotine or drug consumption, and nervous habits such as pacing about, nail-biting and neck pains.

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