Complete Career Resources

Complete Career Resources

    Career Workbook: Understand Highlands Ability Battery Test for Career Success

    Career Workbook for THAB: A Career Test Worksheet aka Career Investigation Worksheet or Career Assessment Worksheet providing comparative information on each of the 19 career abilites, and additional information and exercises to understand ability combinations, ranked work task types, and 4 keys to career and work success
    22 Pages
    • Broader explanation of the 19 abilities
    • Exercises that enable you to gain more understanding about your abilities
    • Comparative information – both sides of scale presented for Personal Style and Driving Abilities
    • Also useful for gaining terminology for resumes and interviews
    • Fuller understanding of Work Types
    • Useful for selecting job positions and work projects that allow you to succeed most readily
    • Access to list of Most Suitable Work Roles
    • Format: Electronic pdf, emailed

    $8.99 Add to cart



    THAB Clarification Workbook

    REASONabilities: Keys to Career Success

    Unlock your potential with "REASONabilities: Your Keys to Career Success"! Dive into the world of cognitive abilities essential for work and life. Explore your unique 6 out of 13 REASONabilities, decipher their types, and enrich your understanding with vivid stories and symbols. Knowledge is power; success awaits!
    71 Pages
    • Broader explanation of two categories of REASONabilities
    • Discover criticality of those with a “press to express” – legitimate mental health need
    • Delve deep into each of the 13 REASONabilities
    • Charts to evaluate and understand your abilities
    • Understand both advantages and challenges of each REASONability
    • Comparative information – both sides of scale presented for Personal Style and Driving Abilities
    • Explore various combinations of the REASONabilities
    • Use symbols and stories and images to convey key points
    • Apply to career choice and work success situations
    • Format: Electronic pdf, emailed

    $16.99 Add to cart



    THAB Clarification Workbook
    Reports based on fundamental work and core values for work happiness

    Career Anchors: Career Values Test and Workbook for Career Roles and Success

    Career Anchors Career Values Test Workbook for discovering your real values or career values - Edgar Schein's Career Anchors
    67 Pages
    • This Career Workbook on discovering your real values includes
    • A career orientation inventory or career values quiz
    • Review of the major stages of a career over a life time
    • Discussion of the development of a career anchor value
    • Detailed description of each one of the 8 career value anchors
    • Personal exercises to verify your career values quiz results
    • Identifying your own career values anchor
    • Presents the next steps to take once you’ve identified your career values anchor

    $39.99 Add to cart



    Career Anchors Workbook
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