College-Career Success: MBTI®w/ THAB Student Aptitude Test Bundle+ (Level 7)
- Combination of the best College Success Tests plus College Career Services Consults
- Features the Student THAB ability test uses cutting edge technology based on 50 years of research to objectively measure your abilities
- BEST college test for students to gain tips about Learning Abilities and College Performance abilities necessary for college success
- Provides MOST Crucial information for key CAREER Goal Decisions and ultimate career success
- Features MBTI College Test report
- Get tips to be successful in college specifically based on your personality type
- Tips to be successful in college from socializing to learning and
- Get Career Guide Book with LOTS of information to gain specific career and college success tips for your primary ability combination
- Provides Road Map for Success in each College year – Freshman through Senior year
- Receive two career workbooks to explain labels and gain information that will further illuminate your understanding of your college assessment test reports
- Receive two Comprehensive Consults to address every concern, question and misinterpretations you might have
- An additional SyntheConsult to pull test results together!
- Additional Customized Career Role Report and a Occupational and Educational Implications Career Workbook
- Receive 7 in 3 reports from 2 tests that offer college success tips
- Features the THAB student ability test which includes. . .
- Extensive Explanation of Each of your 19 Natural Hard-Wired Abilities
- Learn about Your 5 Personal Style factors
- Discover your Abilities which Unconsciously Demand Expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success
- Rank Order of 35 Specific and Transferable Work Task Areas (combination of abilities)
- Discover How you Learn Best so you can be successful in college
- Receive detailed tips on how to be successful in college
- Discover your Ideal Work Environment, Problem-Solving/ Decision Making Style, approach to Communicating with others, and the audience you naturally resonate with
- Features the MBTI® College Success Test report which include
- Detailed explanation of your preferences, personality type and preference patterns
- Success tips for your personality type useful for success in college
- Get Career Guide Book to gain specific career and college success tips for you abilities
- Specifically presents work preference based on personal style abilities, ability-based career clusters, learning tools, study helps, careers to investigate, majors to explore and career resources list all tips to be successful in college and in your career
- Provides Road Map for Success in each College year – Freshman through Senior year
Two Career Workbooks to clarify each career test results Career and College workbook and Customized Career Role report for ability test results
- During the 2 Career Test CompreConsults –
- Receive application of your career test results to your unique situation
- Receive your best career roles and occupational options for each based on your career talents and career capabilities
- During the SyntheConsult, review customized career role report from ability test report
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$589.99 Add to cart








College&Career Success Test: MBTI®w/ THAB Student Aptitude Test Bundle (Level 6)
- Receive 7 in 2 reports from 2 tests that provide careers after college ideas
- Features the THAB Student ability test which includes. . .
- Extensive Explanation of Each of your 19 Natural Hard-Wired Abilities
- Learn about Your 5 Personal Style factors
- Discover your Abilities which Unconsciously Demand Expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for choosing the RIGHT career after college
- Rank Order of 35 Specific and Transferable Work Task Areas so you can know your strengths and weakness
- Discover How you Learn Best so you can be successful in college
- Receive detailed tips on how to be successful in college
- Discover your Ideal Work Environment, Problem-Solving/ Decision Making Style, approach to Communicating with others, and the audience you naturally resonate with
- Features the MBTI® Career Assessment Test report which includes . . .
- Ranking of Careers and Occupations
- Work and Career Strengths and Challenges
- Preferred Tasks and Work Environment
- Receive two career workbooks to explain labels and gain more information about each report
- Receive Career and College workbook and Customized Career Role report for ability test results
- Receive your best career roles and occupational options for each based on your career talents and career capabilities
- Receive two CompreConsults so you can apply test results so you are better able to find the right career after college for yourself
- Receive one SyntheConsult to review customized career role report from ability test
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$499.99 Add to cart






Student Career Test: Highlands Ability Battery with Workbook/Video/Consult (Level 5)
- Extensive Explanation of Each of your 19 Natural Hard-Wired School and College and Career Abilities
- Learn about Your5 Personal Style factors
- Discover your Abilities which Unconsciously Demand Expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for choosing the RIGHT career after college
- Rank Order of 35 Specific and Transferable Work Task Areas so you can know your strengths and weakness
- Discover How you Learn Best so you can be successful in college
- Receive detailed tips on how to be successful in college
- Discover your Ideal Work Environment, Problem-Solving/ Decision Making Style, approach to Communicating with others, and the audience you naturally resonate with
- One career test workbook to better understand your ability
- Two Career Test Consults to clarify and explain career ability test for better understanding of this complex work ability test
- Consider purchasing SyntheConsult to receive Customized Career Match Report of best career roles
Original price was: $349.99.$299.99Current price is: $299.99. Add to cart

SII® Career College and Skills Test Chart (Level 1.2)
- Your top 10 occupational or career matches
- Your top 5 and rank order of 25 work interest task areas
- Overview of all results on 6 charts ranking 132 occupations
- Description of your 5 personal work styles: leadership, learning, working, team, risk
- List of typical college majors for each of your top career interest themes
- List of Organization activities, internship, job and college course suggestion for each work interest area
- Degree required, college course needed and related careers for each of your top 10 career matches
- Free access to the Strong Interest Inventory� College Student Worksheet for Choosing College Majors
- Review your level of perceived skills and comparison chart for each of the 6 career theme areas
- An Interactive Feedback of your choice with video option. Required by the Official test publishing company
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$44.99 Add to cart

Myers Briggs® Test with College Report (Level 2)
- Receive your College Test Personality Type preferences
- Get a full description of your personality type from this College Personality Test
- Learn about your unique preference pattern from this MBTI® College Test
- Discover the clarity or strength of your personality factor preferences
- Highly recommended to purchase these two MBTI® books: Introduction To Type® and College as well as the Introduction To Type® and Careers
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$44.99 Add to cart

Learning Styles Test and Guide (Level 1)
- Complete just 12 questions with rankings
- Discover your Primary Learning Style
- Read about all Four Learning Styles
- Discover also how you:
- Work on Teams best
- Solve Problems
- Manage Conflict
- Arrive at Career Decisions and
- Negotiate in Relationships
- Use the Personal Learning Guide to Increase your Learning by 50%
- SAMPLE of Personal Learning Guide ONLY
$29.99 Add to cart

Student BullsEye™ Career & College Best Bundle (Level 8)
- Receive 69 pages of 9in3 reports from 3 tests to find college success and career success for yourself after you graduate from college
- Features the THAB student ability test which includes. . .
- Extensive Explanation of Each of your 19 Natural Hard-Wired Abilities
- Learn about Your 5 Personal Style factors
- Discover your Abilities which Unconsciously Demand Expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success
- Rank Order of 35 Specific and Transferable Work Task Areas (combination of abilities)
- Discover How you Learn best so you can be successful in your career and at work
- Discover your Ideal Work Environment, Problem-Solving/ Decision Making Style, approach to Communicating with others, and the audience you naturally resonate with
- Features the Industry’s Most Popular Career Combinations Package of Strong Interest Test and MBTI® Personality Type Test reports which includes
- Career fit information based on both your career preferences or career interests and career personality
- Your top 10 career match occupations based on your career interests provided by the Strong Test
- Your top 5 career fit work activities and tasks that give you energy, satisfaction and fulfillment
- Rank order of all 25 work activities to the degree that they are a career fit for you
- information about your career fit scores for leadership, learning, team work, work style, etc.
- Your career match occupation list based on your career personality provided by the MBTI® test
- Features the MBTI® Personality Type Test
- Detailed explanation of your personality in general
- Explanation of key features of your personality for best suited career and work situations
- Get personality book describing various aspects of your personality and specific career fit components
- Receive three career workbooks and one career worksheet to explain test information and gain more career test information beyond college career success test reports
- Receive 3 College Career Services CompreConsults so you can fully understand best suited career fit career match test information and apply it to your specific situation to find best career for you
- Receive on 1 College Career Services SyntheConsult to pull all the career and college success test information into your best suited careers for success after college, college majors for those careers and a basic career success action plan
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$699.99 Add to cart










Multiple Intelligences Test
The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983 to analyze and better describe the concept of intelligence. Gardner argues that the concept of intelligence as traditionally defined in IQ tests does not sufficiently describe the wide variety of cognitive abilities humans display. According to Gardner, there are nine intelligences that can be assessed by the multiple intelligences test. Subsequent theorists have proposed varying and different intelligences ranging from as few as 3 to as many as 10.
Testing a range of intelligences is helpful in letting people shine in each of their strength areas. For those who feel like the IQ test does not capture their full range of intelligence, a multiple intelligences test can help you understand the many ways you possess intelligence.
I was helped to discover my career path through a battery of tests and assessments. Now, I am enrolled in a bachelor’s degree. I do believe that my education will help me re-enter the job market. I am finding that the minimum requirement for employment with most companies is a bachelor’s degree.
Leann Vogel Data Specialist, Qwest Communications
Learning Styles Career Test
We learn every day in every place we live and work. Knowing how you learn can reduce frustrations, accelerate learning, and ultimately maximize potential. The main learning channels are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. There are other learning channels, and more can be found when we combine them. Different learning style tests assess different learning channel combinations.
Learning Styles career tests are sometimes referred to as learning styles questionnaire, learning styles survey, learning styles inventory survey, questionnaire on learning styles, and survey on learning styles.