- This book help you Confirm a career direction that will make maximum use of their talents and abilities.
- Reviews your THAB report and Your Abilities
- Presents 14 different Career Power Clusters or Work Roles for specific ability combinations, as well as suggested occupations that fit these roles.
- Review Road Maps to Success, Create your own Career Goals, and learn how to Enlist support of parents and administrator to achieve those goals.
- No student wants to spend the four most crucial and formative years of her life only to discover at the end that she’s in the wrong theater on the wrong night with the wrong script.
- This Career Workbook on discovering your real values includes
- A career orientation inventory or career values quiz
- Review of the major stages of a career over a life time
- Discussion of the development of a career anchor value
- Detailed description of each one of the 8 career value anchors
- Personal exercises to verify your career values quiz results
- Identifying your own career values anchor
- Presents the next steps to take once you’ve identified your career values anchor
- The Field Guide debunks common myths about Mission Statements, clears out the Negative or False Messages you tell yourself and draws out your Destiny so you are primed for creating a good mission statement.
- Go through three basic steps to identify the main components in every good mission statement; Then follow a Simple Formula to articulate your personal Mission Statement. A simple and straight-forward process.
- But don’t stop there. Create a Vision Statement where you live out your Mission most fully.
- Learn how to Transition Through the Creative Tension Zone
- Create 8 action steps and a To Do list to direct your steps toward your living your Mission through your Vision.
- Format: Electronic pdf, emailed

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