Group Testing Training Students Teams

Smart Guide to Select Testing / Training for Groups

We build all of our training upon state-of the art assessments, whether it be for employee productivity, leadership development, or team building… or even for your students’ career and learning goals.

A step-by-step wizard guides you through building the right learning experience for your team, students, clients or group. They can complete the learning as individuals or as a combined group.

Join parents, professors, teachers, therapists, counselors, human resource directors, managers and business owners who want to:

  • advance their constituents self-discovery for personal effectiveness, happiness and success, and
  • in the case of companies, as a means way to achieve their goals of productivity, harmony, leadership and growth.

For assistance, please contact Marjorie Wall Hofer,


  1. Start by choosing the type of test you wish to use for your group’s learning/training
  2. Choose the specific test (or test combination)
  3. Choose the debrief of the test so your group understand the foundations and key points of their report

At this point, you may choose to end the learning experience or you may add the following items:

  1. Choose subject matter workshop
  2. Choose action planning through individual consultations
  3. Present the details of location options for each learning option chosen
  4. Review your package:
    1. Save it and request consultation prior to purchase. This option also allows time to secure purchase order for companies.
    2. Pay now enables you to pay immediately to secure dates and times desired AND receive a complimentary call from TestEts trainer to ensure your expectations and desired goals are fully met by your package.
  5. Purchase one test per training. You may return to site to purchase second test and training after purchasing the first one.


Choose Type

Each of the following types of assessments can be used for different, and in some cases, multiple objectives and outcomes. Read carefully through the options to make the right selection for your organizations needs and desired goals. (not results????)

If you want more than one assessment for your training, please choose the available combinations in the Type Section.

MBTI ® Myers Briggs® Type Indicator is an affordable tool appropriate for achieving many outcomes:

  • communication
  • team building
  • change management
  • individual contributions & productivity
  • stress management
  • career development / outsourcing
  • conflict management
  • leadership developments
  • career growth and more...

THAB - The Highlands Ability Battery is a top-of-the-line assessment effective for:

  • leadership development
  • team building
  • employee contributions and productivity
  • understanding REASONabilities™
  • learning styles useful for career pathing and planning
  • career planning for students or unemployed adults

FIRO - Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation is an inexpensive assessment mostly used for communication and relationship work specifically:

  • leadership development
  • team building around communication and relating styles.
  • group harmony for productivity and effectiveness
  • as a conflict resolution strategy
  • self-awareness for personal and/or professional effectiveness
  • improvements to relationship of all kinds

SII - Strong Interest Inventory is an inexpensive assessment used primarily for:

  • outsourcing employees
  • career exploration for high school students
  • career planning for students
  • career planning for adults


Choose Test

Select the tab which best represents your participants to receive testing and debrief packages most appropriate for that group. Make your selection. This is the minimum learning/training experience required for your group.

You need to choose a type first.

Choose Debrief

Select the tab which best represents your participants to receive testing and debrief packages most appropriate for that group. Make your selection. This is the minimum learning/training experience required for your group.

You need to choose a type first.

Choose Subject Matter Learning Workshop

Add a subject matter learning/training experience for your group (optional). Select the tab which best represents your participants to receive workshop packages most appropriate for that group. You make choose a workshop under a different group heading if you wish. Make your selection. to speak with Training Development Consultant regarding your specific training needs.

You need to choose a type first.


Choose Action Planning Consult

Action planning occurs in consultation with an experience TestEt Consultant, typically the trainer conducting the debrief or subject matter workshop. These sessions are used to apply the testing results specifically to that individual and create an action plan to reach a decision or a goal.

Training managers, you, can articulate the desired outcome for the group as a whole. Action planning can also be added to the end of workshops rather than with individuals should that be desired which will be invoiced at the end of the subject-matter training event.

These Action Planning sessions help participant actually bring about the changes and steps needed to accomplish their desired goals.

You need to choose a type first.


Trainer Manager:

First Name:*

Direct Phone:*

Company Name:*




Last Name:*

Email Address:*

Business Phone:*





Testing Completion Date Choices: Dates participants to complete online testing via their TestEts account.

First Date Choice: *

Second Date Choice:

Third Date Choice:


Debrief Date Choices: Need to be at least 2 days after Testing Completion Date.

First Date Choice: *

Second Date Choice:

Third Date Choice:

Debrief Locaton

Preferred Location:
Remote (Video Conferencing, Phone, Skype, other)
On-Site (Your Location)
Off-Site (Hotel, Conference room)

Location that training will be held.
Location Name*
Location Address*
Location City*
Location State*
Location Zip*

Hotel / Conference Room Location
Location Name *
Location Address *
Location City *
Location State *
Location Zip *

Choose Remote Method *


Workshop Date Choices

First Date Choice: *

Second Date Choice:

Third Date Choice:

Workshop Locaton

Preferred Location:
Remote (Video Conferencing, Phone, Skype, other)
On-Site (Your Location)
Off-Site (Hotel, Conference room)

Location that training will be held.
Location Name *
Location Address *
Location City *
Location State *
Location Zip *

Hotel / Conference Room Location
Location Name *
Location Address *
Location City *
Location State *
Location Zip *

Choose Remote Method *

Action Plan

Action Plan Date Choices

First Date Choice: *

Second Date Choice:

Third Date Choice:

Fourth Date Choice:

Fifth Date Choice:

Action Plan Locaton

Preferred Location:
Remote (Video Conferencing, Phone, Skype, other)
On-Site (Your Location)
Off-Site (Hotel, Conference room)

Location that training will be held.
Location Name *
Location Address *
Location City *
Location State *
Location Zip *

Hotel / Conference Room Location Location Name *
Location Address *
Location City *
Location State *
Location Zip *

Choose Remote Method *


Review your Choices

Trainer Manager:
Direct Phone:
Company Name:
Company Phone:
Program Type:
Test: You have selected nothing for this section.

Option 1
Option 2
Option 3

Debrief: You have selected nothing for this section.
Location Name:
Location Address:
Location City:
Location State:
Location Zip:
Location Name:
Location Address:
Location City:
Location State:
Location Zip:
Remote Method:
Other Method Details:
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3

Workshop: You have selected nothing for this section.
Location Name:
Location Address:
Location City:
Location State:
Location Zip:
Location Name:
Location Address:
Location City:
Location State:
Location Zip:
Remote Method:
Other Method Details:
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3

Action Plan: You have selected nothing for this section.

Action Plan:
Location Name:
Location Address:
Location City:
Location State:
Location Zip:
Location Name:
Location Address:
Location City:
Location State:
Location Zip:
Remote Method:
Other Method Details:
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5

Program Total $

Reset Form

Account Info



Billing Info



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