- Receive 63 pages of 8in3 reports from 3 tests to find the absolute best career for you
- Features the THAB student ability test which includes. . .
- Extensive Explanation of Each of your 19 Natural Hard-Wired Abilities
- Learn about Your5 Personal Style factors
- Discover your Abilities which Unconsciously Demand Expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success
- Rank Order of 35 Specific and Transferable Work Task Areas (combination of abilities)
- Discover your Ideal Work Environment, Problem-Solving/ Decision Making Style, approach to Communicating with others, and the audience you naturally resonate with
- Discover How you Learn best so you can experience college success as well as career success in work which requires learning everyday
- Features the Industry’s Most Popular Career Combinations Package of Strong Interest Test and MBTI® Personality Type Test reports which includes
- Career fit information based on both your career preferences or career interests and career personality
- Your top 10 career match occupations based on your career interests provided by the Strong Test
- Your top 5 career fit work activities and tasks that give you energy, satisfaction and fulfillment
- Rank order of all 25 work activities to the degree that they are a career fit for you
- information about your career fit scores for leadership, learning, team work, work style, etc.
- Your career match occupation list based on your career personality provided by the MBTI® test
- Features the MBTI® Personality Type Test
- Detailed explanation of your personality in general
- Explanation of key features of your personality for best suited career and work situations
- Get personality book describing various aspects of your personality and specific career success components
- Receive three career workbooks to explain test information and gain more career test information beyond college and career success reports
- Receive 3 CompreConsults so you can fully understand best suited career fit career match test information and apply it to your specific situation to find best career for you
- Receive on 1 SyntheConsult to pull all the career and college success test information into your best suited careers for success after college and a basic career success action plan
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
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MBTI® Interpretive ReportStrong Interest Inventory® Profile Report, College Edition + Strong and MBTI® Career ReportTHAB ADULT All Access Reports (15)THAB CareerSupplement ReportMBTI Verification WorkbookTHAB Clarification WorkbookSII Clarification WorkbookCareer Test Analysis WorkbookPDF MBTI Type BookletPPT Head Talking PointsPPT Head Stress PointsClient IntakeTHAB College & Career WorkbookCareer Consult (5)THAB ADULT Career Supplement Report
- Available online nowhere else – a TestEts Exclusive Career Combinations test package
- Find your best suited career based on the top career keys – your abilities, interests, and personality
- This is TestEts MOST POPULAR career combinations package
- Get 63 pages of ‘8 in 3’ reports along with 106 pages of career resource materials
- Features THAB Adult Ability Career Test which is a “TOP-of-the-LINE” career test based on cutting edge technology with 50 years of research data
- Used an objective – no guessing- career test measurement tool to determine best suited career work
- Provides the most crucial information for best career for you – career match based on abilities – your hard-wired career assets
- The Industry’s Most Popular Career Combinations Package of Strong Interest Test and MBTI® Personality Type Test
- Gain occupational career fit based on both your career preferences or career interests and career personality
- Discover your top 10 career match occupations based on your career interests provided by the Strong Test
- Also receive information about your career fit for leadership, learning, team work, work style, etc.
- Discover your career match occupation list based on your career personality
- Receive detailed explanation of your personality in general and key features of your personality for best suited career and work situations
- Receive 4 career workbooks to explain the nuances of labels used and gain additional information that will further illuminate your understanding of your leader test reports
- Receive three CompreConsults with one of the best career profilers who is also a coach to address every concern, question and misinterpretations you might have
- Receive on SyntheConsult to pull all the career match test information into best suited career and a basic career plan with action steps
This test meets the criteria for the following categories:
Highlands Ability Battery: Career
Interest Inventory: College Career
Interest Inventory: Best Bundles
Myers Briggs® Test: Best Bundles
Aptitude Test: Career
Careers Test: Career Aptitude Test (THAB*)
College Career Test+Intelligences Test
Best Personality Test Bundles
College Career Test+ Aptitudes
Careers Test: Careers by Personality
Best Careers Test
Adult Test: Career Change
Student Career Test: Adults
Highlands Ability Battery: Career
Interest Inventory: College Career
Interest Inventory: Best Bundles
Myers Briggs® Test: Best Bundles
Aptitude Test: Career
Careers Test: Career Aptitude Test (THAB*)
College Career Test+Intelligences Test
Best Personality Test Bundles
College Career Test+ Aptitudes
Careers Test: Careers by Personality
Best Careers Test
Adult Test: Career Change
Student Career Test: Adults