- Receive pages of 8in4reports from 4 tests to identify your entrepreneur traits, entrepreneur abilities, entrepreneur style, entrepreneur values and entrepreneur motivators for success
- Receive both career consultations and resource materials to full capitalize on the knowledge gained from the tests to achieve success in your business
- Receive the THAB Highlands Ability Battery Adult Ability Test which includes. . .
- Extensive explanation of each of your 19 natural hard-wired abilities
- Learn about your 5 personal style factors and how they contribute to success at work
- Discover your abilities which unconsciously demand expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for entrepreneurial success
- Rank order of 35 specific, transferable work task areas (combination of abilities)
- Discover how you learn best so you can be successful in your career and at work
- Discover your Ideal Work Environment, Problem-Solving/ Decision Making Style, approach to Communicating with others, and the audience you naturally resonate with
- Receive MBTI® WorkTypes Test for Organizations which includes . . . Work Type Chart of working preferences and orientations
- Explanation of your communication, problem-solving styles
- How your dominant function (strengths) contributes to your work setting
- How you naturally handle stress at work
- Discussion of 6 key work style traits including leadership and learning
- suggestions for development of your traits and work style
- Receive Career Anchors: Value Success Drivers Test which includes . . .
- Identification of your single success driver at this stage in your life
- Opportunity to discover if you have the traditional entrepreneur traits and style success driver or other business, service, freedom success drivers
- Specifically what drives you to work and go to work each day and to succeed!
- As life stage changes, your success driver can change as well (most true for women)
- Speeds career decision making
- Therefore you can take this test again when your situation changes.
- Receive Joining the Entrepreneurial Elite: Four Styles to Business Success book which includes . . .
- Entrepreneur Questionnaire in paper format to test your own entrepreneur style (based on MBTI)
- Explore the links between MBTI® type, temperament, and entrepreneur style and traits
- Explore the four distinctive entrepreneur styles and their corresponding traits
- a 155 page career book for entrepreneurs who want to understand and capitalize on their entrepreneurial style for business success.
- Receive FREE Career Anchors Workbook which includes . . .
- A printable questionnaire to test entrepreneur values and traits in another way
- Detailed description of each one of the 8 success drivers including the traditional entrepreneur traits driver
- Review of the major stages of a career over a life time contributing to your success driver
- Explore the development of a success driver
- Personal exercises to verify your success driver questionnaire results
- Presents the next steps to take once you have identified your success driver to achieve your personal brand of success
- Receive 3 test workbooks and to explain test information and gain more information from each of the entrepreneurial assessment reports
- Receive 1 test synthesis worksheet to consolidate key entrepreneurial style, traits, ability and values information onto a single piece of paper
- Receive 3 College Career Services CompreConsults so you can fully understand entrepreneurial assessment test information and apply it to your entrepreneurial situation
- Receive on 1 SyntheConsult to pull all the entrepreneur questionnaire test information together so that you have a complete understanding of your entrepreneur style, entrepreneur traits, entrepreneur values and entrepreneur abilities and how they translates into business success for you
Business Leader Success: Premiere Entrepreneur Bundle (Level 10)
New LOW price. Leadership and Business Strategy Consulations. REASONabililites™. Free WorkRole & WorkSkills report. Many extras.
MSRP: 1383.55
SKU: OCLE999 (53)
OPTIM's Entrepreneur Questionnaire Tests
This exclusive entrepreneurial assessment consists of 3 different entrepreneur questionnaires that measure entrepreneur abilities, drivers, motivators, entrepreneur traits and entrepreneurial style

MBTI® Interpretive Report for OrganizationsLeadership Report Using the FIRO-B® and MBTI® InstrumentsCareer Anchors Test with Workbook ONLINETHAB ADULT All Access Reports (15)THAB CareerSupplement ReportPDF MBTI Type BookletMBTI Verification WorkbookFIRO-B Clarification WorkbookTHAB Clarification WorkbookCompreConsult (5)PPT Head Talking PointsPPT Head Stress PointsPDF MBTI Word CloudClient IntakeTHAB REASONabilities™ Workbook
- An Exclusive entrepreneurial assessment of 3 Entrepreneur Questionnaire tests
- Most comprehensive Entrepreneurial Assessment on the Market
- Measuring entrepreneur abilities, entrepreneur traits, entrepreneur values and entrepreneur style
- Includes Entrepreneurial Elite book and Career Consultations for each assessment
- Features THAB Ability Test which is a “TOP-of-the-LINE” career test based on cutting edge technology with 50 years of research data
- Uses an objective – no guessing- assessment tool focused on measure your key abilities
- Provides the most crucial information – your driving abilities – combinations of which determine your entrepreneur ability traits and style, and what kind of entrepreneur you are
- Features the Career Anchors: Value Success Drivers assessment will help you . . .
- Discover what drives you to succeed and in what manner you wish to succeed
- Determine if you have a value-based entrepreneur traits that drive your success as an entrepreneur or business manager (or one of the other 6 motivational styles)
- Features the MBTI® personality Traits Test which will . . .
- Identify your personality type and discover its corresponding traits and work style in business setting
- Discover the strengths and limitations of your traits and style
- Features the Entrepreneurial Elite book and questionnaire to . . .
- Discover your distinct entrepreneur style based on MBTI® personality traits
- Capitalize on your entrepreneurial style to build a successful business or product
- Gain advice from interviews with successful and distinguished entrepreneurs
- Get FREE Access to Career Anchors Workbook and other Resource online with this Test!
- Receive 3 test workbooks and to explain test information and gain more information from each of the entrepreneurial assessment reports
- Receive 1 test synthesis worksheet to consolidate key entrepreneurial style, traits, ability and values information onto a single piece of paper
- Receive 3 College Career Services CompreConsults so you can fully understand entrepreneurial assessment test information and apply it to your entrepreneurial situation
- Receive on 1 SyntheConsult to pull all the entrepreneur questionnaire test information together so that you have a complete understanding of your entrepreneur style, entrepreneur traits, entrepreneur values and entrepreneur abilities and how they translates into business success for you

This test meets the criteria for the following categories:
Highlands Ability Battery: Business
Leader Test for Leader Abilities
Best Personality Test Bundles
Aptitude Test: Leadership
Personality Test for Work
Leadership Personality Test
Best Test for Lawyer /Business
Business Success: Entrepreneur
Highlands Ability Battery: Business
Leader Test for Leader Abilities
Best Personality Test Bundles
Aptitude Test: Leadership
Personality Test for Work
Leadership Personality Test
Best Test for Lawyer /Business
Business Success: Entrepreneur