- Receive 7 in 2 reports from 2 tests that provide careers after college ideas
- Features the THAB Student ability test which includes. . .
- Extensive Explanation of Each of your 19 Natural Hard-Wired Abilities
- Learn about Your 5 Personal Style factors
- Discover your Abilities which Unconsciously Demand Expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for choosing the RIGHT career after college
- Rank Order of 35 Specific and Transferable Work Task Areas so you can know your strengths and weakness
- Discover How you Learn Best so you can be successful in college
- Receive detailed tips on how to be successful in college
- Discover your Ideal Work Environment, Problem-Solving/ Decision Making Style, approach to Communicating with others, and the audience you naturally resonate with
- Features the MBTI® Career Assessment Test report which includes . . .
- Ranking of Careers and Occupations
- Work and Career Strengths and Challenges
- Preferred Tasks and Work Environment
- Receive two career workbooks to explain labels and gain more information about each report
- Receive Career and College workbook and Customized Career Role report for ability test results
- Receive your best career roles and occupational options for each based on your career talents and career capabilities
- Receive two CompreConsults so you can apply test results so you are better able to find the right career after college for yourself
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
College&Career Success Test: MBTI®w/ THAB Student Aptitude Test Bundle (Level 6)
New lLow Price Free Learning Styles + Career Report
MSRP: 743.34
SKU: THsM366053 (55)
College Assessment Test + College Career Services Consultations
Asking: Help Me Find A Career Take this Career Assessment Test combo pack and receive college career services for career development for students in college or going to college

MBTI® Interpretive Report, College EditionMBTI® Career ReportTHAB Student Ability Report w/LEARNING Keys ReportTHAB STUDENT Career Supplement ReportClient IntakeTHAB Clarification WorkbookMBTI Verification WorkbookTHAB College & Career WorkbookCompreConsult (2)THAB ADULT Career Supplement Report
- Combination of the best Career after College Assessment Tests plus College Career Services Consults and Resources
- Features the Student THAB ability test which uses cutting edge technology based on 50 years of research to objectively measure your Hard-Wired abilities
- BEST career after college test for students to maximize learning while at college
- Provides MOST Crucial information for key CAREER Goal Decisions so you can choose the right career after college where you can expect success and happiness
- Features MBTI® Career Assessment Test report great when you ask ‘Help me Find a Career’
- Get careers for after college specifically based on your personality type
- Receive two career workbooks to explain labels and gain information that will further illuminate your understanding of your college assessment test reports
- Receive two Comprehensive Consults to address every concern, question and misinterpretations you might have
- Plus receive a SyntheConsult to pull test results together, Customized Career Role with College Majors Report and Careers and College Workbook

This test meets the criteria for the following categories:
Highlands Ability Battery: Career
MBTI® Test and Career Ability Test
College Career Test+ Personality
Aptitude Test: Career & College
College Career: Learning Tests
Personality Test: Career-College
Personality Test with Type Books
Complete Test for College-Career
College-Careers Test: General
School Success by Abilities
College-Careers: Career Aptitude
School Success for College
College Career Test: Personality
College-Careers: Intelligences
College Career Test for Learning
Student Career Test: College
Highlands Ability Battery: Career
MBTI® Test and Career Ability Test
College Career Test+ Personality
Aptitude Test: Career & College
College Career: Learning Tests
Personality Test: Career-College
Personality Test with Type Books
Complete Test for College-Career
College-Careers Test: General
School Success by Abilities
College-Careers: Career Aptitude
School Success for College
College Career Test: Personality
College-Careers: Intelligences
College Career Test for Learning
Student Career Test: College