- Receive your interpretative results of FIRO® Test for Business Interaction Test Charts (not included) for specific business interaction applications in clean format
- Discover the impact of your interpersonal needs for inclusion, control and affection and how these impact your business interactions, and communication and leadership style
- Learn about your interpersonal interest for interactions, with and associated strengths, challenges and developmental stretches in Relating to Coworkers
- Learn about your interpersonal needs for interactions with, and associated strengths, challenges and developmental stretches in Relating to Your Manager
- Learn about your interpersonal needs for interactions with, and associated strengths, challenges and developmental stretches in Relating to Your Direct Reports
- Learn about your interpersonal preferences for interactions involving, and associated strengths, challenges and developmental stretches in Handling Negotiations and Conflict
- Learn about your interpersonal preferences for interactions involving, and associated strengths, challenges and developmental stretches in Making Decisions and Setting Priorities
- Receive several additional leadership style and potential development suggestion in Next Steps
- Recommend purchasing combined FIRO® Business Interaction Test + Business Test for Leadership Style Potential for more thorough understanding with Scores Charts
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
FIRO® Test Business Leadership Report (Level 1)
Free Video Included
MSRP: 52.69
SKU: F5160 (5)
FIRO® Business Test for Leadership Potential and Test your Leadership Style based on behavioral test and interactio
FIRO®Business Test for Leadership Style and Leadership Potential is a Business Interaction Test and Interpersonal Test among FIRO® tests. Produces 13 pg leadership potential and leadership style report based on interpersonal needs describing how you Relate to Your Coworkers, Manager & Direct Reports as well as how you Handle Negotiation and Conflict, Making Decisions and Setting Priorities. For Scores Charts purchase FIRO® Test for Business Interaction Test Charts.

FIRO Business® Leadership Report
- Tests interaction behaviors and wants for inclusion, control and affection
- Provides interpretation and application of FIRO ® Test for Business Interaction Test Charts to enhance leadership style and leadership potential
- Enables potential leaders to understand their interpersonal needs and
- Facilitates comprehension of how interpersonal needs tested here influence business interactions, communication style and leadership style behaviors
- Provides key insights for relating to direct reports, superiors, and peers, influencing and negotiating, making decisions, and setting priorities
- Creates opportunity to quickly effect behavioral change in potential leaders by providing specific insights into their interpersonal and interactional needs
- Details strengths and development recommendation for improving leadership style and leadership potentials
- Must-use tool for leadership style development and executive coaching
- Very useful for professionals and managers seeking career advancement and potential leadership opportunities

This test meets the criteria for the following categories:
FIRO® Test: Leadership
Leader Test for Leader Style
Strong Career Test: Leadership
Manager Test for Leadership
FIRO® Test: Leadership
Leader Test for Leader Style
Strong Career Test: Leadership
Manager Test for Leadership