- Free REAL TIME Coaching (Coach-On-Call) is provided for each Coaching Service (career discovery, career success, job success, work success, or leader success)
- Number of Free REAL TIME Coaching Minutes you can access per month depends on Coaching Program Price you choose (prime, progress, power or perpetual peak)
- Use the Coach-On-Call of 75 minutes per month and as many as 250 minutes per month.
- Access is limited to business days and hours
- Format: phone, email, text
Free Real-Time Coaching (Coach-On-Call Service)
SKU: COC000 (160)
Free Real Time Coaching with Real Time Coach
Free Real Time Coaching with Real Time Coach
- Free Real Time Coaching having a “Coach-On-Call” for the entire month.
- This is Just In Time Coaching
- Provided by your personal coach -your real time coach
- Get the ANSWERS you need when you want them
- Get the HELP you need when you want it
- Have the coach WORK “BEHIND THE SCENES” for you (on resumes, development plans, resourcing aids, making contacts, supplying you with key tools, developing customized tools just for you)
- Comes with every coaching service and pricing structure!