- Myers Briggs® Personality Profile chart
- Discover natural preference orientations and operational functions
- Obtain scores for the 4 key personality type test scales
- Receive scores for the 2 Orientations (Energy source and Living Style)
- Receive scores for the Perceiving/Noticing Function or Input mode
- Receive scores for the Judging/Concluding Function or Output mode
- Obtain one line descriptors of your personality test type
- Your MBTI® TEAM Type Chart and Profile
- Learn about Strengths and Challenges of your Team Type
- Understand How your Team Type Solves Problems and Communicates
- Discover the Areas of Potential Conflict and Resolution Strategies among team members
- Uncover the Diversity of Type on your Team and it limitations
- Understand the best Role your Team Type plays in the Organization
- Your Individual Personality Type Contributions to the overall Team
- Facilitators Report of the overall team role assessment report
Myers Briggs® Team Reports with MBTI® Profile Test
MSRP: Per Participant Pricing
SKU: M1145-1ga-1 ()
Meyers Briggs® Personality Type Test Team Report
Myers Briggs® Personality Profile Chart is a quick reference to your unique personality characteristics. It produces a 4 page chart and report of your MBTI® personality type including key descriptors for your type. PLUS Team Report for the unique personality type of your team along with its strengths and challenges and much more.

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MBTI® Profile ReportMBTI Team Report
- Quick and Easy Myers Briggs® Personality Quiz
- Chart Scores Report from the Personality Type Test Quiz
- Lowest Priced MBTI® Test Available Online!
- Recommend reviewing MBTI® books combinations with Myers Briggs® Personality Quiz
This test meets the criteria for the following categories:
Myers Briggs® MBTI® Training
Myers Briggs® MBTI® Training