• Introductions (5 min)
  • Review of limitations of Strong Interest Inventory and its Profile Chart (5 min)
  • History of John Holland’s theory and development of the SII (5 min)
  • ACTIVITY*: John Holland’s Party Game  or Self-Test (10 min)
  • Review of career interest theme and ‘warning’ signs (5 min)
  • Review of 25 work interest task and application in life (10 min)
  • ACTIVITY*: Complete Life Target Board for top interest work task areas (15 min)
  • Understand the key factors generating top 10 career matches (5 min)
  • Explore a top career match using two key career websites (10 min)
  • ACTIVITY*: Complete on personal computer a search of one occupation using career websites* (15 min)
  • Examine each 5 personal work styles (5 min)
  • ACTIVITY*: Describe ideal work environment given work styles (10 min)
  • Review response summary to ensure validity of results (5 min)
  • ACTIVITY*: Question and Answers (5 min)
  • Wrap-up (5 min)


*NOTE: Activity is only included in Facilitated Learning option

Format Options

  • Presentation (1 hr)
  • Facilitated Learning with Activities* (up to 2 hr)

Delivery Options

  • Trainer Only
  • Via Remote Conference Call or In-Person OnSite (Travel expenses billed separately)