- The Strong Career Interest Test includes . . .
- Your top 10 occupational or career interest matches
- Your top 5 and rank order of 25 work interest task areas
- Overview of all results on 6 charts ranking 132 occupations
- Description of your 5 personal work styles: leadership, learning, working, team, risk
- List of typical college career majors for each of your top career interest themes
- List of Organization activities, internship, job and college course suggestion for each career interest area
- College career degree required, college course needed and related careers for each of your top 10 career interest matches
- Free access to the Strong Interest Inventory® College Student Worksheet for Choosing College Majors
- Myers Briggs® Career Personality Test includes . . .
- Detailed Chart of Personality Preferences and Orientations
- Summary of Your Myers Briggs® Career Personality Test Results
- Learn your Career Personality Work and Career Strengths and Challenges
- Discover your Career Personality Most Preferred Tasks and Work Environments
- Learn How Your Career Personality Affects Your Career Choice
- Discover How Your Career Personality Affects Your Career Exploration
- Find out How Your Career Personality Affects Your Career Development
- Get List of Career Job Families and Occupations for Your Myers Briggs® Career Personality
- Receive Ranking of those Job Families or Occupations
- Discover the Most Popular Occupations and Least Popular Occupations for your Career Personality
- Combined Strong and Myers Briggs® Career Personality Interest Test Report includes . . .
- Summary of Your Strong Test (Career Interests) and Myers Briggs® (Career Personality ) Results
- Your Strong Career Interest Themes and Myers Briggs® Personality Preferences Combined
- Your Career Personality Style and Myers Briggs® Preferences
- Career Fields and Occupations Suggested by Your Combined Interest Personality Results
- Additional Occupations based on your combined interest personality to explore
- Successful Strategies for Career Development, Career Exploration and Career Change
- Recommend MBTI® book on Introduction To Type® for more information
- NOW! Hyperlinks to O*Net™ to further support career exploration
- Updated Career Scales lists reflecting contemporary work and jobs
- Two Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- Purchase the two career test workbooks to explain nuances, verify your test results, and gain additional information from interest and personality tests for careers
Strong Interest Inventory® and Myers Briggs® Test: Career-College Reports (Level 3)
Free Videos Included
MSRP: 113.7
SKU: SM60/53 (25)
College Career Test - Strong Test + Myers Briggs® Personality Test
Find Career Preferences with this College Career Interest Personality Test to answer what should I major in college test using Myers Briggs® test for students and student interest survey. Produces a 27 pg Strong test results plus Myers Briggs® personality type test results plus combined Strong Myers Briggs® interest personality test report describing your personality type, career preferences, personal styles, alternative careers, career management, exploration and change steps, PLUS college major and pt jobs leading to career.
MBTI® Career ReportStrong Interest Inventory® Profile Report, College Edition + Strong and MBTI® Career Report
- The MOST POPULAR College Career Test Package for Students!
- Lowest Priced Career Type Report of its kind available online!
- Only College Career Strong Test and Myers Briggs® Test to offer test verifying Career Workbooks
- The Strong Test enables you to . . .
- Find satisfying work in your career and in your personal life
- Identify college career options related to your career interests
- Choose appropriate college major relevant to your career interests
- Maintain lifestyle balance by satisfying your career interests in work and life
- Understand aspects of your interest personality most closely
- Determine your preferred learning environments
- Discover your leadership, risk taking, and teamwork styles
- Use your career interests to determine your career direction
- Apply your career interests to your career exploration
- Myers Briggs® Career Personality Test Can Help You . . .
- Identify job families or career industries to help get you started in your career search
- Choose a specific job or career for your Myers Briggs® career personality
- Select a college major or course of study most suitable for your Myers Briggs® career personality
- Identify strengths and potential weaknesses of your career personality for the career search process
- Increase your job satisfaction in your current career based on your career personality
- Make a career transition or shift into the right career for your Myers Briggs® career personality
- Plan your career development strategy and action steps for career exploration
- The Strong Interest and Myers Briggs® Personality Career Report helps you identify . . .
- Work activities you find most satisfying to your career personality
- Work environments that would be suitable fit and way to alter than to make them more satisfying for your career personality
- Specific occupations and career fields you might enjoy given your career personality
- Leisure activities to balance your work life given your career personality
- Strategies for career development and career exploration
Reports based on likes, wants, desires and enjoyments for career happiness
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor
This test meets the criteria for the following categories:
Interest Inventory: College Career
Interest Test amd Myers Briggs®
MBTI® Test with Career Test SII®
College Career Test+ Personality
Careers Test: Careers by Personality
Personality Test: Career-College
School Success for College
College Career Test: Personality
College-Careers: Intelligences
School Success by Interests
Student Career Test: College
Interest Inventory: College Career
Interest Test amd Myers Briggs®
MBTI® Test with Career Test SII®
College Career Test+ Personality
Careers Test: Careers by Personality
Personality Test: Career-College
School Success for College
College Career Test: Personality
College-Careers: Intelligences
School Success by Interests
Student Career Test: College