Manager Test for CommunicationManager with Employee TestManager Test for Work TasksManager Test for LeadershipManager Test for Natural Abilities
Manager with Employee Test
- Reveals your personal Conflict Handling Pattern
- Learn to determine when one conflict behavior is productive and when choosing another style would be more effective.
- Understand the Uses and Misuses of a particular conflict-handling style
- Identifies your score on each of the Five Conflict-Handling Modes: CompetingCollaborating Compromising AvoidingAccommodating
- Gain Specific Suggestions for considering and using alternative approaches to resolve conflict.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- MBTI® Type Chart of Natural Preferences and Orientations
- Explanation of your Communication andProblem-Solving styles
- How your Dominant Functioncontributes to the organization
- Handling Stress at work
- And 6 key features of your Work Style including Leadership and Learning style
- Suggestions for Development
- Consider Introduction To Type® in Organizations booklet for more information
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- Learn about the 4 scale MBTI® Test Dichotomies Discover your personality type and the personality type of your partner or colleague
- Learn about each partner’s MBTI® Type at Work including description, motivators, work style, values, and difference in handling change and potential problems
- Learn about each partner’s communication Style, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to improve communications
- Learn about each partner’s Information Gathering Approach, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to remedy information gathering problems
- Learn about each partner’s Decision Making Approach, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to remedy Decision Making problems
- Learn about each partner’s Project or Life Management Style, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to remedy information gathering problems
- Receive Next Steps Discussion Sheet and Further Reading suggestion to moving forward
- Highly recommended MBTI® books: Introduction To Type® and Communication as well as the Introduction To Type® and Emotional Intelligence
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

TKI Conflict Management Inventory (Level 3)
TKI Conflict Management Inventory is a Conflict Test and could be considered Conflict Personality Test, or Conflict Styles Inventory or Conflict Quiz to understand, manage and resolve conflicts
11 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 0 Consult and 0 AddOns
$39.99 Add to cart

Myers Briggs® Test: MBTI® Org – Work Success Report (Level 3)
The MBTI® Test for Work Types and Types at Work is a extensive jungian personality test for types at work in organization. It produces a detailed 10 page MBTI® results report of Your MBTI® Work Style Snapshot, Work Style Chart, Preferences at Work Chart, Communication Style Chart
& Problem-Solving Approach.
10 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
$79.99 Add to cart

Myers Briggs® Test: Personality or Work Styles Comparison (2 persons) (Level 3.5)
MBTI® Partner Test and Partnership Test is a partner personality test or partner assessment offered by MBTI® test company. Produces 14 pg MBTI® Partner Test report for 2 MBTI® partner test profiles including MBTI® Type at Work, Communication Styles, Information Gathering, Decision Making, Project Management, and Next Steps. **REQUIRES: 2 users and both MUST have MBTI code (4-letters).
14 Pgs in 1 Report From 2 Tests + 1 Consult + 0 AddOns (REQ 2 persons w/MBTI code)
$149.99 Add to cart