Professional Careers TestProfession for Me TestNursing Test Medical ProfessionsLawyer Test
Sales TestManagement TestMinistry Test
Sales TestManagement TestMinistry Test
Profession for Me Test
- Identify your top 3 job interest areas
- Receive descriptions, skills and education for each job interest area
- Choose from list of 50 or so job match options or occupation match options for each job interest area
- Read about the specific skills need for each job interest area
- Learn about college and vocational training required by some of the jobs listed in the job interest area
- Link to detailed information for each occupation you wish to research
- Through the links to research alternative occupations, salary, on-the-job training, occupational forecasts, and so much more
- Complete Extensive Timed Objective Test and Score Results
- Identify your top 3 career ability areas
- Receive descriptions, skills and education for each career ability area
- Choose from list of 50 or so career options or occupation match options for each job interest area
- Read about the specific skills need for each career ability area
- Learn about college and vocational training required by some of the jobs listed in the job interest area
- Through the links to research alternative occupations, salary, on-the-job training, occupational forecasts, and so much more
- Complete Extensive Timed Objective Test and Score Results
- Identify your top 3 career values
- Identify your top careers fields
- Receive descriptions, skills and education for each career ability area
- Choose from list of 50 or so careers from each careers field
- Learn about college and vocational training required by some of the jobs listed in the job interest area
- Through the links to research alternative occupations, salary, on-the-job training, occupational forecasts, and so much more
- Complete Extensive Timed Objective Test and Score Results
- Identify your top 3 career values, career abilities, career interests or career preference
- Identify your top careers fields
- Receive descriptions, skills and education for each careers field
- Choose from list of 50 or so careers from each careers field
- Learn about college and vocational training required by some of the jobs listed in the job interest area
- Through the links to research alternative occupations, salary, on-the-job training, occupational forecasts, and so much more
CPS-COPS Career Interests Test : Chart with Online Career Library (Level 1)
Career Orientation Inventory for Career Preference Test is provide by Career Occupational Preference Systems and is like a Job Interest Survey to find Preferred Careers and Occupation Match Options and Job Match Options and links to lists of Careers and Careers Info
4 Pgs in 1 Report From 2 Tests plus 0 Consult and 0 AddOns
$29.99 Add to cart
CPS-CAPS Career Aptitude Test: Chart with Online Career Library (Level 1)
This Career Orientation Inventory for Career Ability Assessment is like a Test your Ability Quiz, Job Ability Test or Ability Questionnaire to find careers you CAN Do and Do Well and links to lists of Careers and Careers Info
4 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 0 Consult and 0 AddOns
$29.99 Add to cart
CPS-COPES Career Values Test: Chart with Online Career Library (Level 1)
With Career Orientation Inventory for Career Values Scale receive top 3 in List of Career Values Assessment as part of the Career Occupational Preferences Survey and links to Careers and Careers Information and links to lists of Careers and Careers Info
4 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 0 Consult and 0 AddOns
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CPS3 (COPS,CAPS, COPES) Test: Charts with Extensive Online Career Library (Level 3)
Career Orientation Inventory for Interest and Ability Test with Career Values Test includes a Common Aptitude Test for career abilities, Career Values Test for career values, and Career Interest Test for career interests and career preferences - Includes Links to lists of Careers and Careers Info
6 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
$59.99 Add to cart