Test Career AptitudeTest Career BundleTest Career ValuesTest Career EasyTest Career SituationTest Career Satisfaction
Test LearningTest for Ministries VolunteeringTest Work and Test TeamTest Leader CharacterTest Work Behaviors
Test LearningTest for Ministries VolunteeringTest Work and Test TeamTest Leader CharacterTest Work Behaviors
Test Work Behaviors
- Reveals your personal Conflict Handling Pattern
- Learn to determine when one conflict behavior is productive and when choosing another style would be more effective.
- Understand the Uses and Misuses of a particular conflict-handling style
- Identifies your score on each of the Five Conflict-Handling Modes: CompetingCollaborating Compromising AvoidingAccommodating
- Gain Specific Suggestions for considering and using alternative approaches to resolve conflict.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- Discover your Internal Motivators and Intrinsic Reward Needs
- Learn what Drives you to work and work hard
- Measures the four intrinsic rewards that influence engagement: meaningfulness choice competence and progress
- Receive a Personalized Interpretation with appealing graphics
- Includes building blocks and an Action Plan worksheet
- Offers important Discussion Points for employee and manager
- Identifies options to help increase engagement in the work
- For companies that want to build intrinsic reward systems
- For individuals who want to better understand the internal factors that provide job satisfaction.
- uses cutting edge technology based on 50 years of research to objectively measure your career abilities
- Provides an extensive explanation of your results on each of the 19 career ability test modules
- Describes your personal career ability behaviors 4 keys of career success
- Discover DRIVING Abilities that unconsciously demand expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success, career advancement and career growth
- Presents rank order of 35 specific transferable career ability areas resulting from combination of the 19 abilities)
- Discover how you learn most efficiently in a work or career setting
- Discover the critical components of your ideal career environment
- Discover your problem-solving and decision making style based on your career abilities
- Receive an explanation of your communication style based on your career abilities
- Discover the Audience, Customer or Client type you work best with
- ALL from an objective assessment of your HARD-WIRED Career ABILITIES!!
- Career Role Report matching your career abilities to most suitable career roles
- Includes career options for each career role
- One career test workbook to better understand your ability
- Two Career Test Consults to clarify and explain career ability test for better understanding of this complex work ability test
- SyntheConsult to produce and explain the Personal Career Role Report

TKI Conflict Management Inventory (Level 3)
TKI Conflict Management Inventory is a Conflict Test and could be considered Conflict Personality Test, or Conflict Styles Inventory or Conflict Quiz to understand, manage and resolve conflicts
11 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 0 Consult and 0 AddOns
$39.99 Add to cart

Work Engagement Test: Profile – Interpretive Report (Level2)
Work Engagement Interpretive Profile is a Worker Satisfaction Survey or Employee Job Satisfaction Survey and could be used as a personal Job Satisfaction Quiz to determine personal job satisfaction or employee engagement with their job.
15 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 0 Consult and 0 AddOns
$39.99 Add to cart

Highlands Ability Test: ALL Adult Career Reports with 2 Books/Consults (Level 6)
Best Career Aptitude Test with Career Report- Adult Ability Assessment is Work Ability Test that will test Test your Aptitude and Test your Ability and provides career ability report plus career role report. The~34 pg career ability report describes your 19 career abilities, 4 work success keys, ranking 35 work tasks, and customized test analysis for best work roles with career options.
34 + 40 Pgs in 6 in 1 Report From 1 Test plus 2 Consults and 1 AddOn
$399.99 Add to cart