Abilities / Aptitude Test

Abilities / Aptitude Test
Aptitude Test is a measure of your natural abilities. Choose the aptitude test is an excellent assessment for both career success and happiness. Test for lawyer aptitude and leadership abilities. Bundles produce best results.
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Featured Abilities / Aptitude Test
MBTI Myers Briggs - Personality Type Test
Reports based on natural inherent abilities, aptitudes, drives, needs for happiness and success!
Reports describing learning styles, channels, and a variety of intelligences not iq
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Includes coaching / consulting /counseling with certified career or corporate professional
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Work Success Test: Premiere THAB w/MBTI® 2.0 Personality Tests Bundle (Level 6)

Use these two advanced career tests to discover your career nature, your career style & your career abilities + career weaknesses. 61 pages info about your career style, career nature, career abilities, career weaknesses & so much more from Advanced MBTI® Step II™ plus Highlands Ability Tests
61 + 62 Pgs in 9in3 Reports From 2 Tests plus 3 Consults and 4 AddOns
  • Receive 8 career results in 3 Career Reports in 61 pages covering your career style, career nature, career abilities, career weaknesses, and career strengths.
  • The Advanced 20 Factor MBTI® Step II Personality Nature report
  • Detailed explanation of your specific personality, nature and style
  • Including communication style, decision making style, your natural style for managing change and conflict,
  • Integrates MBTI® step I with Step II information to better understand your career strengths and career weaknesses
  • PLUS
  • The MBTI® Career Test Report about your career nature and career style
  • Includes MBTI® Step I Personality Nature and Style chart of preferences and orientations
  • Ranking of popular careers and occupations based on your career nature and career style
  • Presents your work strengths and career weaknesses
  • Identifies your preferred work tasks and career environment
  • PLUS
  • Receive the THAB ability test report about your career abilities, career weaknesses and career strengths
  • Includes extensive explanation of each of the 19 career abilities
  • Find out which of your career abilities DEMAND expression in your work, career and life
  • Receive a rank order of list of 35 specific, transferable career task abilities resulting from combinations of your 19 career abilities
  • Discover how you learn most efficiently in a work or training setting
  • Discover your ideal work environment based on your career abilities and career nature
  • Discover your problem-solving and decision making style
  • Receive an explanation of your communication style based on your career abilities and career nature
  • Discover the audience or type of client you naturally work with best
  • PLUS
  • Two Career Workbooks – MBTI® Clarify and Verifying Workbook plus THAB Work Right Right Work Workbook
  • Customized Career Role Report based on your unique career ability pattern describing your best career roles
  • Occupational and Educational Implications Workbook offering college and work options for each career abilities
  • PLUS
  • Two Comprehensive Career Test Consults with Expert Career Consultant offering explanation of each career test and applications to your unique career situation
  • One SyntheConsult to review customized career role report from unique abilities pattern Workbook
  • Customized Career Role Report based on your unique career ability pattern describing your best career roles
  • Occupational and Educational Implications Workbook offering college and work options for each career abilities
  • PLUS
  • Two Comprehensive Career Test Consults with Expert Career Consultant offering explanation of each career test and applications to your unique career situation
  • One SyntheConsult to review customized career role report from unique abilities pattern
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$659.99 Add to cart



MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report
MBTI® Career Report
THAB ADULT All Access Reports (15)
THAB CareerSupplement Report
THAB Clarification Workbook
MBTI Verification Workbook
CompreConsult (3)
Client Intake
PPT Head Talking Points
PPT Head Stress Points
THAB REASONabilities™ Workbook
THAB ADULT Career Supplement Report
MBTI Myers Briggs - Personality Type Test
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Reports describing learning styles, channels, and a variety of intelligences not iq
Reports based on natural inherent abilities, aptitudes, drives, needs for happiness and success!
Reports for persons working in companies, corporations, government, and institutions
Includes coaching / consulting /counseling with certified career or corporate professional
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor
Reports based on fundamental work and core values for work happiness

Business Leader Success: Premiere Entrepreneur Bundle (Level 10)

This exclusive entrepreneurial assessment consists of 3 different entrepreneur questionnaires that measure entrepreneur abilities, drivers, motivators, entrepreneur traits and entrepreneurial style
50 + 270 Pgs in 7in3 Reports From 3 Tests plus 4 Consult and 5 AddOns
  • Receive pages of 8in4reports from 4 tests to identify your entrepreneur traits, entrepreneur abilities, entrepreneur style, entrepreneur values and entrepreneur motivators for success
  • Receive both career consultations and resource materials to full capitalize on the knowledge gained from the tests to achieve success in your business
  • Receive the THAB Adult Ability Test which includes. . .
  • Extensive explanation of each of your 19 natural hard-wired abilities
  • Learn about your 5 personal style factors and how they contribute to success at work
  • Discover your abilities which unconsciously demand expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for entrepreneurial success
  • Rank order of 35 specific, transferable work task areas (combination of abilities)
  • Discover how you learn best so you can be successful in your career and at work
  • Discover your Ideal Work Environment, Problem-Solving/ Decision Making Style, approach to Communicating with others, and the audience you naturally resonate with
  • PLUS
  • Receive MBTI® WorkTypes Test for Organizations which includes . . . Work Type Chart of working preferences and orientations
  • Explanation of your communication, problem-solving styles
  • How your dominant function (strengths) contributes to your work setting
  • How you naturally handle stress at work
  • Discussion of 6 key work style traits including leadership and learning
  • suggestions for development of your traits and work style
  • PLUS
  • Receive Career Anchors: Value Success Drivers Test which includes . . .
  • Identification of your single success driver at this stage in your life
  • Opportunity to discover if you have the traditional entrepreneur traits and style success driver or other business, service, freedom success drivers
  • Specifically what drives you to work and go to work each day and to succeed!
  • As life stage changes, your success driver can change as well (most true for women)
  • Speeds career decision making
  • Therefore you can take this test again when your situation changes.
  • Receive Joining the Entrepreneurial Elite: Four Styles to Business Success book which includes . . .
  • Entrepreneur Questionnaire in paper format to test your own entrepreneur style (based on MBTI)
  • Explore the links between MBTI® type, temperament, and entrepreneur style and traits
  • Explore the four distinctive entrepreneur styles and their corresponding traits
  • a 155 page career book for entrepreneurs who want to understand and capitalize on their entrepreneurial style for business success.
  • Receive FREE Career Anchors Workbook which includes . . .
  • A printable questionnaire to test entrepreneur values and traits in another way
  • Detailed description of each one of the 8 success drivers including the traditional entrepreneur traits driver
  • Review of the major stages of a career over a life time contributing to your success driver
  • Explore the development of a success driver
  • Personal exercises to verify your success driver questionnaire results
  • Presents the next steps to take once you have identified your success driver to achieve your personal brand of success
  • PLUS
  • Receive 3 test workbooks and to explain test information and gain more information from each of the entrepreneurial assessment reports
  • Receive 1 test synthesis worksheet to consolidate key entrepreneurial style, traits, ability and values information onto a single piece of paper
  • PLUS
  • Receive 3 College Career Services CompreConsults so you can fully understand entrepreneurial assessment test information and apply it to your entrepreneurial situation
  • PLUS
  • Receive on 1 SyntheConsult to pull all the entrepreneur questionnaire test information together so that you have a complete understanding of your entrepreneur style, entrepreneur traits, entrepreneur values and entrepreneur abilities and how they translates into business success for you

$999.99 Add to cart



MBTI® Interpretive Report for Organizations
Leadership Report Using the FIRO-B® and MBTI® Instruments
Career Anchors Test with Workbook ONLINE
THAB ADULT All Access Reports (15)
THAB CareerSupplement Report
PDF MBTI Type Booklet
MBTI Verification Workbook
FIRO-B Clarification Workbook
THAB Clarification Workbook
CompreConsult (5)
PPT Head Talking Points
PPT Head Stress Points
PDF MBTI Word Cloud
Client Intake
THAB REASONabilities™ Workbook
Popular Abilities / Aptitude Test
Reports based on natural inherent abilities, aptitudes, drives, needs for happiness and success!
Reports describing learning styles, channels, and a variety of intelligences not iq
Reports based on likes, wants, desires and enjoyments for career happiness
Includes coaching / consulting /counseling with certified career or corporate professional
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Career Interests – Career Aptitude Tests: SII®- THAB Career Reports for Adults (Level 6)

Take this Career Interests + Career Ability Test to discover your Career Preferences and your Career Talents and career capabilities. Uses the Strong Test and the Highlands Ability Test to produce 53 pages of career preferences and career talent information.
53 + 55 Pgs in 6 in 1 Report From 2 Tests plus 3 Consults and 4 AddOns
    • 2 Career Test Reports provide information on your career preference, career talents and career capabilities
    • 3 Career Test Consultations for each career report
    • 3 Career Workbooks for each career report
    • 1 Customized Career Report based on your Ability pattern
    • Includes Adult Career Test – Strong Test Expanded
    • Interpretive Summary includes:
    • Provides detailed explanations of general career theme
    • Ranks your 25 work task activities, highlight your top 5 and lowest 5
    • Produces your top 10 career matches along with alternative careers and detailed explanations of each
    • Identifies your 5 personal working styles applied in any career
    • PLUS
    • Includes the Best Career Aptitude Test Ability Assessment – General Work Ability Test
    • Describes in detail your 19 career abilities and career capabilities
    • Most Critically – Identifies your Demanding Abilities, those career talents that must be expressed in work or life
    • Ranks in order your 35 work task activities from strongest career capabilities to weakest
    • Explains how you learn most efficiently in a work or training setting
    • Details the key features of your ideal work environment
    • Describes your problem-solving and decision making approach based on your natural abilities
    • Explains your natural communication style based on your career abilities
    • Discover the audience and client type you naturally work with best
    • PLUS

Two Career Workbooks to clarify each career test results

  • One Career and College Workbook listing occupational options for each of the career abilities
  • One Custom Career Role Report based on career capabilities to receive your best career roles
  • Two Career Test CompreConsults to receive application of your career test results to your unique situation
  • One SyntheConsult to review customized career role report from ability test and career matches from career interest test
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$499.99 Add to cart



Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report
THAB ADULT All Access Reports (15)
THAB CareerSupplement Report
THAB Clarification Workbook
CompreConsult (2)
Client Intake
SII Clarification Workbook
THAB ADULT Career Supplement Report
THAB ADULT Work Types Report
MBTI Myers Briggs - Personality Type TestStrong Interest Inventory® is the worlds best career test and yields the most satisfaction when combined with Myers Briggs® Career Test and/or Highlands Ability Battery (career aptitude test). BullsEye Career Program is the best.
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Reports describing learning styles, channels, and a variety of intelligences not iq
Reports based on natural inherent abilities, aptitudes, drives, needs for happiness and success!
Reports based on likes, wants, desires and enjoyments for career happiness
Includes coaching / consulting /counseling with certified career or corporate professional
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Adult BullsEye™ Career Bundle (Level 8)

Our best seller for career satisfaction.  Don't just find your ideal career, hit the bullseye. Discover key aspects about yourelf to find the best career for youThree of the top career assessments combine to produce ideal careers in your sweetspot.  And discover so much more about yourself for success at work and in college too.  Reveals your personality strengths as well as your natural abilities and those demanding expression (related to happiness and mental health).  Discover your learning channels, top work functions, top career roles with job title lists, audience you work best with, reasoning abilities for career fit, top task areas, 4 work success keys, and personal and work styles.  Don't just find your BullsEyeTM Career discover personal assets to manage your career for life, yes for life!   Receive career coaching during reviews. Satisfaction is guaranteed!  You will find your perfect career.
63 + 106 Pgs in 8 in 3 Reports From 3 Test plus 4 Consult and 5 AddOns
  • Receive 63 pages of 8in3 reports from 3 tests to find the absolute best career for you
  • Features the THAB student ability test which includes. . .
  • Extensive Explanation of Each of your 19 Natural Hard-Wired Abilities
  • Learn about Your5 Personal Style factors
  • Discover your Abilities which Unconsciously Demand Expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success
  • Rank Order of 35 Specific and Transferable Work Task Areas (combination of abilities)
  • Discover your Ideal Work Environment, Problem-Solving/ Decision Making Style, approach to Communicating with others, and the audience you naturally resonate with
  • Discover How you Learn best so you can experience college success as well as career success in work which requires learning everyday
  • PLUS
  • Features the Industry’s Most Popular Career Combinations Package of Strong Interest Test and MBTI® Personality Type Test reports which includes
  • Career fit information based on both your career preferences or career interests and career personality
  • Your top 10 career match occupations based on your career interests provided by the Strong Test
  • Your top 5 career fit work activities and tasks that give you energy, satisfaction and fulfillment
  • Rank order of all 25 work activities to the degree that they are a career fit for you
  • information about your career fit scores for leadership, learning, team work, work style, etc.
  • Your career match occupation list based on your career personality provided by the MBTI® test
  • PLUS
  • Features the MBTI® Personality Type Test
  • Detailed explanation of your personality in general
  • Explanation of key features of your personality for best suited career and work situations
  • PLUS
  • Get personality book describing various aspects of your personality and specific career success components
  • Receive three career workbooks to explain test information and gain more career test information beyond college and career success reports
  • PLUS
  • Receive 3 CompreConsults so you can fully understand best suited career fit career match test information and apply it to your specific situation to find best career for you
  • PLUS
  • Receive on 1 SyntheConsult to pull all the career and college success test information into your best suited careers for success after college and a basic career success action plan
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$699.99 Add to cart



MBTI® Interpretive Report
Strong Interest Inventory® Profile Report + Strong and MBTI® Career Report
THAB ADULT All Access Reports (15)
THAB CareerSupplement Report
MBTI Verification Workbook
THAB Clarification Workbook
SII Clarification Workbook
Career Test Analysis Workbook
PDF MBTI Type Booklet
Career Consult (5)
THAB College & Career Workbook
PPT Head Talking Points
PPT Head Stress Points
Client Intake
THAB ADULT Career Supplement Report
Reports based on fundamental work and core values for work happiness
Reports based on likes, wants, desires and enjoyments for career happiness
Reports based on natural inherent abilities, aptitudes, drives, needs for happiness and success!

CPS3 (COPS,CAPS, COPES) Test: Charts with Extensive Online Career Library (Level 3)

Career Orientation Inventory for Interest and Ability Test with Career Values Test includes a Common Aptitude Test for career abilities, Career Values Test for career values, and Career Interest Test for career interests and career preferences - Includes Links to lists of Careers and Careers Info
6 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
  • Complete Extensive Timed Objective Test and Score Results
  • Identify your top 3 career values, career abilities, career interests or career preference
  • Identify your top careers fields
  • Receive descriptions, skills and education for each careers field
  • Choose from list of 50 or so careers from each careers field
  • Learn about college and vocational training required by some of the jobs listed in the job interest area
  • Through the links to research alternative occupations, salary, on-the-job training, occupational forecasts, and so much more

$59.99 Add to cart



CPS3 (COPS,CAPS, COPES) Test Reports
CPS3 Extensive Online Career Library
Recommended Abilities / Aptitude Test
Reports based on personal style or personality type testing for happiness
Reports based on natural inherent abilities, aptitudes, drives, needs for happiness and success!
Reports describing learning styles, channels, and a variety of intelligences not iq
Includes coaching / consulting /counseling with certified career or corporate professional
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Career Success 2.0 Bundle: Myers Briggs® 2 – THAB Reports ++Career Counsel (Level 7)

This is an advanced personality test with a best abilities test for career advancement and career performance produces info on your personality type, personality abilities, best abilities, driving abilities, communication abilities, problem solving abilities, etc.
51 + 62 Pgs in 8 in 2 Reports From 2 Tests plus 3 Consults and 4 AddOns
  • Combination advanced personality test with best abilities test
  • MBTI® Step II™ personality abilities test produces :
  • Information on 20 factor ( versus 4 factor) personality type and personality abilities!
  • INCLUDES detailed explanation of the following:
  • Communication style abilities or strengths and weaknesses
  • Decision-Making style abilities or strengths and weaknesses
  • Personality abilities or strengths and style for managing Change and Conflict
  • Best Team Role based on your personality abilities or strengths and
  • Best Working abilities and personality strengths
  • Offers suggestions for personal growth which can be applied to career growth and development
  • PLUS
  • THAB aptitude abilities test probably the best abilities test on the market today
  • Uses cutting edge technology based on 50 years of research to objectively measure your best abilities
  • Provides an extensive explanation of your results on each of the 19 abilities test modules
  • Describes 4 key factors of your personal working style
  • Discover DRIVING Abilities that unconsciously demand expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success, career advancement and career growth
  • Presents rank order of 35 specific transferable work abilities areas resulting from combination of the 19 abilities)
  • Discover how you learn most efficiently in a work or training setting
  • Discover the critical components of your ideal working environment
  • Discover your problem-solving and decision making style based on your best abilities
  • Receive an explanation of your communication style based on your best abilities
  • Discover the Audience, Customer or Client type you work best with
  • ALL from an objective assessment of your HARD-WIRED ABILITIES!!
  • PLUS
  • Two Career Test Workbooks to better understand your personality and abilities test results
  • Customized Career Role Report based on your unique career ability pattern describing your best career roles
  • Occupational and Educational Implications Workbook offering education and work options for each career abilities
  • PLUS
  • Two Comprehensive Test Consults for each test report for fuller understanding of your results and answering all your questions and concerns and rectifying your misunderstandings (always necessary)
  • One SyntheConsult to review customized career role report from ability test
  • Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

$639.99 Add to cart



MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report
THAB ADULT All Access Reports (15)
THAB CareerSupplement Report
CompreConsult (3)
THAB Clarification Workbook
Client Intake
MBTI Verification Workbook
PPT Head Talking Points
PPT Head Stress Points
THAB ADULT Career Supplement Report
Reports based on natural inherent abilities, aptitudes, drives, needs for happiness and success!
Reports describing learning styles, channels, and a variety of intelligences not iq
Includes coaching / consulting /counseling with certified career or corporate professional
Includes calendar for access to available time slots with coach /consultant / counselor

Highlands Ability Test: ALL Adult Career Reports with 2 Books/Consults (Level 6)

Best Career Aptitude Test with Career Report- Adult Ability Assessment is Work Ability Test that will test Test your Aptitude and Test your Ability and provides career ability report plus career role report. The~34 pg career ability report describes your 19 career abilities, 4 work success keys, ranking 35 work tasks, and customized test analysis for best work roles with career options.
34 + 40 Pgs in 6 in 1 Report From 1 Test plus 2 Consults and 1 AddOn
  • uses cutting edge technology based on 50 years of research to objectively measure your career abilities
  • Provides an extensive explanation of your results on each of the 19 career ability test modules
  • Describes your personal career ability behaviors 4 keys of career success
  • Discover DRIVING Abilities that unconsciously demand expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success, career advancement and career growth
  • Presents rank order of 35 specific transferable career ability areas resulting from combination of the 19 abilities)
  • Discover how you learn most efficiently in a work or career setting
  • Discover the critical components of your ideal career environment
  • Discover your problem-solving and decision making style based on your career abilities
  • Receive an explanation of your communication style based on your career abilities
  • Discover the Audience, Customer or Client type you work best with
  • ALL from an objective assessment of your HARD-WIRED Career ABILITIES!!
  • PLUS
  • Career Role Report matching your career abilities to most suitable career roles
  • Includes career options for each career role
  • PLUS
  • One career test workbook to better understand your ability
  • PLUS
  • Two Career Test Consults to clarify and explain career ability test for better understanding of this complex work ability test
  • PLUS
  • SyntheConsult to produce and explain the Personal Career Role Report

$399.99 Add to cart



THAB ADULT All Access Reports (15)
THAB CareerSupplement Report
CompreConsult (2)
THAB Clarification Workbook
THAB REASONabilities™ Workbook
Client Intake
THAB ADULT Career Supplement Report

Career Ability Test

Unlike other assessments, the career ability test applies an objective measurement of an assortment of work tasks. Objective assessments eliminates the problem of subjective tests — “second guessing” your answers. With an objective Career Ability Test, you are not asked to select from your point of view (subjective) between a set of choices, but to complete tasks. Your capacity to perform a task determines the degree to which you have a specific ability.

Each ability is described in terms of its aptitudes, capacity to perform, possible work or work roles, related education, skill sets to develop and so on. Combinations of these abilities which are provided by the best aptitude test- THAB only- supply you with even more information, such as your ideal work environment, communication style, on-the-job learning style, problem-solving/ decision-making style as well as known transferable skills. Therefore, the best career aptitude test can be used as a work ability test, leadership ability test.

THAB Reports -the best career aptitude test- to receive the most extensive assessment and most comprehensive content-rich information report.

CAPS Reports-the career ability test- for a self-administered, self-scored version producing a larger variety of occupational options for each category.

SKILLS CONFIDENCE Reportsto receive comparison between interests and confidence in skills and career matches

Career Ability Test Testimonial - Unlike other assessments, the career ability test applies an objective measurement of an assortment of work tasks

The interest test [SII], the personality test [MBTI®], and the Highlands Ability Battery [that I took] all indicated one area where I would flourish: writing. . . .[and] each test confirmed and clarified [that] direction. .  Looking at all my abilities in combination, Marjorie further defined my strengths. “Your profile indicates you should consider writing that communicates a message for an organization, or teaches others about it,” she told me.
[After my first semester in journalism at college, I noticed]. . . a local company was looking for a writer for its online disability site, a major player in the national market.  I was hired at my first interview. . .
Last week, my boss asked me to stay in the conference room after our team meeting.  I prepared myself for the worst, as our company has had several rounds of layoffs.  [Instead . . ] she said, “I want to offer you a formal [full time] job.”

Debbie Marsh, Re-entry to Job Market, now fully employed journalist

The Best Career Aptitude Test

By far, the Highlands Ability Battery, THAB,
is the best career aptitude test and produces the Most Comprehensive, Content-Rich, Compelling Career, Leadership, or Performance reports of up to 40 pages in length from assessing just 19 individual abilities. It provides Graphical Chart of Scores for each of the 19 Individual Abilities and combines these into Rank Order of 35 Transferable
work task areas and an extensive explanation is provided of FOUR Work Keys necessary for SUCCESS! MOST Importantly, and what sets it apart,
the THAB identifies
your Driving Abilitiesthose abilities that UNCONSCIOUSLY press for or demand expression – which are absolutely CRITICAL for any and all work situations. It is the best aptitude test to be used as a work ability test, leadership ability test and career ability test.

Career Ability Placement Survey CAPS,
a career ability test, is a paper-only comprehensive, multi-dimensional battery designed to measure vocationally relevant abilities. Each of the eight ability dimensions is keyed to entry requirements for the majority of occupations in each of the 14 COPSystem Career Clusters. CAPS scores are interpreted in terms of examinees’ abilities relative to others at the same educational level. Examinees learn which occupational areas are most suited to present abilities and the necessary training and skill sets need to enter those occupations. Requires stop watch to conduct test.

The Skills Confidence Inventory
(more of a skills test than a career ability test)
is a key tool for exploring how self-assurance may be influencing your client’s occupational, educational, and leisure choices. this report graphically illustrates how your interests compare to your level of confidence in performing certain activities. Available only with the SII.

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