- Myers Briggs® Personality Type Chart of Natural Preferences and Orientations
- Receive a Summary of Your Myers Briggs® Decision Test Results
- Learn how Your Personality Type Preferences impact your Decision Making
- Discover the Strengths and Challenges of Your Decision-Making Style
- Understand How the Personality Type Dynamics influence your Decision Making
- Learn about Decision Making Through Four Personality Type Lenses
- Obtain Decision Making Tips and Action Steps
- Consider the combined Communications and Decision -making Report at discounted price
- Consider Myers Briggs® book on Introduction To Type® and Decision Making for more information
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
Myers Briggs® Test: MBTI® Desion-Making Style Report (Level 2)
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MSRP: 71.185
SKU: M1190 (34)
Myers Briggs® Decision Test - Decision Making Style Test
Myers Briggs® Decision Test Decision Making Style Test used as d decision making test to improve decision making and decisions. Produces a 9 pg Myers Briggs® Decision Report with summary of your Myers Briggs® personality type and its impact on decision making plus description of your decision making style and tips for improving decision making.

MBTI® Decision-Making Style Report
- This Myers Briggs® Decision Test Report Can Help You
- Understand your Myers Briggs® personality type results
- Discover how your Myers Briggs® personality type influences your decision-making style
- Learn about and appreciate your natural Myers Briggs® decision-making style
- Acquire strategies to make both your individual and group decision making more successful
- Imperative for Managers and Executives! – A Key Skill for Leadership
- Useful for Business Owners and Professionals of every kind.
- Improve your decision making so you make better decisions more quickly

This test meets the criteria for the following categories:
Myers Briggs® Test: Basic
Personality Profile Type Test
Leader Test for Leader Decision
Good Test for Work Relationships
Business Success: Leaders
Leadership Success:Self-Manage
Manager Test for Work Tasks
Career Success by Pro Skills Test
Leadership Success: Decisions
Work/ Leader Development
Employee Development with THAB
Adult Career Test: Manager Exec
Managers Test: Management Skills
Myers Briggs® Test: Basic
Personality Profile Type Test
Leader Test for Leader Decision
Good Test for Work Relationships
Business Success: Leaders
Leadership Success:Self-Manage
Manager Test for Work Tasks
Career Success by Pro Skills Test
Leadership Success: Decisions
Work/ Leader Development
Employee Development with THAB
Adult Career Test: Manager Exec
Managers Test: Management Skills