- MBTI® Personality Type of Natural Preferences and Orientations in Clarity of Preferences Chart
- Summary of Your Standard MBTI® Test Results
- Your Advanced Personality Type results from the MBTI® Step II™ Test
- Clarity of Preferences for each of your Advanced Personality Type Test Factors
- Along with an explanation of each of your Advanced Personality Type Test Factors
- Detailed Applications of your Advanced Personality Type factors to communications, decision making, managing change and handling conflict and suggestion for how to improve them
- Suggestions for Ways to Enhance your communications, decision-making, change and conflict management based on specific advanced personality factors
- Understanding How Your Parts of Your Personality Work Together
- Integrating Standard MBTI Step I™ with Advanced Personality Type MBTI® Step II™ Test Information
- Using Type to Gain Understanding of Yourself, Others and Gain Perspective on Situations
- Overview of Your Advanced Personality Type Test Results
Myers Briggs® 2.0 TEST 20Scale Expanded Report Group (Level 4)
SKU: Mq7149-1l (836)
MBTI® Step II™ Test - Advanced Personality Test - Best MBTI® Test
MBTI® Step II™ Test offers an expanded report based on a 20-factor scale personality profile (verus 4 point scale). The Myers Briggs® Step II™ Test produces 17 pages of information on personality type as well as how to apply it. It covers communication, decision-making, managing change, managing conflict, your work style, your unique profile type, and more. Excellent for leaders, professionals and anyone who has previously completed the 4 scale MBTI® test and wants a more specific definition of their unique type.

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MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report
- Best Most Comprehensive of all MBTI® Tests and therefore the Most Advanced Personality Test
- Personality Analysis Test of 20 Factors instead of the standard 4 MBTI® Type Scales Assessment
- Presents Standard 4 factor MBTI Type Test results in conjunction with your 20 factor MBTI Step II™ Test results
- In-depth and detailed descriptions of each 20 factors of your advanced true personality type
- Application of your advanced true personality type factors to communications, decision making, managing change and handling conflict and suggestion for how to improve them
- How to use your Advanced Personality type most effectively in team or partner problem-solving situations
- Individualized advanced personality type description label of your true personality
- Summary pages of your complete Advanced Personality MBTI® Step II™ Test
- Best Value anywhere online!!
This test meets the criteria for the following categories:
Myers Briggs® MBTI® Training
Myers Briggs® MBTI® Training