- MBTI® books – Introduction to Type® in College
- Myers Briggs® Book on MBTI® College and MBTI® College Majors
- a 32 page MBTI® booklet featuring choosing majors and careers, learning styles, college environment, student tasks and dealing with stress for each MBTI® type.
Personality Type: College Booklet PDF – MBTI® Type
Personality Profiles Type Book for Your Career Success PDF Library.
MSRP: 34.99
SKU: IT30029 (99)
MBTI® books - Introduction to Type® in College - Myers Briggs® Book on MBTI® College - Majors
MBTI® books – Introduction to Type® in College – Myers Briggs® Book on MBTI® College and MBTI® College Majors – a 32 page MBTI® booklet featuring choosing majors and careers, learning styles, college environment, student tasks and dealing with stress for each MBTI® type
Introduction to Type® in College
- The best of the MBTI® books or Myers Briggs® Book on MBTI® College and MBTI® College Majors
- Improve study techniques and resolve roommate conflicts
- Discover your best learning style, study habits, test taking approach.
- Learn how to best handle your roommate and other personal relationships at college
- Reduce stress in college
- Gain suggestions for overcoming typical college challenges

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MBTI® Booklets
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School Success for College
MBTI® Booklets
Right Career Resources
School Success for College