- This book help you Confirm a career direction that will make maximum use of their talents and abilities.
- Reviews your THAB report and Your Abilities
- Presents 14 different Career Power Clusters or Work Roles for specific ability combinations, as well as suggested occupations that fit these roles.
- Review Road Maps to Success, Create your own Career Goals, and learn how to Enlist support of parents and administrator to achieve those goals.
- No student wants to spend the four most crucial and formative years of her life only to discover at the end that she’s in the wrong theater on the wrong night with the wrong script.
The Right Career Choice: Career Talents and College Guide Book (THAB book)
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MSRP: 34.99
SKU: THAB103 (88)
Highlands The Right Choice Ability Talents Book and College Guide Book
Highlands The Right Choice Ability Talents Book and College Guide Book to Successfully Transition from High School to College and into Right Career for THAB Ability Test only