Adult Test: Career ChangeAdult Career Test: Manager ExecAdult Career Test: Pros /AdminAdult Career Test: Trades /ServiceTest for Adults in RelationshipsAdult Career Test: Partners
Test for Adults in Relationships
- Learn about the 4 scale MBTI® Test Dichotomies Discover your personality type and the personality type of your partner or colleague
- Learn about each partner’s MBTI® Type at Work including description, motivators, work style, values, and difference in handling change and potential problems
- Learn about each partner’s communication Style, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to improve communications
- Learn about each partner’s Information Gathering Approach, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to remedy information gathering problems
- Learn about each partner’s Decision Making Approach, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to remedy Decision Making problems
- Learn about each partner’s Project or Life Management Style, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to remedy information gathering problems
- Receive Next Steps Discussion Sheet and Further Reading suggestion to moving forward
- Highly recommended MBTI® books: Introduction To Type® and Communication as well as the Introduction To Type® and Emotional Intelligence
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- Discover your tested Relationship Orientations, People Skills Behaviors and Interpersonal Wants for Inclusion Control and Affection
- Receive scores chart for Expressed and Wanted Involvement, Influence, Connection, and Totals with brief caption of your interpersonal behaviors and relationship needs
- Receive a detailed interpretation of your FIRO-B® Assessment results of your individual and overall interpersonal needs, total expressed and wanted interpersonal behaviors, and your total relationship needs
- Discover your relationship behavior patterns for fulfilling your interpersonal need for Inclusion, Control and Affection
- Learn how your tested interpersonal needs can help you evaluate career opportunities
- Learn how your tested interpersonal needs can help you improve your effectiveness on a team
- Learn how your highest expressed interpersonal need shapes the relationship foundations of your leadership style
- Suggest purchasing combined discounted FIRO-B® Behavioral Interpersonal Relationship Test Charts + Interpersonal Relationship Test at Work for more detailed scores chart with interpretation and application of results
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- Receive a 2 page MBTI® Personality Type Profile Chart Report to understand what’s stressful for you
- Get 3 of the best MBTI® books to help you manage and overcome the 3 common stressors at work
- With the 50 page “In The Grip” MBTI® Stress book:
- Discover what’s stressful for you and what your response to stress is from a personality type perspective
- Find ways for de-stressing and return to equilibrium from what’s stressful for your type
- In the 48 page “Introduction to Type® and Conflict” MBTI® book:
- Confirm and verify your personality type with additional exercises
- Learn about a model for managing change
- Discover how you positively contribute to resolving change
- Understand what are conflict generators for you and your response to stress
- Discover what you need from others to reduce stressors and conflicts
- Learn about your blind spots in relating to others and obtain development suggestions to improve relationship and reduce these people stressors at work
- In the 44 page “Introduction to Type® and Change” MBTI® book:
- Discover how different personality types response to stress of organizational change
- Understand how different leader personality types manage organizational change
- Learn about what’s stressful for you during organizational change
- Discover way of de-stressing during change and particularly de-stressing work stressors associated with organizational change
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Receive a 2 page MBTI® Personality Type Profile Chart Report – the foundation for personality development based on personality type
- Get 4 of the best MBTI® Personality Development books to help you achieve self development and personal growth goals
- Introduction to Type® – the most popular of the MBTI® books – helps you understand type concepts and integrate them into your self improving personal growth purposes
- Introduction to Type® and the Eight Jungian Functions is the best of the MBTI® books Myers Briggs® Strengths and Myers Briggs® Weaknesses
- Achieve self development and personal growth goals by applying your strengths and assets in the ares of career choice, communication, problem solving, leadership development, and change and conflict management
- Introduction to Type®and Dynamics and Development is the best of the MBTI® books on MBTI® Type Development or Personality Development
- Explores the key aspects of personality development :dynamics of type, interactions of extroversion and introversion on functions, personality development through the life cycle, the most likely path of your personality development and the personality development of other personality types
- In The Grip is the best of the MBTI® books on MBTI® Stress Management and Personal Mastery by learning to avoid what triggers it to express your inferior function (weaknesses) and learning how to avoid it and recover from its snares to achieve personal growth and self-development goals.
- MBTI® Personality Type Chart of Preferences and Orientations
- Summary of Your Myers Briggs® Communication Test Results
- How Your Extraversion and Introversion Affect Communications
- How Your Sensing and Intuition in Communication
- How Your Thinking and Feeling in Communication
- How Your Judging and Perceiving in Communication
- Communication Style and Strengths of Your Myers Briggs® Communication Type
- Communication Tips for Your Myers Briggs® Communication Type
- Consider the combined Communications and Decision -Making Report at discounted price
- Consider Myers Briggs® book on Introduction To Type® and Communication for more information
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- Discover your tested Relationship Orientations, People Skills Behaviors and Interpersonal Wants for Inclusion Control and Affection
- Receive scores chart for Expressed and Wanted Involvement, Influence, Connection, and Totals with brief caption of your interpersonal behaviors and relationship needs
- Receive a detailed interpretation of your FIRO-B® Assessment results of your individual and overall interpersonal needs, total expressed and wanted interpersonal behaviors, and your total relationship needs
- Discover your relationship behavior patterns for fulfilling your interpersonal need for Inclusion, Control and Affection
- Learn how your tested interpersonal needs can help you evaluate career opportunities
- Learn how your tested interpersonal needs can help you improve your effectiveness on a team
- Learn how your highest expressed interpersonal need shapes the relationship foundations of your leadership style
- Suggest purchasing combined discounted FIRO-B® Behavioral Interpersonal Relationship Test Charts + Interpersonal Relationship Test at Work for more detailed scores chart with interpretation and application of results
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
- Discover your tested Relationship Orientations, People Skills Behaviors and Interpersonal Wants for Inclusion Control and Affection
- Receive scores chart for Expressed and Wanted Involvement, Influence, Connection, and Totals with brief caption of your interpersonal behaviors and relationship needs
- Receive a detailed interpretation of your FIRO-B® Assessment results of your individual and overall interpersonal needs, total expressed and wanted interpersonal behaviors, and your total relationship needs
- Discover your relationship behavior patterns for fulfilling your interpersonal need for Inclusion, Control and Affection
- Learn how your tested interpersonal needs can help you evaluate career opportunities
- Learn how your tested interpersonal needs can help you improve your effectiveness on a team
- Learn how your highest expressed interpersonal need shapes the relationship foundations of your leadership style
- Suggest purchasing combined discounted FIRO-B® Behavioral Interpersonal Relationship Test Charts + Interpersonal Relationship Test at Work for more detailed scores chart with interpretation and application of results
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results

Myers Briggs® Test: Personality or Work Styles Comparison (2 persons) (Level 3.5)
MBTI® Partner Test and Partnership Test is a partner personality test or partner assessment offered by MBTI® test company. Produces 14 pg MBTI® Partner Test report for 2 MBTI® partner test profiles including MBTI® Type at Work, Communication Styles, Information Gathering, Decision Making, Project Management, and Next Steps. **REQUIRES: 2 users and both MUST have MBTI code (4-letters).
14 Pgs in 1 Report From 2 Tests + 1 Consult + 0 AddOns (REQ 2 persons w/MBTI code)
$149.99 Add to cart

FIRO-B® TEST Team Interactions Interpretive Report
FIRO-B® Leadership Assessment for Interpersonal Relationship Test at Work examines relevant interpersonal behaviors for key work and leadership relationships. Learn how your interpersonal needs and wants impact your relationship as a leader, employee or professional. The FIRO-B® assessment is an online test. It produces 14 pg report of key work interpersonal needs and relationship behaviors impacting career development, job satisfaction, and effectiveness on teams and as a leader. Custom Team Chart included.
14 Pgs in 2in1 Report From 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
$89.99 Add to cart

Work Stress Toolkit: MBTI® Test Stress- Conflict- Change- Comm- Books (Level 5)
What's stressful for you may not be stressful for others. Your response to stress might not the same response to stress of others. This Personality Type Test for Stress, Conflict and Change - the 3 common stressors. Identify your personal stressor and work stressors identified with this stress personality test plus your specific ways for de-stressing by developing more effective responses to stress, conflict and change.
2 + 142 Pages in 1 Report and 3 Booklets from 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 3 AddOns
$199.89 Add to cart

Personality Development Toolkit: (MBTI® Test – 4 Personality Growth Books (Level 5)
For self improving, personality development and personal growth, take personal personality test with self development MBTI® books. Learn your type and keys for your personality development such as personal mastery, personal change, and self growth.
2 + 178 Pages in 1 Report and 4 Booklets from 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 4 AddOns
$189.89 Add to cart

Myers Briggs® Test: MBTI® Communications Report (Level 2)
This communications test - Myers Briggs® Communication Test -is a communication style assessment or effective communication test. Produces a 9 pg Myers Briggs® Communication Report with summary of your Myers Briggs® Communication Type plus description of your communication style and tips for improvements.
9 Pgs in 1 Report From 1 Tests plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
$59.99 Add to cart

FIRO-B® Test Work&Personal Interactions Report (Level 2)
FIRO-B® tests for interpersonal relationship behaviors and style. It is most used as a test for work relationships and leadership development but the test is also very useful to understand personal relationships as well. It is Online FIRO-B® Test. Produces 14 pg report of key work interpersonal needs and relationship behaviors impacting career development, job satisfaction, and effectiveness on teams and as a leader. BEST of all, it provides suggestions for improving your relationship behaviors with colleagues, peers, managers and more. The best single FIRO test report.
14 Pgs in 2in1 Report From 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
$59.99 Add to cart

FIRO-B® TEST Work Interactions Report for Leaders
FIRO-B® Assessment for Interpersonal Relationship Test at Work is behavioral interpersonal for work and personal relationships. Learn how your interpersonal needs and wants impact your relationship as a leader, employee or professional. The FIRO-B® assessment is an online test. It produces 14 pg report of key work interpersonal needs and relationship behaviors impacting career development, job satisfaction, and effectiveness on teams and as a leader.
14 Pgs in 2in1 Report From 1 Test plus 1 Consult and 0 AddOns
$69.99 Add to cart