Strong Interest Inventory®: Career+Skills Reports for Adult (Level 2.5)
- Strong Test for Adult Career Test Charts
- Specifically detailed explanations of General Career Theme
- Explanation of your Top best work areas or Interest Areas
- Explanation of skills, activities, and related jobs for your Top 10 Career Matches
- Description of your 5 Personal Work Styles categories
- Interpretive Summary of Career Test Charts
- Your two career motivators based on unique combination of your top two career interests
- Your most suitable career fields based on overall career code themes
- The typical activities for each of your 5 work interest areas
- The skills, activities, knowledge and abilities for each of your top 10 career matches
- Specific work environment suggestions for your 5 personal styles
- Action steps for each sections and resources to research more information about specific careers
- Your level of perceived skills and comparison chart for each of the 6 career theme areas
- An Interactive Feedback of your choice with video option. Required by the Official test publishing company
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$69.99 Add to cart

Strong Interest Inventory®- Myers Briggs® 2.0 Career Test for Adults (Level 5)
- Strong Interest Inventory® Test includes . . .
- Describes your career interests, work activities, potential skills, and personal values in six broad career categories
- Identifies specific career interest work task areas indicating top 5 areas likely to be most motivating and rewarding for you
- Compares your likes and dislikes with those of people who are satisfied working in various occupations, indicating your likely compatibility of interests
- Provides 6 charts ranking 132 occupations producing your top 10 career matches
- Describes your career preferences related to work style, learning, leadership, risk taking, and teamwork, providing insight into work and education environments most likely to fit you best
- Provides a graphic snapshot of Profile results for immediate, easy reference
- Summarizes your responses within each category of Strong Interest Inventory®
- Summary of combined personality interest test results producing your career personality type
- From the best career interest assessment and best MBTI™ test the personality type test
- Your Career Interest Themes combined with Myers Briggs® Personality Test Preferences
- Your Career Personality Type Preferences from Strong and Myers Briggs® Step II™ tests
- Career Fields and Occupations Suggested by Your Combined Interest Personality Results
- Additional Occupations based on your career personality type and career interests to explore
- Successful Strategies for Career Development, Career Exploration and Career Change
- Myers Briggs® Personality Type of Natural Preferences and Orientations in Clarity of Preferences Chart
- Summary of Your Standard MBTI® Step II™ Test Results
- Your Advanced Personality Type results from the MBTI® Step II™ Test
- Clarity of Preferences for each of your Advanced Personality Test Type Factors
- Along with an explanation of each of your Advanced Personality Test Type Factors
- Detailed Applications of your Advanced Personality Test Type factors to communications, decision making, managing change and handling conflict and suggestion for how to improve them
- Suggestions for Ways to Enhance your communications, decision-making, change and conflict management based on specific advanced personality factors
- Understanding How Your Parts of Your Personality Work Together
- Integrating Standard MBTI® Step II™ with Advanced Personality Type MBTI® Step II™ Test Information
- Using Type to Gain Understanding of Yourself, Others and Gain Perspective on Situations
- Overview of Your Advanced Personality Type Test Results
- NOW! Hyperlinks to Online Career Info via O*Net™ to further support career exploration
- Updated Career Scales lists reflecting contemporary work and jobs
- Two Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Recommend MBTI® book on Introduction To Type® or MBTI® Verifying Workbook for more information and further clarify your results
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$169.79 Add to cart

Myers Briggs® Test: Personality or Work Styles Comparison (2 persons) (Level 3.5)
- Learn about the 4 scale MBTI® Test Dichotomies Discover your personality type and the personality type of your partner or colleague
- Learn about each partner’s MBTI® Type at Work including description, motivators, work style, values, and difference in handling change and potential problems
- Learn about each partner’s communication Style, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to improve communications
- Learn about each partner’s Information Gathering Approach, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to remedy information gathering problems
- Learn about each partner’s Decision Making Approach, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to remedy Decision Making problems
- Learn about each partner’s Project or Life Management Style, Potential Problems and develop joint action plan to remedy information gathering problems
- Receive Next Steps Discussion Sheet and Further Reading suggestion to moving forward
- Highly recommended MBTI® books: Introduction To Type® and Communication as well as the Introduction To Type® and Emotional Intelligence
- One Feedback Test Consult with Expert Career Consultant for limited time. Consider purchasing additional Test Consults for Career Advice, Career Planning and Personal Applications.
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$149.99 Add to cart

Adult Career Test: Highlands Ability Battery with Workbook / Video / Consult (Level 5)
- Uses cutting edge technology based on 50 years of research to objectively measure your career abilities
- Provides an extensive explanation of your results on each of the 19 career ability test modules
- Describes your personal career ability behaviors 4 keys of career success
- Discover DRIVING Abilities that unconsciously demand expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success, career advancement and career growth
- Presents rank order of 35 specific transferable career ability areas resulting from combination of the 19 abilities)
- Discover how you learn most efficiently in a work or career setting
- Discover the critical components of your ideal career environment
- Discover your problem-solving and decision making style based on your career abilities
- Receive an explanation of your communication style based on your career abilities
- Discover the Audience, Customer or Client type you work best with
- ALL from an objective assessment of your HARD-WIRED Career ABILITIES!!
- One career test workbooks to better understand your ability
- 90 minute Career Test Consults to clarify and explain career ability test for better understanding of this complex work ability test
- Consider purchasing SyntheConsult to receive Customized Career Match Report of best career roles
$349.99 Add to cart

SDS Career Test for Hobby Rec Retirement and Guide (Level 1)
- Assesses your career interests, hobby interests as weill as interests in several other categories
- Tally up your scores to determine your top career codes
- Review leisure, recreation and hobby interest for your top 3 career codes
- Choose your leisure, recreation and hobbies from list of options
- Hundreds of recreation and hobbies to choose from in the Leisure Activities Finder Booklet
Get suggestions about next steps in this special Hollands Self Directed Search SDS set of booklets
- PAPER ONLY – Mailed
$19.99 Add to cart

Career Interests – Career Aptitude Tests: SII®- THAB Career Reports for Adults (Level 6)
- 2 Career Test Reports provide information on your career preference, career talents and career capabilities
- 3 Career Test Consultations for each career report
- 3 Career Workbooks for each career report
- 1 Customized Career Report based on your Ability pattern
- Includes Adult Career Test – Strong Test Expanded
- Interpretive Summary includes:
- Provides detailed explanations of general career theme
- Ranks your 25 work task activities, highlight your top 5 and lowest 5
- Produces your top 10 career matches along with alternative careers and detailed explanations of each
- Identifies your 5 personal working styles applied in any career
- Includes the Best Career Aptitude Test Ability Assessment – General Work Ability Test
- Describes in detail your 19 career abilities and career capabilities
- Most Critically – Identifies your Demanding Abilities, those career talents that must be expressed in work or life
- Ranks in order your 35 work task activities from strongest career capabilities to weakest
- Explains how you learn most efficiently in a work or training setting
- Details the key features of your ideal work environment
- Describes your problem-solving and decision making approach based on your natural abilities
- Explains your natural communication style based on your career abilities
- Discover the audience and client type you naturally work with best
Two Career Workbooks to clarify each career test results
- One Career and College Workbook listing occupational options for each of the career abilities
- One Custom Career Role Report based on career capabilities to receive your best career roles
- Two Career Test CompreConsults to receive application of your career test results to your unique situation
- One SyntheConsult to review customized career role report from ability test and career matches from career interest test
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
$499.99 Add to cart

Highlands Ability Test: ALL Adult Career Reports with 2 Books/Consults (Level 6)
- uses cutting edge technology based on 50 years of research to objectively measure your career abilities
- Provides an extensive explanation of your results on each of the 19 career ability test modules
- Describes your personal career ability behaviors 4 keys of career success
- Discover DRIVING Abilities that unconsciously demand expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success, career advancement and career growth
- Presents rank order of 35 specific transferable career ability areas resulting from combination of the 19 abilities)
- Discover how you learn most efficiently in a work or career setting
- Discover the critical components of your ideal career environment
- Discover your problem-solving and decision making style based on your career abilities
- Receive an explanation of your communication style based on your career abilities
- Discover the Audience, Customer or Client type you work best with
- ALL from an objective assessment of your HARD-WIRED Career ABILITIES!!
- Career Role Report matching your career abilities to most suitable career roles
- Includes career options for each career role
- One career test workbook to better understand your ability
- Two Career Test Consults to clarify and explain career ability test for better understanding of this complex work ability test
- SyntheConsult to produce and explain the Personal Career Role Report
$399.99 Add to cart

CPS3 (COPS,CAPS, COPES) Test: Charts with Extensive Online Career Library (Level 3)
- Complete Extensive Timed Objective Test and Score Results
- Identify your top 3 career values, career abilities, career interests or career preference
- Identify your top careers fields
- Receive descriptions, skills and education for each careers field
- Choose from list of 50 or so careers from each careers field
- Learn about college and vocational training required by some of the jobs listed in the job interest area
- Through the links to research alternative occupations, salary, on-the-job training, occupational forecasts, and so much more
$59.99 Add to cart
Test to help you find your Happy Place
What is a happy place? Think of it as the environment in which you feel fully you. A feeling of ‘free-to-be-me’. Knowing who you are most fully is the first step to finding your happy place. The second it to bring the elements of that ‘happy place’ into your existence in your life. We. have tests to help you find your happy place.
Know your NEEDS. Each of us possesses certain cognitive abilities. You may know this but what you almost certainly do not yet know is that some of these abilities are actually mental health needs. That is to say, that they “demand expression in our work or life”. Not to do so, results in any number of mental health issues like depression, chaotic behaviors, apathy, anxiety, or masking (compensating with unhealthy behaviors). Your happy place might be finding your “happy place” careers – those which satisfy your unique set of cognitive abilities. It could be to find those activities or hobbies that feeds those specific needs.
Know your RELATING. People are critical components of your ‘happy place’. Improving your people relationships is essential to piecing together your ‘happy place’. Learn how you naturally relate to others. Discover your communication style. Find out how to resolve conflicts. Consider a value test. Take a partner assessment which is useful for improving dyad relationships – marriages, partnerships, and even college or working twosomes. Fine tune the people piece of your ‘happy place’ puzzle.
Know your PERSONALITY. You have a special way of being in the world – its your personal style. When you meet people like yourself, you feel harmony with them – certainly a happy place. Knowing your personality can identify an element of the people piece to the happy place puzzle, but your personal style is useful in so many more ways. It can help you discover your career, your path to harmony (stress free), steps to your growth and development.. . All of which play a role in helping you find your ‘happy place.’
Know your SPIRIT. Externals only mask the internals. If you are trying to finding your happy place on the outside you will not find happiness. Your ‘happy place’ is an internal space. We are mistakenly deceived to believe that changes to our external body or environment are the ‘happy place’. Its however an inward journey to the depths of our soul where our ‘happy place’ is found – whole and happy and loved.
A couple of our happy tests provide assistance in exploring the essential routes to that warm glowing inner happy place. Finding your calling – your unique design and its purpose – is one of those tests. Finding your Enneagram score and level is another. We have experts in both to guide you on your journey to that wonderful happy space in you.

“I found happiness and my happy places with an unlikely happy tests. It told me what I needed to be doing to feel happy. It really worked. The consults with the test expert was able to find the actual activities in which I’d be happy.” Wendy B. Click on me to take you to that happy test.
Test to help you find what brings you happiness
What brings you happiness?
Faith or Calling
Gaining a sense of purpose and meaning in your life is a key ingredient for happiness. One feels happy or at least a sense of well-being when one sees a reason for their life on this planet. Finding meaning and purpose is a deep seated need within each of us. We want to matter. We in fact all do matter. Finding God (aka Higher Power, Universe) is the most powerful way to accomplish that.
We offer a way to see how your inner being or core is so uniquely designed that it has without doubt purpose and meaning. A quick paer-pencil test and conversation with a Core Test specialist. She has been told that this is all she should do because it has radically blessed those who have done it.
Fellowship or Community
People impact our level of happiness in many ways. Sometimes changing or adding friends brings about more happiness. We think the same for mates, partners or spouses, but interestingly that is often not the case. We tend to marry the same type of person because we have a hole in our hearts that has never healed well. If that is the case for you, please see a therapist to heal the hidden scars.
If your happiness is being impacted by people, we have a couple of tests for you to consider:
- Conflict test will help you see how you and others are responding to stressors in life and between each other.
- Partner test can help you better understand how your personalities compliment and conflict with one another.
- Communication test can help you understand how you and others communicate and how to improve your communications.
Fortune or Career
Happiness is impacted by the lack of fortunes, but not necessarily having more. People who report being unhappy are those below twice the poverty level. Having more than that however does not correlate with greater levels of happiness. If you need to get to that optimal income level, use this career test to give you clues about jobs in which you will be most successful and happy.
Doing work you enjoy obviously impacts your happiness. If you want to find happiness in your career, use these ‘happy’ tests. We need to alert you that price points correspond closely with the ability to pinpoint the career or niche in which you will find happiness.
Fitness of Mind and Body
This is an important part of happiness. We however offer no tests in this area. What we can offer you is an understanding of what makes for happiness based on this category. It is called being conscientious. Those people who were described as being ‘conscientious’ lived rich happy lifes well into their 90’s and even beyond 100. Find ways to be conscientious about your body, your appearance, your home, and your relationships will enable you to be fit both in body and mind. That is “happiness.”