- Receive Two TOP-of-the-LINE working tests
- The THAB work ability test combined with the MBTI® work type test!
- With the MBTI®® Working Test in Organizations you receive:
- Description of your 6 key features of Work Type Style and Preferences of your Type at Work
- Explanation of your Communication and Problem-Solving styles
- How your Work Strengths contribute to the organization
- How your Work Type deals with stress at work
- Describes your Leadership and Learning styles at work
- Offers Suggestions for Development
- The THAB Work Ability Test which uses cutting edge technology based on 50 years of research to objectively measure your abilities
- Provides an extensive explanation of your results on each of the 19 work ability test modules
- Describes 4 key factors of your personal Work Ability Style
- Discover DRIVING Abilities that unconsciously demand expression – the single MOST CRITICAL piece of knowledge for career success, career advancement and career growth
- Presents rank order of 35 specific transferable work skill areas resulting from combination of the 19 abilities)
- Discover How you learn most efficiently in a work or training setting
- Discover the critical components of your ideal working environment
- Discover your problem-solving and decision making style based on your work abilities
- Receive an explanation of your communication style based on your work abilities
- Discover the Audience, Customer or Client type you work best with
- ALL from an objective assessment of your HARD-WIRED ABILITIES!!
- PLUS Two Career Workbooks to clarify each career test results
- Receive 2 Career Test CompreConsults to apply your career test results to your unique situation
- Receive your best career roles and occupational options for each based on your career talents and career capabilities in the Customized Career Role Report
- Receive one SyntheConsult to review customized career role report from your unique ability pattern
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
Work Success: Myers Briggs® Personality+THAB Aptitude + Books/Consults (Level 7)
New LOW Price: Free Workbook & Career Report
MSRP: 731.64
SKU: THaM1146 (148)
THAB Ability and MBTI® Personality Type Working Test
This Working Test is a combined work ability test or job ability test with work type test and measures your working abilities and work personality type at an advanced level. Discover your driven abilities and 20 work personality type strengths.

MBTI® Interpretive Report for OrganizationsTHAB ADULT Four Key Work for Success ReportTHAB ADULT All Access Reports (15)THAB CareerSupplement ReportCompreConsult (3)THAB Clarification WorkbookMBTI Verification WorkbookClient IntakePPT Head Talking PointsPPT Head Stress PointsTHAB REASONabilities™ WorkbookTHAB ADULT Career Supplement Report
- Put your BEST self to work for you in your job and organization with . . .
- Two TOP-of-the-LINE working tests
- The THAB work ability test combined with the MBTI® work type test!
- The THAB job ability test is Cutting Edge Technology based on 50 years of research
- Is OBJECTIVE measurement of your work abilities (no guessing like in all other tests)
- Produces 45+ page report on driving abilities, top skill areas, ideal work environment, and communication, decision-making and learning abilities
- Combined with the Advanced MBTI Step II work type test!
- Produces 10+ page report on your 20 factor work personality type!
- This Working Test COMBO Package provides information that is . . . !
- Extremely useful for Understanding and Improving your Work Performance
- Advantageous for you to Grow your career and Advance in your job!
- Crucial for effectively Managing your career and making career decisions
- Two Test CompreConsults for each working Test, 1 SyntheConsult to pull test results together!
- Two Career Workbooks for each working test, Customized Career Role Report and a Occupational and Educational Implications Career Workbook
- LOWEST PRICE anywhere Online!!

This test meets the criteria for the following categories:
Highlands Ability Battery: Success
MBTI® Test and Career Ability Test
Test Work and Test Team
Performance Test: Capability Test
Aptitude Test: Career Growth
Performance Test: Worker Test
Best Personality Test Bundles
Personality Test for Work
Top Career Test: Type+ Aptitudes
Top Test for Career Growth
Career Success by Aptitude Ability
Professional Careers Test
Job Satisfaction: Natural Abilities
Job Satisfaction: Personality Test
Career Success: Personality Type
Career Success for Professions
Interpersonal Workshops
Employee Development with THAB
Employee Development Test
Adult Career Test: Pros /Admin
Highlands Ability Battery: Success
MBTI® Test and Career Ability Test
Test Work and Test Team
Performance Test: Capability Test
Aptitude Test: Career Growth
Performance Test: Worker Test
Best Personality Test Bundles
Personality Test for Work
Top Career Test: Type+ Aptitudes
Top Test for Career Growth
Career Success by Aptitude Ability
Professional Careers Test
Job Satisfaction: Natural Abilities
Job Satisfaction: Personality Test
Career Success: Personality Type
Career Success for Professions
Interpersonal Workshops
Employee Development with THAB
Employee Development Test
Adult Career Test: Pros /Admin