- Receive 8 career results in 3 Career Reports in 61 pages covering your career style, career nature, career abilities, career weaknesses, and career strengths.
- The Advanced 20 Factor MBTI® Step II Personality Nature report
- Detailed explanation of your specific personality, nature and style
- Including communication style, decision making style, your natural style for managing change and conflict,
- Integrates MBTI® step I with Step II information to better understand your career strengths and career weaknesses
- The MBTI® Career Test Report about your career nature and career style
- Includes MBTI® Step I Personality Nature and Style chart of preferences and orientations
- Ranking of popular careers and occupations based on your career nature and career style
- Presents your work strengths and career weaknesses
- Identifies your preferred work tasks and career environment
- Receive the THAB ability test report about your career abilities, career weaknesses and career strengths
- Includes extensive explanation of each of the 19 career abilities
- Find out which of your career abilities DEMAND expression in your work, career and life
- Receive a rank order of list of 35 specific, transferable career task abilities resulting from combinations of your 19 career abilities
- Discover how you learn most efficiently in a work or training setting
- Discover your ideal work environment based on your career abilities and career nature
- Discover your problem-solving and decision making style
- Receive an explanation of your communication style based on your career abilities and career nature
- Discover the audience or type of client you naturally work with best
- Two Career Workbooks – MBTI® Clarify and Verifying Workbook plus THAB Work Right Right Work Workbook
- Customized Career Role Report based on your unique career ability pattern describing your best career roles
- Occupational and Educational Implications Workbook offering college and work options for each career abilities
- Two Comprehensive Career Test Consults with Expert Career Consultant offering explanation of each career test and applications to your unique career situation
- One SyntheConsult to review customized career role report from unique abilities pattern Workbook
- Customized Career Role Report based on your unique career ability pattern describing your best career roles
- Occupational and Educational Implications Workbook offering college and work options for each career abilities
- Two Comprehensive Career Test Consults with Expert Career Consultant offering explanation of each career test and applications to your unique career situation
- One SyntheConsult to review customized career role report from unique abilities pattern
- Persons who purchase Concise or Comprehensive Consult indicate greater levels of satisfaction from test results
Work Success Test: Premiere THAB w/MBTI® 2.0 Personality Tests Bundle (Level 6)
New LOW Price: Free MBTI Career Report and Workbook
MSRP: 839.64
SKU: THaMQ345349 (54)
Advanced Career Tests for Career Nature Career Style Career Abilities
Use these two advanced career tests to discover your career nature, your career style & your career abilities + career weaknesses. 61 pages info about your career style, career nature, career abilities, career weaknesses & so much more from Advanced MBTI® Step II™ plus Highlands Ability Tests

MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive ReportMBTI® Career ReportTHAB ADULT All Access Reports (15)THAB CareerSupplement ReportTHAB Clarification WorkbookMBTI Verification WorkbookCompreConsult (3)Client IntakePPT Head Talking PointsPPT Head Stress PointsTHAB REASONabilities™ WorkbookTHAB ADULT Career Supplement Report
- Discover your career nature, your career style & your career abilities + career weaknesses
- From the two most advanced career tests – Advanced MBTI® Step II™ plus Highlands Ability Tests
- 61 pages info about your career style, career nature, career abilities, career weaknesses & so much more
- Receive 8 career results in 3 career reports
- Includes comprehensive career test consultations and career workbooks
- Most Advanced and Comprehensive Career Tests – MBTI® Step II™ & THAB Ability Tests
- Exclusive career test combination – you can’t find it anywhere else online
- Excellent choice for find a New Career and for Career Development
- Extremely useful for improving Work or Career Performance
- Great for Professionals, Managers, Directors, Executives wanting to excell at work and in their careers
- Receive the 20 Factor (vs 4 factor) MBTI® report about your personality nature and tyle
- Receive the MBTI® career report about your career nature and career style
- Receive the THAB ability report about your career abilities and career weaknesses
- Discover your ideal career environment and work role based on your career abilities
- Receive 2 Career Test CompreConsults to apply career results to your specific situation
- Receive 2 Career Workbooks to more than double your understanding of your career results
- Receive an additional SyntheConsult to pull test results together!
- Receive an additional Customized Career Role Report as well as an Occupational and Educational Implications Career Workbook

This test meets the criteria for the following categories:
Highlands Ability Battery: Success
MBTI® Test and Career Ability Test
Aptitude Test: Career
Performance Test: Capability Test
Aptitude Test: Career Growth
Personality Test for Work
Personality Test with Type Books
Top Career Test: Type+ Aptitudes
Top Test for Career Growth
Career Success by Aptitude Ability
New Career Test: Best Bundles
Career Success: Personality Type
Management: Natural Abilities
Employee Development with THAB
Adult Career Test: Pros /Admin
Highlands Ability Battery: Success
MBTI® Test and Career Ability Test
Aptitude Test: Career
Performance Test: Capability Test
Aptitude Test: Career Growth
Personality Test for Work
Personality Test with Type Books
Top Career Test: Type+ Aptitudes
Top Test for Career Growth
Career Success by Aptitude Ability
New Career Test: Best Bundles
Career Success: Personality Type
Management: Natural Abilities
Employee Development with THAB
Adult Career Test: Pros /Admin